Maclura - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Maclura - general description

Maclura (“Adam's apple”, “God's tree”, “God's gift”) is a deciduous tree, the height of which often reaches 15-20 meters. The fruit of the plant has healing properties, it has a round shape, in appearance resembles an orange or an apple, has a yellow color, when cut, it smells of fresh cucumber.

Maclura is often used in folk medicine, the fruits are infused with vodka, whose fortress is 50 degrees. From "Adam's apple" make ointment for external use. The fruits of the plant ripen in October, it is during this period that they should be harvested, but, given the fact that they are poisonous, it is better to do this using fabric gloves.

Maclura - types and places of growth

Maclura is the birthplace of South America, it was from there that the fruits were first brought to Russia and spread throughout its territory.

At present, the “Adam's apple” bears fruit in the Krasnodar Territory, in Adygea, in the Caucasus, you can meet maklyura on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. However, the most favorable climate for plants on the American continent and in Central Asia.

Scientists distinguish 12 types of maklura, none of them are edible, but the plant is used quite often as a medicine.

Maclura - healing properties

As the practice of folk healers shows, maclura is quite effective in the treatment of various diseases, in particular, it has a painkiller, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. "Adam's apple" is used in the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, to relieve fatigue, intoxication, strengthen immunity and restore the nervous system.

Hypertension, hemorrhagic pathologies, skin diseases, tumors, gout, spurs on the legs, problems with the prostate gland, disorders in the liver and spleen - all these ailments can also be cured with the help of maklyura.

Maclura - dosage forms

Fruits of maklura are used as a medicine, moreover, the use is carried out exclusively in traditional medicine, in the official “Adam's apple” is not used. From the fruits of the plant are prepared tinctures (on "royal spirit") and ointments. The fruit of the plant is passed through a meat grinder, and then stored in a freezer. Maclura for therapeutic purposes is advised to use with carrot, cabbage or beetroot juices, so the effect will be most pronounced.

Maclura - recipes

Maclura tincture for joint problems, cardiovascular diseases and tumors
Cut the fruits of the plant into small pieces, put them in a glass jar, quickly fill with 50% alcohol and close the lid. The drug should be infused for two months, but they have the greatest effect after the period reaches six months.

Tincture should be taken daily three times a day: start with three drops at a time, increase it next week, gradually reaching a dose of 30 drops (if the patient is more than 30 years old). It is not worth sharply stopping drinking the medicine, approximately at the 30th week the dose should be gradually reduced, having completely finished taking the medicine 60 weeks after its start.

The use of mackle in the treatment of spurs
Rub the tincture of the “Adam's apple” on your heels for the night, then wrap your feet in a woolen shawl or wear socks from the same material.

Use of Maclura in the treatment of intervertebral hernia
Take a piece of tissue and apply a layer of ointment on it, apply it to the back, transfer it from above with compress paper and wrap it in a handkerchief. The interval of such compresses is every other day, the procedure should be carried out for three months.

Maclura - contraindications

Do not forget that maclura is a poisonous plant and you need to handle it accordingly. Side effects can occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and shortness of breath. Medicines based on the “Adam's Apple” are not recommended for use by pregnant women and lactating women.


Watch the video: Osage Orange Health Benefits in Description Tree Fruit Hedge Apple Horse Apple Maclura pomifera (June 2024).