Salads with meat - the best recipes. How to cook meat salads correctly and tasty.


Salads with meat - general principles and methods of preparation

In order for a person to live in vigor and health, he does not need any specific products. He needs energy and a certain complex of substances that he draws from food. The body itself is not able to synthesize the components that it receives with food.

So, the meat-eaters rejoice! It is meat that perfectly fits into the scientific concept that was given above. This is the most important food product, which can not be abandoned in any way, since it has a high nutritional value. Meat fats not only form the aroma and taste of the product, but also determine the energy value of meat. Consuming meat and meat products, a person provides his body with iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur and a number of trace elements: iodine, zinc, cobalt and copper.

Therefore, meat salads, fresh and properly cooked, are necessary.

Salads with meat - preparation of products

The meat for the salad you need to choose fresh and high quality. Young beef has creamy white fat, and it is light red, but not burgundy. It smells like fresh meat with milk. The dark color of the pulp and yellow fat indicate that the meat is old.

Fresh pork has white fat and pink homogeneous meat. When pressed with a finger, the meat should spring, and not be squeezed.

A puddle of water under the meat means that sellers watered it so that it would not get windy. Such a product should not be taken. After lying in the hot season for a couple of hours in the water, the meat becomes hazardous to health.

Vegetables must be selected ripe, but not overripe. They should delight both the stomach and the eye.

It’s better to avoid the use of mayonnaise, but it is present in our recipes. You can change it to a mixture of sour cream and soy sauce. It is also delicious. If you still use mayonnaise, you need to use it only in the required amount.

Salads with meat - preparation of dishes

Cutting the ingredients of any salad, you need to know what knife and what it is for. One knife for everything is economical, but wrong. There should be special knives for vegetables: for cleaning vegetables and for chopping them.

There is also a separate knife for cutting meat from the bone. This is not too long a knife with a wide base and a narrow end of the blade. With this configuration, it will easily bypass any bone, gently freeing it from meat. It is good to cut sausages and meat with a long narrow knife with serrations on the cutting surface.

Knives should be sharp always! A dull knife will lead to injuries in the kitchen faster than a sharp knife.
To prevent the knife from becoming dull longer, do not use solid cutting boards. Ceramic, glass and metal boards are good, but not for knives. Use wooden boards, but get enough of them. For meat, for bread, for fish and so on.

Salads with meat - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Elementary Salad

Not every salad should be the pinnacle of culinary art. Sometimes you just need to cook something very tasty, but in a hurry. Everything is very simple. The hostess will help out such a salad if the guests are already practically here.


Pork pulp without fat - 250 grams, 2 eggs, 400 grams of tomato and potato, mayonnaise for dressing, ground black pepper, a little salt and a sprig of greens for beauty. If there is no mayonnaise, you can replace it with a universal dressing, for which you need to mix: wine vinegar - 30 ml, ½ tbsp. olive oil, salt and pepper, crushed clove of garlic.

Cooking method

Hard boiled eggs. Cook the potatoes in their uniforms until fully cooked. Cut the meat into large pieces and cook until tender. All components are cooled. Chilled potatoes cut into thin slices. Chilled meat is cut into small pieces. Cut the tomatoes into strips. We divide eggs into proteins and yolks. Knead the yolks, and rub the proteins on a grater.

At the bottom of a deep salad bowl we put a layer of tomatoes, then meat and, finally, potatoes. Each layer is slightly salted and pepper (if necessary) and covered with mayonnaise. Add protein to the top layer of mayonnaise, and yolk over it. Decorate the salad with greens.

Recipe 2: Mysterious Meat Salad

Fresh cucumber and green apple give the beef salad a spicy flavor and create intrigue. Let the guests try to unravel the secret of the ingredients of this salad. In any case, the hostess who created this masterpiece will receive universal attention and praise.


Boiled beef - 300 grams, one green cucumber and fresh apple, hard cheese (150 gr.), 2 boiled eggs and 1 onion, 1 lemon, a bunch of dill and lettuce, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Cut the apple and beef into thin strips, grate the cheese and eggs, and cut the cucumber into strips. Sprinkle chopped onion lightly with lemon juice. Chop the dill.

Line the bottom of a deep glass salad bowl with lettuce. Form a salad from layers of ingredients. Salt and pepper layers to taste. We lay out the layers in the following sequence: beef, onion, mayonnaise, apple, again mayonnaise, cheese with dill, again mayonnaise, cucumber, mayonnaise, eggs and the last layer of mayonnaise. Top salad must be decorated.

Recipe 3: Salad with meat "Oriental Bazaar"

Since the bazaar is oriental, there is no pork here and cannot be, but there are nuts and prunes, without which there is no oriental bazaar. This is another of the puff salads, but ... with its own twist. Rather, with prunes. It has a rich and pleasant taste. Boiled beef in the recipe is easily replaced by turkey, making the dietary basis of the salad.


200 grams of boiled beef, 4 hard-boiled eggs, hard cheese (150 gr.), 100 gr. prune-free prunes, 3 small cucumbers (salted or pickled), 100 grams of green peas (canned), 1 onion, 50-70 grams of cedar nuts (if desired), mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Finely chop the meat, prunes, cucumbers and onions. Pour onion with boiling water for a couple of minutes and then rinse in cold running water. It will be delicious and crispy, but will not irritate the stomach. Grate cheese and eggs and mix with each other, adding a little mayonnaise. Calcined nuts in a dry frying pan. So they will become even tastier.

Take a deep salad bowl and lubricate the inside with vegetable oil. We cover the dishes with cling film so that there are still free edges. Grease the film in the salad bowl with mayonnaise. We spread part of the egg-cheese mixture, mixed with mayonnaise to the bottom, and cover it with prunes on this layer. The edges of the layer are covered with a small fraction of the egg-cheese mixture. Prune on top lightly smeared with mayonnaise. The next layer is meat. The edges are again egg-cheese. On top of the layer is mayonnaise. The next layer is pickled cucumbers. The edges are again egg-cheese. Mayonnaise. We fill in green peas over the entire surface of the last layer and lubricate it with mayonnaise evenly. We cover the salad with the edges of the film and put the dish in the refrigerator for an hour.

Having taken the salad out of the refrigerator, we open the edges of the film, press the dish against the upper surface of the salad bowl and quickly turn the salad bowl upside down! The salad turned out to be laid out on a plate on a plate. It remains to decorate it with nuts and herbs.

Salads with meat - useful tips from experienced chefs

Salads need to be decorated. The aesthetic component in cooking plays an important role. Everything should give not only edible, but also beautiful.

To decorate the salad with greens, it’s enough not to chop a whole bunch, but to put a couple of twigs. For such purposes, young leaves or even the tips of the leaves are taken. Tomatoes for decoration are cut into thin slices, slices or circles. Cucumbers can be cut into circles. In this case, the peel is not necessary to remove, so as not to violate the color scheme.

Interesting decorations are obtained from boiled eggs, slices of pepper or boiled carrots. Beautiful lilies are made from onions.

Mayonnaise may be colorful. Ready mustard will make it yellow, red wine and beetroot juice - cherry, tomato - orange, and sorrel puree - green. A mesh of mayonnaise is also a salad decoration. It can be done using a cooking syringe or parchment paper if you roll it up and cut off the tip.

You can gently chop hard cheese by heating the knife in hot water. A knife chilled in the freezer will help to nicely divide the ready-made puff salad into portions.


Watch the video: Easy Greek Salad recipe, super healthy and delicious, how to cook. (June 2024).