The strongest prayers to Matrona of Moscow


In the Orthodox world, the blessed Matrona is one of the most revered saints, despite the fact that the canonization took place recently (in 2004). Her divine gift of healing was sent along with the greatest trials.

What is the power of Matrona of Moscow?

From birth, the girl was blind, and at the age of 17 she lost her ability to walk. Although the diseases of the body were severely tested by Matron, she did not lose faith and was active as an associate of Christianity. But her most important mission was healing. On the day of the prayer book, she took more than four dozen sufferers and did not refuse to help anyone, even if her own state of health left much to be desired. At night, a woman prayed, and in the morning she was met again by a stream of people coming to her.

The matron believed that the true saint lives by faith and is not engaged in occult acts. She did not advise attaching great importance to dreams, she did not scold sinners, but tried to guide her on the right path. After the death of the blessed in 1952 (she was 70 years old), the faithful continued to glorify her activities, which eventually led to a well-deserved general church canonization.

The prayer of the holy old woman is lifted up in moments of great despair. Her grace descends on the one who asks, and he is filled with faith.

What can you ask Matron Moscow?

Believers know that requests for the holy old woman are offered with due respect. She is always open to conversion and blesses everyone who needs her help. Someone asks Mother for bail in money matters, others need assistance in love matters. Her image is endowed with tremendous power, so you can ask the following Matrona of Moscow:

  • A cure for a serious illness;
  • Finding financial balance;
  • Protect yourself and loved ones from enemies and their wiles;
  • About conception and birth of a healthy child.

We will give the texts of the most famous prayers addressed to the blessed old woman.

Matrona of Moscow for help

In moments of strong spiritual despair, we often succumb to weakness and fall into temptation. But sometimes trials become a test of strength or turn infidels into genuine Christians filled with God's grace. To ask and receive a reward - this is one of the dogmas of Orthodoxy. Ask for help to the old woman Matrona, she will never refuse the suffering, if his need is great. The text of the appeal in Old Slavonic sounds like this:

"Oh, blessed mother of Matron, we resort to your intercession and we tearfully pray to you. For the possessing great boldness of the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servant, in the grief of those who are in compassion and help from you who ask. Truly the word of the Lord: ask and be given to you Paki: As you are two, you are deliberating on the earth about all things that you ask for, will be imagined by my Father, whoever is in Heaven. Hear our condemnation and to the throne Vladychya, and you can wait for God, the prayer of the righteous can much before God May God not forget us to the end, He shall look from heaven to the tribulation of his servants, and give the fruit of the womb to that which is profitable. Indeed, God bless you, so did the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. God bless you and God with grace your own and ineffable humanity. Blessed be the name of the Lord, both from now and forever. Amen. "

Reading the prayer book, correctly place the emphasis and emphasis on the logical conclusion of the phrases. If assistance is required to improve the situation in the labor issue, a prayer for help in the work of the Matrona of Moscow is pronounced (this and other prayers for finding work can be found here).

About health and healing

Health is priceless, but if you hit a strong malady, the suffering person is ready to give all the money that he has, just to regain form. It is hard to hurt, but sometimes even greater torment brings observation of the suffering of a loved one. One can ask for healing from Mother Matrona not only for oneself, but also about the health of the spouse, relatives and children. If surgery is on the agenda, it is imperative that you read the holy prayer. The prayer for the health of the Matron of Moscow is long enough, but learn it fully:

"Oh Blessed Mother Matrono, hear and receive us now, sinners, praying to you, skill in all your living, accepting and hearing all those who suffer and grieving, with faith and hope to your intercession and help of those who resort, quick help and miraculous healing to all who give now your mercy will not become scanty for us, unworthy, restless in the multitude of this world and nowhere find solace and compassion in the bereaved and help in bodily diseases: heal our diseases, save us from the temptations and torments of the devil, passionately fighting, prayer and bring your life Cross, carry all the life and not lose in it the image of God, the Orthodox faith until the end of our days to save, hope and hope for God strong imagination and unfeigned love for others, help us to leave the Kingdom of Heavenly by all who pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Father in Heaven, in the Trinity slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen! "

A loving mother will no doubt give life for her child. But this is sometimes not enough. Severe illness that has overtaken the baby is a terrible test for the mother, who does not know how to help, and from this falls into despair. You can cope with anxiety and speed up healing with the help of miraculous help from the blessed old lady. To start, order a prayer for the health of the child in the church. Before the image of the Matrona put twelve candles. The prayer for the health of the child Matrona of Moscow is read with the maximum concentration:

Blessed Staritsa Matrona, heal my sick child and do not punish him for the sins of generations. Amen".

While waiting for the execution of the request, do not stop the treatment and constantly monitor the condition of the child with medical professionals.

Prayer on the matron trade

Even the most confident and energetic person is capable of losing faith in himself if things do not go. In the sphere of trade, this happens often: only today the business seemed successful and profitable, and the very next minute everything could go to ashes. There are situations when little depends on the merchant himself. The overwhelming force of circumstances, including downturns in the economy and changes in world politics, often destroys all plans.

A prayer addressed to the Saint Matron will help break the vicious cycle. When referring to the mother can not be concluded in the soul of selfish thoughts. You are asking to improve the situation of your affairs: at the same time, it is impossible to wish evil to competitors or penalties to those who hurt your business. Holy does not accept malicious treatment. Try to keep optimism and emotional balance. The words during prayer are pronounced as follows:

"I rely on you, Great Matrona, with admiration I pray you for help on difficult days. Always your righteous and punished sinners protect you. Send me money, help me to clear my soul from envy and anger. Teach me to choose the right way for the blessings of food and necessary expenses. Bless and ask for me before the Almighty. Do not be angry at the paucity of my soul, be merciful. And it will be so. Amen! "

If your wish comes true, donate in the name of Matrona part of the funds for charity.

Prayer to the Matron for protection, blessing

The intrigues of the enemies are like bullets, they are taken by surprise, and it is difficult to hide from them. Damage, an evil eye, a succession of confusions in personal life and in a professional field - all this can be a coincidence, but sometimes constant unhappiness testifies to the induction of damage. How to protect yourself from evil and keep pure spirit and lofty thoughts? True faith and prayer reading will help. The latter ascend to the Glory of Matrona of Moscow. The blessed one should ask for patronage through the following prayer book:

"Oh, Blessed Staritsa Matrona. I trust in you and ask for protection from evil enemies. Deliver me from the attacks of the enemy and ask the Lord God for holy mercy. Protect me before the Almighty and return the evil power of the enemy. So be it. Amen!"

You can also enlist the blessing of an old woman with this prayer:

"Holy Matrona, protect me from the Likhodeans and enemies, and during the day light, and at night dark, and at home, and on the road send down the guardian angel. I believe in your Divine power, for the forgiveness of the gracious, tirelessly pray. From the evil eye of the severe and from spoiling the enemy deliver me. Do not punish me, forgive my enemies. "

Turning to the blessed, remember that her power is great, but only real faith can bring the fulfillment of the request.


Watch the video: Самая сильная молитва Матроне Московской о помощи, исцелении и счастье. (July 2024).