
Tree peony: planting a seedling, reproduction and pruning. Tree peony care: top dressing, preparation for winter

Tree peony is a deciduous shrub that gradually grows to 1.5 meters. Its shoots do not die off every fall, so the plant needs proper care. Peony blooms every year more and more abundantly. Shrub tolerates frost well, it is successfully grown throughout Russia. How to plant a tree peony on a plot The best time for planting a tree peony is the first half of autumn.

If you want to be lucky and be healthy - take the golden root. About the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea and contraindications

Altai folk healers believed in the unique qualities of Rhodiola rosea. Although the recipes for the use of this miraculous plant were kept secret in Tibet, folk methods of healing with the help of Rhodiola rosea were preserved. This name was given to the plant by the Swedish scientist, botanist Karl Linney. A little later, other names appeared - the golden root, Tibetan or Siberian ginseng, pink root.

How to develop a sense of humor in kids

For parents, ringing children's laughter is endless joy. Only here on what our kids laugh? Over someone's misses or witty jokes? And is it possible for a baby to somehow develop a sense of humor? A good sense of humor is a great tool to help in life. It is easy to watch as a child with a good sense of humor looks confident!

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