Kiwi diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about kiwi diet and examples of recipes.


Kiwi diet - description and general principles

Kiwi is a useful low-calorie product, a two or four-day diet on it allows you to lose from one to several kilograms. The main secret of effective weight loss with kiwi is that this fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C and potassium, which in combination actively remove fluid from the body, tighten muscles and stimulate the production of collagen, which makes the skin supple. In addition, a kiwi diet involves limiting the use of high-calorie foods. Such a symbiosis allows you to achieve good results.

Kiwi is best consumed before meals or half an hour after a meal. However, an effective kiwi diet should be used only by healthy people, the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract or duodenum completely exclude such a nutrition system.

Kiwi diet - what foods can I eat

Kiwi diet allows the use of the following products:
- cottage cheese;
- citrus fruits;
- ground wheat germ:
- semolina;
- milk;
- yogurt;
- diet bread;
- boiled chicken breast;
- boiled or steamed fish;
- chicken eggs;
- herbal solutions or green tea;
- tomato, vegetable and fish soups;
- in rare cases, a glass of dry white wine.

Kiwi diet - what foods should not be eaten

If you decide to "go" on a diet, the main product of which is kiwi, avoid eating the following foods:
- lemonade;
- sweets;
- fast food;
- smoked products;
- semi-finished products with artificial additives;
- coffee;
- strong black tea;
- alcoholic drinks.

Kiwi diet - menu examples

Option No. 1 (from 3 to 7 days, weight loss from 3-4 kg)

This diet involves eating food from 4 to 6 times a day, moreover, specifically those products that are listed on the menu.

First breakfast - fruit salad with oatmeal and wheat sprouts
The salad recipe is extremely simple, for its preparation you need green kiwi, apple, grapefruit, 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of wheat sprouts (chop), 150 grams of yogurt (non-fat).
Mix the salad and let it stand for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator so that it is better soaked and acquires a pleasant taste.

Lunch - Cocktail
Take freshly squeezed juice of grapefruit and orange, 150 grams of mineral water (without gas) and 2 tablespoons of wheat sprouts (chopped).

Lunch - knelles
From one glass of milk (200 grams) and 30 grams of semolina should porridge be cooked, then add to it? teaspoon of natural honey, a little vanilla, 1 tablespoon of wheat germ (chopped) and 1 yolk (inject gradually).
From the resulting mass, you need to create small knels (pieces of dough), put them on previously sliced ​​kiwi slices. Bake mini-cakes in the oven or in the microwave, pour the strawberry and yogurt sauce on top.

Afternoon snack - cocktail
200 grams of kiwi chop, add? cups of low-fat natural yogurt and 1 teaspoon of whey, add some chopped pistachios ...

Dinner - Sandwich
Grind 1-2 kiwis, mix with 50 grams of cottage cheese (low-fat). Smear a piece of dietary bread with a little butter, sprinkle with chopped mint leaves and put kiwi with cottage cheese on top.
A sandwich is eaten along with 1 glass of yogurt, in which wheat sprouts (ground) are added.

Kiwi diet - option number 2 (2 days, weight loss from 1 to 3 kg)

1st day

- 3 kiwi;
- a small cheese sandwich of hard varieties (avoid oils);
- 1 boiled egg;
- 1 cup of tea (sugar free).
- 5 kiwi;
- vegetable salad (do not salt);
- 250 grams of boiled chicken breast.
- 2 kiwis;
- 250 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
- 1 cup of juice, water or a cup of green (can be herbal) tea.
Before bedtime:
- 1 cup of whey or kefir (low fat content).

2nd day

- 3 kiwi;
- fried eggs made from 2 chicken eggs;
- a slice of rye bread;
- 1 glass of juice.
- 4 kiwis;
- 300 grams of boiled fish (low-fat);
- 3 ripe tomatoes;
- a small dry toast;
- a cup of green or herbal tea.
- a salad of 2 kiwi and other fruits (choose yourself), use natural orange juice and natural yogurt as a dressing;
- 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
- 1 boiled egg;
Before bedtime:
- 1 kiwi;
- 50 grams of low fat cottage cheese.

Kiwi diet - option number 3 (the number of days depends on the well-being of the person, weight loss from 1 to 4 kg)

- 1 kiwi;
- 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

- 1 kiwi;
- 1 cup of herbal tea.

- Qiwi (at your discretion);
- 1 cup of broth (non-greasy).

- jelly on fructose with the addition of kiwi;
- 1 cup of herbal infusion.

Before bedtime:
- 1 cup of chamomile tea.

Kiwi diet - option number 4 (several days, from 1 to 3 kg)

The menu is approximate, for one day, then variations are possible, for example, stew can be replaced with boiled chicken (preferred breast), vegetable soup with fish, it is allowed to vary the composition of a fruit cocktail.

- salad of kiwi, apple, yogurt and honey, you can add oatmeal.

- 2 kiwis;
- 1 cup of natural juice.

- 2 kiwis;
- a cup of vegetable soup;
- some stew;
- a fresh vegetable salad;
- a cup of green tea.

- a kiwi cocktail (possible variations are juice or milk shakes);

- 2-3 kiwi;
- 250 grams of low-fat fresh cottage cheese.

People who want their body to be always in good shape may not practice dieting, but simply arrange fasting days once a week using a product like kiwi. This approach to nutrition will allow you to cleanse the body, get rid of edema, make the skin more elastic, and muscles are tightened.

Fasting day ration
1 kilogram of kiwi.
Herbal decoction or green tea without sugar.
Still mineral water.

Kiwi diet - useful tips and reviews

When choosing a kiwi diet, you should eat 4 to 7 times a day.

Diet is strictly contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.

On days that are not on the diet, you can eat kiwi juice, it is very healthy and burns fats perfectly.

The effect of a kiwi diet will be better if its use is combined with physical activity.


Slender girl 03/21/2016
The fourth version of the diet, generally cool! Yes, I, with such a set of products, in general I have been living my entire conscious life))) And neither of which, I feel great. Kiwi is indeed a wonderful fruit. And after various holidays of the abdomen (birthdays, etc.), I eat a lot of citrus fruits and kiwi, since I have long known about their effect on weight.

Olga 03/21/2016
Unfortunately, my stomach is not all right, so I will not try this diet. By the way, it ruined the stomach with various diets, long and short. And invariably, gaining weight again. Although this option with kiwi is most likely effective. But, health is more expensive. I will advise sister, she generally loves kiwi.

Svetlana 03/21/2016
By the way, the diet is well balanced. And dairy products, and meat, and vitamins. A complete diet. Especially the second option, well, very attractive)) And the prohibitions on fast food and coffee are natural for all diets. Anyway, for proper nutrition. About coffee - it's a pity of course, since I just adore it.

Yanochka 03/21/2016
And I was on this diet! It helps 100% True, I had to throw it off, I had a little ... In general, I ate on the diet for 4 days, and I have never broken anything. In the sense - I didn’t eat too much. Although, usually, in the evening I always really want something (especially sweet))). So, if you want to quickly throw off a couple of kilos - this diet is ideal.

Anika 03/21/2016
ABOUT! A very attractive diet. In it there are so many products allowed for consumption - to starve, you definitely will not have to! And it's nice that the contained vitamins and potassium will tighten the skin. Agree, this is just a find. Two in one, so to speak. I've heard a lot of positive things about kiwi, although I myself am indifferent to this fruit. You can try, especially since it does not take long to torment)))


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