Lunar haircut calendar for June 2014


It is difficult to calculate and even imagine how much hair passes through the hands of a hairdresser for even one month. After all, it is proved that from 90,000 to 150,000 hairs can grow on each person’s head. Indeed, there is something to work with. But real hair masters know many secrets that help them to do haircuts and style their hairstyles in a special way.

And you know that you have hair:

• For a day increase by approximately 0.350-0.35 mm, only 12 cm per year;

• 10 percent of hair constantly falls out, and 90 make up our main hair;

• hair grows faster in summer and in sleep, as well as in adolescence;

• one hair bulb during the life is able to "grow" 20-30 hair;

• so that the hair does not fall out during washing, try to keep the water temperature 33-35 degrees;

• hormonal disruptions triggered by food additives and polluted air will cause baldness in 70% of men and women in general;

• women's hair is hidden a few millimeters deeper into the skin;

• The moon affects hair growth, with the growing moon and hair grow faster, the defective moon slows hair growth.

We’ll talk about the last interesting fact in more detail. Indeed, this is so, and in order to determine the periods of growth and decrease of the Earth's satellite in June 2014, we note the main points - the full moon on June 13, the new moon on June 27. Therefore, the month will begin on the rising moon, and the entire first half will be very favorable for manipulating hair. The very beginning of the month is controlled by the constellation Virgo. And that’s just fine - right now you can tidy your hairstyle for the summer. The new moon will pass under the constellation Cancer.

Haircuts lunar calendar June 2014 - hair coloring

With hair, you can do many interesting things - radically change your hairstyle, dye, etc. If you want to surprise others, then try to make their surprise be mixed with joy. June 2014 is a great time, primarily because almost the whole month you can safely dye your hair. Start right at the beginning of the month, also three days under the constellation Taurus are quite disposed to this. It's time to build experiments - the paint will wash off quickly, but you will be able to evaluate the selected tone, and carry out correction already in the next painting.

Do you like change? Commendable! But hair coloring is a delicate matter, in one awkward move you can spoil your mood for the coming weeks, and therefore stylists warn - do not chop off the shoulder! Especially when it comes to lightening hair in several tones. Do it gradually, counting on a complete procedure for several months. Between sessions there should be so much time that the hair can recover. After all, ammonia makes it difficult for hair to return a mirror shine and perfect smoothness.

Quote to the topic: "Hair coloring is like cooking a turkey: the faster you fry it, the drier it is." So, act slowly, let the healing masks act at full strength.

Remember that you can’t hide the dry ends of your hair with any kind of paint, and therefore it is better to cut them off, but only after the procedure. A haircut is performed in advance only if it is planned to apply several shades. Perfectly emphasizes the game of color thinning. Before dyeing, you need to take care of your hair for a while, so that it becomes perfectly saturated with moisture and alive.

June 2014 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Modern chemistry along with the lunar calendar can work wonders. The moon will help you choose the right period, and chemical science uses disulfide bonds, which are destroyed by the action of special substances on the hair. Hair takes any position, with the help of a clamp it is fixed and "Voila!" - instead of straight hair on our heads, we have charming curls.

And what does it matter to us that the inventor of perm during his wife’s hair experiments twice burned her hair to the ground? But today we can make full use of his invention. Just be careful a little in June - in the second decade the curl will be too strong, so choose either gentle carving, or go to the hairdresser in the first part of the month or in the last few days. The remaining days, twist your hair on curlers - an easy and simple, but short-term way to enjoy curls.

Lunar calendar hairstyles for June 2014 - auspicious days for hair cutting

World catwalks have presented new collections, and retro rules everywhere. And this means that the time has come for a short haircut, just like our mothers and grandmothers wore in the not-so-distant 60s. Graphic prints and silhouettes in clothes entailed graphic and hairstyles, for example, a short hard haircut with bangs to the middle of the forehead or a straight and clear bob. Volume has not been canceled. Thick and curly hair is just perfect for a short haircut, but straight and naughty with modern hair care products may well serve as material for almost any composition on the head.

The spray varnish will fix the haircut for a long time, but its shape is somewhat subject to the time at which the hairstyle is created. The June lunar calendar recommends the signs of the Virgin, Leo, Taurus, Cancer as the most favorable time. Start on the second of June, take a break from 12 to 16, and again into battle. Until June 20, a wonderful period awaits you for going to the hairdresser. Under the signs of Aries and Gemini, hair will grow a little slower, but it will feel great.

Haircuts lunar calendar June 2014 - unfavorable days for hair growth.

The June new moon on June 27 passes under the constellation of twins, and therefore do not plan a trip to the hairdresser and on the 26th, as well as the full moon 13. Schedule your business these days, dream, plan, but do not make any serious movements. You can treat the hair, soothe it, groom and cherish with the help of masks and rinses with medicinal herbs.

Lunar hairstyle calendar for June 2014 - conclusion

Having received the long-awaited summer freedom, we need to use it correctly, that is, using the advice of the lunar horoscope, collect the “cream” and become dazzlingly beautiful. Indeed, the lunar calendar helps to choose the right time for the most stunning hairstyle to take the necessary steps to the future. Yes, and pay attention to maintaining the shape of the hairstyle. Of course, the Moon will do its job, but it is still not worthwhile to put aside the knowledge of styling hairstyles.

The most interesting about hair styling

Start with serum and spray. The light and weightless structure of these preparations helps to give the hair volume and natural splendor, in contrast to the “wooden” varnish. Serum is used for thin and prone to overdrying hair, especially bleached or constantly dyed. The varnish can also be used for soft and thin hair, but do not place the can too close to avoid “concreting”. Let the hair be arranged naturally, for this, the spray can not be brought closer than 30 cm.

As for styling gels - they are designed more for a “wet” curly hairstyle, but if you just need to style a certain area - take quite a bit of gel, rub it on your fingers and blow dry your hair with a round comb with many soft cloves. Naughty hair is easy to style with mousse or foam. They should be applied to dried, slightly damp hair after washing, so that it does not slip to the end of the hairs.

With a comb, this is done more evenly. Drying your hair is better with a hairdryer, but do not make the air too hot, otherwise you will get the effect of dirty hair.

The most cardinal styling tool is wax, it is used to model locks, mostly very selectively, on individual curls. The basic rule is to not touch this area until it dries.

Be adorable with the moon horoscope hairstyles!


Watch the video: New Moon: June 13, 2018 (June 2024).