Cottage cheese casserole with milk - no crumbs left! Indulge home-made cottage cheese casseroles in milk - with cherries, condensed milk, raisins


Cottage cheese casseroles, not without reason, are considered one of the most tender, and, perhaps, therefore, the most beloved.

If men in your family run the menu, and the most popular dishes are brutal pasties, chops or roast beef with blood, offer a cottage cheese casserole, they say, in each lion there lives a small, playful lion cub.

Cottage cheese casseroles in milk - general principles of preparation

• Cottage cheese - the main component of the "test" for cottage cheese casseroles. His choice is not limited to certain rules. In cottage cheese casseroles with milk, cottage cheese of any fat content and grain size is suitable, the main thing is that the dairy product is fresh.

• When preparing the casserole mass, the cottage cheese is mixed with other ingredients and beat well with a mixer or interrupted with a blender. If the recipe does not involve whipping with a blender, the cottage cheese is pre-ground on a rare sieve or passed through a meat grinder, with a fine grill installed. This allows you to make the "dough" more uniform, without the admixture of grains.

• Milk is used non-fat, 3.2% fat content of the dairy product is the most suitable. You can take homemade milk, but it should be diluted with water.

• In cottage cheese casseroles with milk, eggs are added for juiciness and better bonding of the components. If the semolina is required according to the recipe, it is always soaked in milk so that it swells well.

• Cottage cheese casseroles in milk can be prepared with dry or fresh berries and fruits, with boiled cereals and oatmeal. They are baked in the oven or slow cooker in the "Baking" mode. Cooking time and temperature are always indicated in the recipe.

• To make the finished dish freely come out of the form or bowl of the multicooker, put a thin layer of oil on their bottom and walls and only after that lay the curd mass. For reliability, the oil layer is sprinkled with flour or semolina.

• Cottage cheese casseroles in milk - independent dishes. They are usually served with sour cream, high-quality condensed milk, jam or specially prepared sauces.

Curd casserole with milk and raisins


• 250 gr. elastic 9% cottage cheese;

• two eggs;

• half a glass of cow's milk;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a small bag of vanillin;

• semolina - two spoons;

• butter, "Peasant" butter - 30 gr.;

• a spoonful of clean vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour semolina into cold milk, mix and leave to swell for about 10 minutes. Do not skip this action, otherwise the casserole will turn out to be stiff and too dense.

2. Wash the raisins with hot water and dry it from excess moisture by folding it onto a sieve.

3. Grind cottage cheese with a meat grinder or grind the product through a rare sieve.

4. Beat eggs with salt in a separate bowl with a mixer, granulated sugar and vanilla. Beat until the mass is full of splendor and becomes homogeneous.

5. Then add the softened butter cut into pieces, the swollen semolina, cottage cheese and beat well with a mixer again. You can just stir with a spoon. Add raisins at the end.

6. Apply butter to the inner surface of the refractory mold and sprinkle well with semolina.

7. Transfer the “dough” for the casserole into a mold, smooth the surface and put it for a period of up to 40 minutes in a hot oven.

8. In the first half of the time, the cabinet door cannot be opened, otherwise the dish will settle.

Cottage cheese casserole in milk - "Tender, like a souffle"


• half a kilo of home-made cottage cheese;

• three eggs;

• butter, "Traditional" butter - 60 gr.;

• three spoons with a hill of sugar;

• three tablespoons of semolina;

• 3 tablespoons "with a hill" of fat sour cream;

• a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Melt in any way, at low temperature, butter and cool it well.

2. Add sour cream, sugar, semolina and vanilla. Stir everything thoroughly with a spoon and break the eggs into the mixture. Put the cottage cheese and beat everything with a blender. The mixture should be a homogeneous, reminiscent of pasta with its consistency. After that, beat the mass with a mixer as well, but not for long, ten minutes at an average speed will be enough.

3. Lubricate the inside of the mold, with a diameter of approximately 25 cm, with oil, sprinkle with flour and fill with the curd mass.

4. Place in the oven and bake at 160 degrees until cooked. Cooking time can vary from one to one and a half hours and depends on the capacity of the oven.

5. The degree of readiness can be checked after an hour by piercing the surface with a wooden stick in the middle area. If at the same time it remains dry - get the casserole, it is ready.

Simple curd casserole on condensed milk - "Camping"


• tin can of whole condensed milk;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• three large eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl. Break eggs into it and mix at low speeds with a mixer. Given the “camping” version of the recipe, beat with a fork or a strong whisk is also acceptable.

2. Add cottage cheese and mix again with a mixer.

3. Pour the resulting mass into the prepared round shape and place in the oven.

4. After about 45 minutes, when the dish is ready, make sure to check it with a toothpick piercing.

Air curd casserole in milk with sour cream


• 900 gr. homemade cottage cheese;

• sugar refined sugar - 2/3 cup;

• three raw eggs;

• half a glass of dry semolina;

• half a glass of 20% sour cream;

• a small bag of vanilla powder or sugar;

• a handful of dark pitted raisins;

• pasteurized milk, medium fat - 1/2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Scald raisins with boiling water and leave it for 10 minutes in warm water. Drain the water, rinse the raisins again and dry them by spreading them over a linen napkin.

2. Pour semolina with cold milk, and, like raisins, soak for a quarter of an hour.

3. With a whisk, mix the granulated sugar with two eggs.

4. Twist the cottage cheese in a meat grinder and mix it with sweet egg mass, sour cream and swollen semolina.

5. Add the raisins, lightly salt and add the vanillin, mix and transfer to a pre-prepared form.

6. Slightly blot the egg with a spoon of sour cream and smear the surface with the mixture.

7. Bake for about one hour at a temperature not exceeding 180 degrees.

Rice and cottage cheese casserole in milk, with apples in a slow cooker


• 70 ml of pasteurized milk;

• 100 gr. dry semolina;

• 150 gr. white sugar;

• 600 gr. cottage cheese 12% fat;

• two tablespoons of dark sugar;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• half a spoon of baking soda;

• ten fresh or frozen cherries, pitted;

• a spoon of table vinegar;

• one sweet and sour apple;

• 70 gr. round grain rice;

• a spoonful of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Put the well-washed rice groats in a cooking bowl. Pour one and a half liters of water, and boil in the "Porridge" mode. Be sure to salt, and rinse and dry the finished rice.

2. Pour milk into semolina, mix and leave for half an hour. Then mix the swollen semolina with slaked soda in vinegar.

3. Beat eggs with regular sugar until foam. Add to them, stirring, cottage cheese and semolina.

4. Add cinnamon with dark sugar to the boiled rice and mix thoroughly.

5. Squeeze the juice from the cherries. Mix it with half the curd dough and transfer the cherry mass to a bowl moistened with oil.

6. Spread the rice evenly over it, and cover it with thin slices of apples, spreading the pieces in a spiral.

7. Fill everything with the remaining curd and close the lid of the multi-pan.

8. Start the device in the “Baking” mode, having programmed it for 1.3 hours.

9. As soon as the program ends, immediately remove the finished dessert from the bowl, so as not to become damp.

10. Such a casserole is recommended to cool overnight in the refrigerator after cooling, and only then serve by pouring sour cream.

Cottage cheese casserole in milk with dried apricots - "Not childish taste"


• 400 gr. fat cottage cheese;

• a tablespoon of ground almonds;

• an incomplete glass of dried apricots;

• two eggs;

• medium-sized lemon;

• 150 ml pasteurized milk;

• refined sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;

• two tablespoons of semolina;

• 30 gr. white coconut flakes;

• light honey - two spoons;

• a tablespoon of starch;

• half a glass of white dessert wine.

Cooking method:

1. Leave the dried apricots scalded with boiling water in warm water for 10 minutes. Pour off the liquid, and pour the wine mixed with honey into the dried fruit.

2. Wash the lemon with hot water. Scratch the zest with a fine grater from citrus and add it to dried apricots. Stir, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for seven minutes. Cool, decant the broth and do not pour it.

3. On a rare metal sieve, grind the cottage cheese, pour milk and expressed fruity broth into it. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous pasty consistency.

4. In lush foam, beat the granulated sugar with the eggs and add the sweet egg mass to the curd.

5. Add coconut flakes, ground almonds, starch, swollen semolina and mix thoroughly.

6. Cover the bottom of the mold with parchment and apply a thin layer of butter on it.

7. Then put the dried apricots boiled in wine on the parchment and fill it with cottage cheese dough for casserole.

8. First bake for 25 minutes, maintaining heating in the range of 180 degrees, then reduce the heating of the oven to 150 degrees and continue to bake for another 15 minutes.

9. Cool the finished dessert slightly, and turn the dried apricots upside down on a flat dish. Garnish the surface with coconut.

Cottage cheese casserole with milk and oatmeal - "Cherry pleasure"


• 120 gr. oatmeal;

• 450 gr. non-grainy fat cottage cheese;

• 50 gr. butter, sweet cream;

• four eggs;

• two tablespoons of milk;

• 450 gr. seedless cherries (fresh berries or freshly frozen);

• a tablespoon of liquor;

• two tablespoons of starch;

• a teaspoon of ripper for dough;

• 110 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

1. Pour one hundred grams of oatmeal into a bowl. Add sugar, melted, unboiled oil and lightly salt. Stir well and set aside for a while. The oil should not be hot, it is advisable to melt it in advance.

2. Pour the remaining oatmeal with milk mixed with liquor.

3. Transfer the washed dried cherries into a small bowl, and mix the berries with starch.

4. Separate the yolks with proteins, mix the first with cottage cheese, and whisk the whites in a separate container.

5. Add granulated sugar, baking powder for the dough to the curd mass and beat with a blender.

6. Mix the resulting pasty mass with cherries, with gentle movements, from the bottom up, enter the squirrels.

7. On the bottom of the prepared form, spread the cereal mixed with butter, and the curd mass on them. Distribute the flakes soaked in liquor milk with the next layer and place in the oven for at least 40 minutes. Withstand heating strictly no more than 180 degrees.

Curd casseroles with milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Be sure to quench the soda added to the curd in vinegar or lemon juice. Milk does not have acidity, which allows to extinguish it.

• If the cottage cheese contains a lot of whey, put it on a sieve for a while. Excess moisture will go away and the mass will not float. In an excessively dry sour-milk product, add a little kefir.

• If you use a mixer when stirring, the cooking time will be significantly reduced and the curd mass will be more uniform than when stirring with a spoon.

• Try to get the finished casserole out of the mold as early as possible, otherwise it may become damp.


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