Parents make their children alcoholics


Many parents mistakenly believe that by allowing young children to try alcohol, they will prevent their interest in alcohol during adolescence, according to the authors of a new study.

“The idea that getting to know alcohol early can hinder their interest in drinking is strongly supported by some parents of primary school children,” said study lead author Christine Jackson, social ecologist at RTI International, a nonprofit research organization.

Early involvement in alcohol is a major risk factor for adolescent alcohol consumption problems, researchers warn.

They analyzed interviews that were conducted with 1,050 third-year mothers, and found that one in four admitted that they allow their children to taste alcohol in the hope that they will not like its taste, and this will restrain their curiosity and deprive the “forbidden fruit” "its attractiveness.

Researchers also found that 40% of mothers believe that if they do not allow their children to drink alcohol, they will only increase their desire to do so.

22% believe that children who drink alcohol at home with their parents will then be able to withstand peer pressure for a drink in the company.

26% think this will prevent their children from experimenting with the risky drinking of alcohol in high school.

But according to the study - parents are mistaken. There is a strong connection between childhood alcohol consumption and parental support for this undesirable phenomenon. One way or another, sellers of alcohol make it attractive in the eyes of all types of the population, including adolescents, of course. If at the same time adolescents remember that their parents suggested they try alcohol, and their parents also lay down behind their collars for each “important reason”, then there are no barriers that prevent children from drinking it at all.

What about parents? Very simple. Under no circumstances should you buy or drink any alcohol with children (neither with your own nor with strangers). Own positive example is the only way to teach a child to distinguish good from bad.


Watch the video: Adult Children of Alcoholics--Invisible Wounds of Alcoholism (May 2024).