

As a rule, during pregnancy, women treat their health with special attention, because every deviation in it can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, having noticed the discharge in herself, the expectant mother begins to worry and look for the answer to the question about the rate of discharge during pregnancy.

White discharge (white discharge) during pregnancy

Anxiety about the allocation of whites is often in vain. The cause of mucous secretions during the first 12 weeks of gestation is the activity of the hormone progesterone, which regulates the functioning of the female reproductive system during this period. Starting from 13 weeks, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the secretions liquefy, and the woman finds abundant transparent or whitish secretions (white), odorless and not accompanied by itching and burning. If, at the same time, a smear examination on the microflora shows a normal white blood cell count and the prevalence of lactobacilli, then such discharge is considered normal.

The easiest way to deal with whitewash is to use daily sanitary pads. It is better if they are not flavored, without additives, so that the expectant mother does not have an allergic reaction. You can not use tampons during pregnancy, since in this way it is possible to provoke the reproduction of undesirable microflora.

However, it must be remembered that the white discharge of a curdled consistency, which is accompanied by itching in the genital area, most likely indicates the appearance of candidiasis, or thrush. For its treatment, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will recommend a drug suitable for this period of pregnancy. If the expectant mother does not begin to treat thrush in a timely manner, the disease can cause serious damage to the organs of the child. When thrush occurs before childbirth, which occurs naturally, there is a risk of infection of the newborn when it passes through the birth canal. Thus, if any discharge indicates a thrush, you should immediately consult a doctor who, taking a smear from the vagina and making a diagnosis, will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

If in the case of leucorrhoea in the absence of other symptoms, the expectant mother should not worry, then brown discharge is an occasion in order to be sure to inform your doctor about this. Often they appear in a pregnant woman on the days of the alleged menstruation, due to a hormonal imbalance and a lack of progesterone hormone. Such brown vaginal discharge, which is observed in the early stages of pregnancy, is a serious sign of the threat of interruption, especially if the woman suffers from pulling pains in the lower abdomen or from dizziness. In this case, she will be urgently prescribed treatment to preserve pregnancy in the form of drugs containing progesterone, and strict bed rest.

If brown spotting appears in the second half of pregnancy, then they most likely indicate placenta previa (that is, its abnormal position, usually in the lower part of the uterus, as a result of which it blocks the exit to the cervical canal, in whole or in part). Although such discharge may occur in the first half of pregnancy, in this case they talk about bleeding that occurs in the blood vessels of the uterus. At the same time, the fetus does not lose blood, but in insufficient quantities receives oxygen, which can also negatively affect its development. There is only one way out - careful medical supervision and complete rest of the pregnant woman, which should exclude all physical and mental stress. As a rule, in such a situation, the woman spends the entire second pregnancy in the hospital, until the very moment of delivery.

Also, brown spotting can indicate the presence of some gynecological diseases in a pregnant woman, for example, some genital tract infections, cervical erosion, etc. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother must prepare her body well for bearing the baby and giving birth then there was no need to waste time and precious strength in healing old sores.

Brown discharge, which appears at the end of pregnancy, can indicate the passage of the mucous plug. Such discharge is considered normal, indicating the preparation of the uterus for the upcoming birth.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Yellow discharge in a pregnant woman is also an occasion to pay attention to her state of health. Such discharges may accompany a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea. In this case, the future mother will be taken smears for the corresponding infections and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is prescribed. However, yellow discharge may also indicate urine leakage, as women often suffer from incontinence over long periods of pregnancy. Sometimes the yellow discharge can disappear as suddenly as it appeared, without detecting any pathology.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that for any discharge that causes a pregnant woman doubts or fears, she should not guess about their normality or abnormality and should not engage in self-medication, but immediately see a doctor to avoid any risk for the health of the future baby.


Milena 11/13/2016
Useful article. I believe that any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is simply dangerous! Six months ago, I discovered on sale tests for self-diagnosis. For those who do not want to spend time in line at the antenatal clinic, for those who do not want to spend money in private laboratories! The tests // ph balance from Premium Diagnostics have settled in my medicine cabinet. They let you know about the infection in the very early stages of the disease! Now I control my body with the help of tests and if suddenly there are any deviations, then immediately, unscheduledly, I go to the doctor. Pregnancy is not a joke!

Marina 10/31/2016
I also became very suspicious when I became pregnant. I'm worried for any reason and without. I’m looking for answers on the Internet and going to the doctor. Only with the premium diagnostics test did the ph balance become calmer. Well, I was really surprised when I found out that there are such tests. Yes .... Science does not stand still.

Vlad 01.10.2016
Any discharge is an occasion to consult a doctor. Better safe than sorry.
Here many people write about Premium Diagnostics tests, I am also familiar with them. These are the best home diagnostic tests. My acquaintance began with them due to a poor protein test. The doctor advised not to spend a lot of money on a daily retake in vitro, but to buy a protein test from Premium Diagnostics.
Later, on the official test site, I found out about tests to determine the acidity of the vagina. During untreated infection leads to termination of pregnancy (miscarriage, early) or to premature birth.
Girls, watch your health! Do not be afraid to spend 400-500 rubles on your health and the health of your future baby!

Olga 09/22/2016
Very helpful article. any treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Pregnancy is a holy time; self-medication can only do much harm ...

In my medicine cabinet there is always room for tests for home diagnostics Premium Diagnostics. For myself, I use to check ph balance and protein in the urine. My medical history already had premature birth due to a vaginal infection. Now my body is under control and if suddenly the test shows increased acidity, then I immediately run to the doctor!

Now we have 36 weeks, pregnancy without edema and infections!

Olga 09/22/2016
Very helpful article. any treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Pregnancy is a holy time; self-medication can only do much harm ...

In my medicine cabinet there is always room for tests for home diagnostics Premium Diagnostics. For myself, I use to check ph balance and protein in the urine. My medical history already had premature birth due to a vaginal infection. Now my body is under control and if suddenly the test shows increased acidity, then I immediately run to the doctor!

Now we have 36 weeks, pregnancy without edema and infections!


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (July 2024).