Cranberries: beneficial properties of the berry. Cranberries: contraindications and possible side effects


Ruby balls of cranberries, the useful properties of which leave no doubt, have a sour-bitter taste. “Bursting” in the mouth, the berry gives us a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which favorably affect the work of all internal systems of the body.

Mostly, cranberries grow in Russia, but berries can be found in almost all corners of the globe in frozen form. It is perfect for making jam, as a filling for pies. Of course, the most useful cranberries will be fresh.

Cranberries: beneficial properties and composition

Berry Composition:

• vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, C, K, A;

• trace elements - iodine, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, sodium, calcium.

There are only 30 Kcal per 100 grams of product, so the berry is not banned for use by those who monitor their weight.

Cranberries: beneficial properties

1. Excellent blood thinner.

2. Promotes the normalization of blood pressure.

3. Improves appetite, metabolic and digestive processes in the body.

4. Effective for colds - reduces intoxication and is characterized by antipyretic properties.

5. Strengthens the immune system of adults and children.

6. Cranberry decoctions are useful for cystitis, the berry is characterized by a diuretic effect.

7. Cleanses the body, removes toxins, toxins and other stagnants from it.

8. Allows you to restore strength, replenishes the deficit of nutrients with vitamin deficiency.

Cranberries, the beneficial properties of which were listed above, are also considered a natural antibiotic, therefore it is especially recommended to eat it for colds. It has been proven that the berry is at times better at fighting infections than expensive pharmacy drugs.

The use of cranberries for medicinal purposes

1. With a cold. Cranberry drinks perfectly quench thirst, have diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Using an infusion of berries 2-3 times a day, you can quickly remove the symptoms of a cold.

2. People with high blood pressure are recommended to eat 2-3 tablespoons of berries per day. You can also grind cranberries in a blender, add honey to the resulting mass and use the product in this form.

3. With vitamin deficiency, cranberries are indispensable. Berry-based compote is boiled and drunk throughout the day. Such a drink is useful for both adults and children, especially during an exacerbation of infectious infections. Berries make up for the deficiency of nutrients in the body, which allows the body to create an invisible defense and fight diseases.

4. Cranberry juice is prescribed for cystitis, as it contains a special substance that does not allow bacteria to “linger” on the walls of the bladder.

5. With angina, cranberry juice is used to gargle.

Cranberries: beneficial properties and medicinal recipes based on berries

It will be useful for every housewife to know the recipes for several cranberry infusions to be ready for any ailment.

1. A prophylactic for children. Cranberries, raisins, nuts (3 tablespoons each) are added in the same proportion to a deep container. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and honey is also added here. All components are crushed, transferred to a jar. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator, it is recommended to use it for children daily, one spoonful on an empty stomach.

2. What else is good cranberries? The beneficial properties of the product can also be used to wash open wounds. For this, the berries are boiled in water, then the liquid is filtered. Such an agent is an antiseptic, disinfects a wound.

3. For the treatment of inflammation of the bladder. 3 tablespoons of kidney tea and 2 tablespoons of cranberries are poured with boiling water, boiled for 15-20 minutes, then insisted until completely cooled. The mixture is filtered, the remaining liquid is drunk in equal portions during the day.

4. Regardless of the fact that cranberries also have contraindications, it is not prohibited for gastritis; on the contrary, it is recommended. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of berries, peppermint, plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage. All herbs are added in the same proportion - 1 tablespoon each. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted until it cools completely in a dark place. Before use, you need to strain the drink and drink 1 glass half an hour before a meal. Infusion calms the stomach, normalizes its work.

Cranberries are very useful. Contraindications are not so extensive, therefore, since the time of great-grandmothers, the berry was considered the best medicine for all diseases.

Cranberry Billets

In addition to medicines from berries, you can cook a lot of everything tasty. Cranberries, whose beneficial properties are preserved in any form, will be useful for each member of the family.

Sliced ​​berries with sugar

It is good to sort 1 kg of cranberries and boil for about 8-10 minutes. Then you need to throw them in a colander so that the glass is all the excess fluid. About 800 grams of sugar is added to the berries, everything is passed through the combine until a homogeneous mass is formed. Such a vitamin “dish” can be wrapped in jars and left for the winter, or you can simply put it in the refrigerator and eat a little every day.

Healthy cranberry juice

200 grams of berries are blanched for 10-15 minutes, then they are well kneaded and boiled for another 15 minutes. When the drink cools down a little, honey is added to it. Attention! In no case can honey be added to boiling water, so it loses all its beneficial properties. Ready fruit drink is used chilled.

Cranberry Mogul

Mogul-mogul is loved by all small children - it is tasty and healthy. However, few people know that cranberries can also be added there to saturate it with even more vitamins. For cooking, you need to beat 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of cranberry syrup, 400 grams of milk and 3 tablespoons of honey in a blender to a homogeneous mass. Serve the drink in chilled form.

Mistress on a note! Cranberries, whose beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on human health, can be used in cooking to decorate certain dishes. The sour taste of berries goes well with fish and meat. For example, you can bake chicken fillet in the oven by sprinkling it with 100 g of cranberries - the dish will amaze every member of the family with its incredible taste.

Cranberries: contraindications and precautions

Despite the usefulness of the berry, you need to know the situations when it is not recommended to eat it.

Cranberries: contraindications

1. Berries are prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance to the product. Have to abandon the product in any form.

2. With an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, it is strictly forbidden to use cranberries.

3. With caution, berries should be eaten in case of hypotension.

4. During pregnancy and in the lactation period, before consuming berries, it is advisable to consult your doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the fetus.

Cranberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications for use in food of which were described above, are really very tasty and affordable for everyone. Each hostess will now be able to please her loved ones with delicious vitamin fruit drinks and vitamin jam. The main thing is to know the measure and not overeat the berry, as this can lead to pain in the stomach.


Watch the video: Cranberry Health Benefits for Your Whole Body - Heart and Thyroid Advantages of this Tart Fruit (July 2024).