Tonsil inflammation: how to treat? What is inflammation of the tonsils, what symptoms is it accompanied by


From the point of view of anatomy, tonsils are paired lymphatic organs responsible for the formation of local and general immunity. In the ordinary view, tonsils are understood as palatine tonsils (tonsils). Their inflammation is found in the practice of otolaryngologists often, in almost 70% of all cases, and is called tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis is called tonsillitis). Despite such widespread use, this is by no means a harmless pathology.

Infectious pathogens that cause inflammation of the tonsils are willing to settle in the upper respiratory tract and form a chronic source. This infectious focus can manifest itself at the most unexpected moment, in addition, prolonged and sluggish inflammation undermines the strength of the immune system, opening the way for other diseases, including cancer.

Attentive attitude to your health allows you to avoid problems in the future. One should not leave pathological enemies a chance to “relocate” to their own tonsils. For these purposes, it is useful to adopt at least a minimum of medical information.

Tonsil inflammation: causes

There are many sources of acute tonsillitis. Tonsil inflammation never occurs on its own. The reasons may be:

• The presence of an infectious focus near the tonsils. Recently suffered sinusitis, diseased teeth, ears, all this can become a direct source of gland damage. Infectious pathogens affecting the tonsils, as a rule, belong to the group of staphylococci or streptococci (less commonly).

• Drinking cold drinks. Water below room temperature adversely affects the glands: due to the cold, the vessels narrow, local blood flow is disturbed, and the body cannot deliver enough immune cells to the upper respiratory tract. Meanwhile, almost each of us is a carrier of pathogenic bacteria, which for the time being do not make themselves felt and "silently" wait in the wings. This problem is especially relevant in the hot summer months.

• General hypothermia of the body. In this case, the maximum tension of the immunity forces occurs. The body does not have time to neutralize infectious threats in all "areas".

• Inhalation of cold air. Experts do not recommend breathing through the mouth in the cold season. This is a good recommendation: as in the case of cold water, vascular stenosis occurs, and in addition, infectious agents from the surrounding air enter the mucosa. In such conditions, getting sick is even easier.

As you can see, it’s easier to just suffer from inflammation of the tonsils: the causes of this condition are found every day in a normal household environment.

Tonsil inflammation: symptoms

The symptoms of tonsillitis and acute lesions of the tonsils (tonsillitis) are typical and familiar, most likely, to each of us.

• Discomfort in the throat and nasopharynx. The first and most obvious symptom of tonsil damage is a sore throat. It can be burning, bruising and worse when swallowed. In some cases, the patient feels discomfort when breathing. In addition to pain, there is a feeling of a foreign object in the throat, pressure, bursting.

• Manifestations of intoxication. The temperature rises to 37.5-39 degrees, the patient experiences headache, drowsiness and weakness. These are nonspecific manifestations and should be evaluated in combination.

• Hoarseness of voice. The patient’s voice changes: it can become hoarse, hoarse, or completely disappear.

Upon examination, the doctor discovers a purulent, yellowish-white coating on the tonsils. In the mornings, the patient himself can notice a purulent discharge from the glands in the form of translucent liquid pus or its clots (plugs).

• In severe cases, the development of edema and respiratory failure (this is most typical for angina) is possible. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the patient’s life, and also delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations: the patient cannot eat normally, even sleep.

• A prolonged course of both acute and chronic inflammation can lead to damage to the lower respiratory tract. Then a cough will be added to the already mentioned symptoms (first dry, then with clear or purulent sputum).

With inflammation of the tonsils, the symptoms not only deliver a lot of discomfort, but also pose a direct threat to the life and health of the patient.

Tonsil inflammation: diagnosis

In patients with tonsillitis, the diagnosis is not very difficult even for an inexperienced doctor. The patient is urged to contact the clinic at the first manifestations of discomfort in the throat or nasopharynx. The question arises: which specialist to go to? There are several options.

• Therapist. A kind of "navigator" among doctors. It is recommended to go to him first thing. The therapist conducts an initial examination and decides which specialist to refer the patient to.

• Otolaryngologist. A specialized doctor dealing with pathologies of the ears and upper respiratory tract. Also known as ENT doctor.

• Allergologist. In rare cases, tonsil inflammation may be due to an allergic factor. In this case, an allergist-immunologist will come to the rescue.

The standard tactics for diagnosing tonsil inflammation begins with an oral questioning of the patient. This is called a medical history. The specialist asks questions about the nature of complaints, their limitations, etc. This is not idle curiosity, so the specialist draws up the initial picture. In the future, doctors resort to the following methods:

• Inspection. A visual assessment of the pharynx is necessary for a correct diagnosis. Various forms of angina have characteristic manifestations.

• Smears. To determine the pathogen, they resort to taking a smear from the throat. Without determining the infectious agent, it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment.

In most cases, these simple medical manipulations are enough for a correct diagnosis. The situation is more complicated if tonsillitis has already turned into a chronic form. In this case, laboratory tests cannot be dispensed with. The most informative is a general blood test. The clinical picture is typical of any inflammatory process of an infectious origin: leukocytosis, increased ESR.

In addition, additional tests may be required to identify c-reactive protein, antibodies, etc. The list of necessary tests is determined by the doctor.

Tonsil inflammation: treatment

Despite the fact that tonsillitis and tonsillitis are relatively easy to treat, you should not neglect medical care. It is enough to miss the moment and the disease will go into the chronic stage, then frequent and prolonged relapses with trips to the hospital and other unsightly attributes of the patient’s life are ensured. It is most reasonable to consult a doctor, and then carefully follow all the recommendations until they are completely cured.

The goals of treating tonsil inflammation are two: to relieve symptoms and eliminate the causative agent of the disease. For this, several groups of drugs are used.

• For the destruction of pathogens, antiseptic solutions are widely used. At home, you can use a solution of boric acid (a teaspoon in one glass of water), hydrogen peroxide (one percent, diluted in the same proportions as the acid), and the notorious furatsilin. These remedies are affordable and effective. You can give preference to ready-made products from the pharmacy: iodinol, a solution of silver, etc. Before using them, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergy.

• In more severe cases, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. Self-administration is strictly prohibited. Uncontrollably taking antibacterial drugs, the patient does a big favor to uninvited infectious guests: they actively develop resistance and then destroy such pathogens is almost impossible. The doctor prescribes antibiotics only after taking a smear for sensitivity to antibiotics.

• To alleviate sore throat, rinse with herbs (chamomile, for example), as well as special plates and lozenges (Faringosept, Strepsils and many other names).

It is important to keep in mind. It is impossible to do without rinsing. In addition to the direct action of drugs, there is a mechanical "leaching" of bacteria.

Tonsil inflammation: prevention

Preventive measures are simple and known to everyone:

• Do not get involved in cold water even in the hot season.

• You can reduce the risk of illness by always being warm.

• It is not advisable to breathe with your mouth in winter.

• It is time to carry out rehabilitation of sources of possible infection: carious cavities, etc.

Tonsil inflammation is widespread, but this does not mean that you can approach this problem through the sleeves. On the contrary, with an irresponsible attitude, there is a great risk of paying for one's own health. Fortunately, the pathology is easily eliminated, in addition, it can be prevented. It is enough to follow simple rules.


Watch the video: Strep Tonsillitis - Dr. Ari Goldsmith (June 2024).