December 29: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 29

Kashchei-Chernobog Day

Among the Slavs, Chernobog was known as the god of evil, cold, and death. Because of this, people from ancient times were afraid of a leap year, considered it the embodiment of darkness. In fact, this day simply ends the year, and each person is faced with karmic debts. December 29 is the time to pay the bills for all the actions that a person committed in the previous three years. Since ancient times, the Slavs divided the whole world into good and evil halves, and so the evil half is represented by Chernobog. Kashchei was portrayed as an idol similar to a man, painted him black, and his mustache painted silver. Before starting an important business, they sacrificed to him, often bloody and human, for example, they killed prisoners, or horses. According to the Old Slavonic custom, at twelve o’clock in the morning of February 29, it was necessary to pick up a raw chicken egg and crush it, people believed that in this way Kashchei, whose death, as we know, is hidden in the egg, comes to an end. And since Kashchei dies, which symbolizes winter, then winter ends at this very moment. According to the pagan culture, if you crush an egg laid by a chicken for Christmas, then in the month of March there will be no frost at all.

St. Chiba Day

This holiday is celebrated in discordianism. The concept of discordianism is a kind of parody of a religion, or in other words, it is a religion that skillfully disguises itself as a parody. If other traditional religions preach harmony, in all senses of the word, then discordianism deifies primal chaos. In Discordianism, the ancient Greek goddess of discord Eris is revered as the main deity.

St. Oswald's Day

The most popular Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day. However, few people know that in the month of February there is another wonderful holiday that is dedicated to love, this is the day of St. Oswald. This holiday is celebrated only once in four years, because it falls on the date of December 29th. On this day, girls who suffer from unrequited love can without hesitation offer a hand and heart to a guy they like. In Scotland, there is a tradition if a girl’s chosen one refuses her, he will have to pay the rejected girl material compensation in the amount of 100 pounds. The name of this holiday is associated with the Catholic saint Oswald, who passed away on February 29, 992. This saint was from a pious noble Danish family. His relatives were the Archbishop of Canterbury Odo, and the Archbishop of York Oskutel. Kinship with the highest church hierarchs, the young man promised a brilliant career. However, social life was a burden to the young priest, and he decided to go to France to enter the monastery. Upon returning to England, the saint became bishop of Worcester, and a little later became archbishop of York. Oswald became the founder of several monasteries, this revived monastic life. Throughout his life, the priest took an active part in church activities, set up new churches and constantly visited monasteries, did a great job to improve theological teaching, many treatises were written by Oswald. During his life, the priest was a very charming and kind person, was handsome in person and had a pleasant sonorous voice. He spent the last Mass in his life on February 29, 992. Then, as always during Lent, singing psalms, washed the feet of the poor and reposed. For a righteous life, scholarship and zeal, for honesty and gentle generosity, Saint Oswald was loved and revered by all the people around him.
December 29 in the folk calendar

Agey Inesey

Haggai was one of the last prophets of the Old Testament. He lived in the fourth century BC. It was he who made the predictions that were addressed to the Jewish king Zerubbabel and the high priest Jesus, in his prophecies Haggai reproached them for inaction. St. Haggai sought that the tops continue the restoration of the Jerusalem temple, which was suspended under the previous ruler. Unfortunately, information about the life of this prophet was not preserved. History only tells that in his early youth Haggai came to Judea from Babylon, and accurately predicted the return of his people from captivity. The saint ended his days in Jerusalem, and was buried there. On the day of Agey, the peasants very carefully watched the weather, paid special attention to the frost. It was believed that if the branches of trees and houses were densely strewn with hoarfrost, then the Christmas time would be warm. This happened quite often. The peasants said that Agay the prophet sows frost on the threshold. According to legend, if that day was a very frosty morning, then the frost will last until Baptism. Even on that day, they watched the snow lying near the fences, if the snowdrifts were close to the fence, they thought that there would be no harvest in the summer. On the weather on that day they judged what the month of April would be. The people of St. Haggai were respected as the protector of the human soul. It was believed that Haggai instills in people a love of work. There is a belief that if a person is born on this day, he will be very hardworking and all the work in his hands will “burn”.

Historical events December 29

1902 year Opening of the National Hotel in Moscow

The hotel was opened on December 29, 1902. At that time, the hotel became the most expensive and chic in Moscow. The building was designed by architect A. Ivanov, in the eclectic style, commissioned by the Varvara Society. New building materials were used in the construction of the building: reinforced concrete, facing brick, waterproofing, etc. Ivanov’s project and the construction of the building itself cost customers 1 million rubles, the amount at that time was enormous. The hotel was awarded the honorary status of a luxury hotel. The number of rooms consisted solely of the so-called "apartments", "apartments" and "luxury" rooms. All rooms were furnished with expensive furniture made of precious wood, equipped with modern, at that time plumbing. The first floor of the hotel was reserved for luxury shops, restaurants and beauty salons. During the revolutionary events of 1917, the hotel building was used by the Bolsheviks as the "House of Soviets". Only in the 1930s the building began to be used again as a hotel, but under a different name - Intourist. Famous guests of Intourist were: G. Wells, A. Barbus, A. France, P. Robson and others. With the advent of Soviet power, the appearance of the hotel has changed significantly, and for the worse. Oak window frames were replaced with aluminum; the basement was painted dark beetroot. Images and drawings on panels and bas-reliefs were redone and appeared before visitors in the style of socialist realism. Since the construction of the hotel, the building has never been restored, until 1986, when, by decision of the government, a program for the complete restoration of the hotel building was adopted. According to the plan of the restorers, it was planned to completely restore the hotel to its original appearance. In 1995, the National Hotel appeared before its visitors in a beautiful pre-revolutionary form, decorated with bronze chandeliers, oak frames on the windows and huge storefronts, made an enthusiastic impression. Cast iron decorations and lamps were restored, the seventh floor, on which the spa center was located, was completed. A winter garden with a bar appeared in the courtyard. Currently, the hotel is one of the best not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

1911 year first tram goes in Moscow

In the Russian Empire, the first tram appeared not in Moscow and not even in Petersburg, but in Kiev, in 1892. In Moscow, the first electric tram went on December 29, 1911, the line went along the Lower and Upper Maslovka. It was decided to mark the routes with the letters of the alphabet, the first route, marked with the letter "A", the Muscovites affectionately called this route "Annushka". The first route connected the Boulevard Ring and Moskvoretskaya Embankment. The appearance of a new type of transport in the city was welcomed by the townspeople with joy, because it was not only interesting, but also convenient. The second line was the route indicated by the letter "B", and the people immediately gave it the name - "Insect". The second tram route ran along the Garden Ring. In 1915, there were already more than thirty routes in Moscow, and the total length of the tram tracks was more than three hundred kilometers. The third line, marked with the letter "B", the townspeople called, "Verochka", which connected Taganka with Avtozavodskaya street. Tram lines connected all areas of the city with the center of Moscow, and on the outskirts of the tram left the countryside and connected the city with summer cottages. At first, the tram cars were foreign-made and only a few years later, the cars of domestic plants appeared, which served until the 60s, and in many cities are still used today.

1977 year The special unit "Vityaz" is formed

The special service was created on the basis of the motorized rifle division for special purposes. F. Dzerzhinsky. Fighters were recruited to the special service according to strict criteria: excellent physical fitness, balanced psyche, uncompromised heredity. Admission to the ranks of a special unit was carried out on a voluntary basis. In 1989, the company was transformed into a battalion, and in 1991 the battalion was reformed into a special unit "Vityaz". In 1980, employees of the special squad carried out the security of participants in the Olympics in Moscow. 1981, unit soldiers released children in the hands of terrorists in the vicinity of Izhevsk. In 1986, with skillful and competent actions, the unit’s employees neutralized a criminal group that tried to hijack a civilian plane. In 1990, the Vityaz special detachment, under the cover of the Alpha group, successfully carried out the operation to free the hostages in Abkhazia. During the collapse of the Soviet Union, the detachment was repeatedly involved in resolving interethnic conflicts. The unit worked effectively during the war in Chechnya, quickly neutralizing illegal paramilitary groups. The last high-profile case of Vityaz was a special operation to free the hostages at the Nord-Ost cinema center.

1984 year Rajiv Gandhi party wins Parliamentary elections

Elections to the Indian Parliament were held on December 29, 1984, in the midst of a severe political crisis. More recently, on October 31, Sikh terrorists attempted to assassinate Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, in which the latter died. The son of Idira, Rajiv Gandhi took responsibility for the fate of the country, took over and after her death took the oath of allegiance to the people of India, upon assuming the post of Prime Minister of the country. Rajeev led the Indian National Congress to the parliamentary elections and won them on December 29th. At a high public post, Rajiv Gandhi proved himself to be a talented politician and leader. At the head of his party, Gandhi made attempts to radically transform the system of government, to combat bureaucracy and crime. He was a supporter of a market economy and pursued a policy of soft liberalization. Like his mother, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev tried to combat manifestations of harsh separatism, particularly in the states of Punjab and Kashmir. Its main goal was a free, independent and most importantly integral India. On November 29, 1989, Rajiv Gandhi resigned due to the decline in his popularity among the people and among the political elite. After his resignation, Rajiv continued to lead the Indian National Congress.

1992 year Launch of the Bion-10 spacecraft

On December 29, 1992, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, into low Earth orbit, the Bion-10 spacecraft was launched, intended for medical and biochemical research. The main goal of the research was to study the effects on living organisms of cosmic radiation. The project was funded by US research centers. Scientists from many countries of the world, as well as specialists from the European Space Agency, took part in the development and implementation of the project. On board the apparatus were two monkeys (macaques), newts, caterpillars, flies and amphibians. Cell organisms and microbes were also placed on board. The ultimate goal of research was to study the mechanism of the effect of cosmic radiation on living organisms, including humans. And in the case of supercritical radiation exposure, the scientific team had to study in detail the changes in the physiological and cellular processes occurring in the body of living things, after exposure to radiation. In 2003, one of the project's monkeys returned to Earth and felt good. After a long rehabilitation and rest, the male gave birth to healthy offspring. The fate of the second monkey is not known. Despite the special scientific and theoretical importance of such projects in the study of the vital functions of living organisms in the space environment, there are no practical benefits for these projects. And the use of warm-blooded animals in extreme research seriously discredits such research in the eyes of a humanistic society.

Born on December 29

Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1762), Russian Empress, daughter of Peter I

The daughter of Peter the Great, Elizabeth, was born on December 29, 1709. Father adored his youngest daughter and surrounded her with care and love. From an early age, Lisa did not show much zeal for study, but still received a tolerable education, and then under the strict supervision of her father. From an early age, Elizabeth's character was complex. Unrestrained energy, gaiety and good nature, were replaced by moodiness and outbursts of anger. She liked to spend her leisure time at balls and masquerades, she danced and sang for the right reason. Already in her youth, Elizabeth attracted the attention of men, because for her time, the princess was very good. During the reign of Tsarina Anna Ioannovna, the position of Elizabeth was not very simple. Anna envied the beauty of Elizabeth, in addition, she remembered that Elizabeth's daughter, Peter, could rightfully claim the Russian throne. In her reign, Anna kept Elizabeth in her field of vision, did not let her get close, but did not move away, since she was afraid of intrigues on her part. Elizabeth was loved by the people and the army, with special sympathy for her soldiers and officers of the guard regiments, who saw in the young princess a pretender to royal power. On December 6, 1741, guards officers, with the participation of the noble strata, carried out a coup d'etat, removing the regency Anna Leopoldovna from power, and Russian Elizaveta Petrovna was enthroned. The new empress announced a course towards a return to her father’s policies and took a number of measures to reform the state apparatus. The queen restored the legislative role of the Senate and many other state institutions, dissolved the cabinet, and calmed down the secret chancellery. The autocrat was extremely pious, so the church in her reign had great rights and privileges. Elizabeth initiated the development of the banking system in Russia, carried out successful tax reform, and gave impetus to the development of heavy industry. During the reign of Elizabeth, the death penalty was abolished, replaced by a life sentence. At the time of its reign, the heyday of science fell and the role of Russian science in the world increased. In foreign policy, Elizaveta Petrovna adhered to the principles of her father.In general, the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna was positive for the Russian Empire.

Marquise de Pompadour (1721-1764), favorite of the French king

Born December 29 under the name Jeanne Poisson. With Louis XV, the Marquise met at a masquerade in the Paris City Hall. As you know, all guests wear masks at the masquerade, the marquise was also wearing a mask, but the king, in spite of this, drew attention to the girl with unusual manners and plastic. Soon, a stormy romance broke out between them, and Louis declared the Marquise the official favorite. Using all her charm and sharp mind, the marquise was able to completely subjugate the will of the king, as a result of which almost all the fullness of power in the country was in her hands. Its influence on state affairs went beyond the framework of classical favoritism and resembled rather monarchy power. The Marquise surrounded Louis with her people, ministers, military and even a servant. She forced the king to go to a disadvantageous France, peace with Austria. The French treasury barely withstood the content of its "uncrowned queen." At the court, many marveled at the marquise, but the people did not like her, and called the king a "rag." The Marquise was very fond of art and patronized its development. At the court, she organized a unique china production and chamber theater. Organized a military school for noble children. The shadow rule of the Marquise de Pompadour, still admires historians and ordinary people, its activities largely determined the formation of true French culture.

Marcel Depre (1843-1918), French physicist and engineer

An outstanding physicist was born on December 29, 1843. First suggested that electricity can be transmitted at a distance. In 1881, he substantiated the theory of the possibility of electric power transmission by wire. In the same year, Depre published a report "On the coefficient of action of electric motors in relation to the electric circuit." In 1882, at an electrical engineering exhibition in Munich, a scientist showed experience in the transmission of electricity using ordinary telegraph wire, Depre managed to transfer electricity to a distance of more than fifty kilometers. This discovery brought Marcel Depres incredible fame and popularity. He laid the foundation for the doctrine of the creation of dynamos, his work and are now used in the study of dynamos. Depre developed a curve for dynamo theory, later called the Depre characteristic. Developed and constructed a special device - a galvanometer. The scientist's contribution to the development of electrical engineering can hardly be overestimated, thanks to his discoveries, the technological progress of mankind has stepped far forward.

Diop Sheikh Anta (1923-1986), scientist - Egyptologist

The scientist was born on December 29 in Senegal. He was brought up and studied in Muslim traditions. He studied at the universities of Dakar and the Sorbonne (France). He excelled in many sciences in chemistry, in physics, history, archeology, philosophy, etc. But his main interest was focused on studying the history of Africa. He defended his notorious dissertation on African nations. In 1971, he joined the leadership of the committee for large-scale historical research of the African continent. UNESCO supported this project both financially and legally. He gained worldwide fame as an Egyptologist who preached unconventional views on the history of ancient Egypt. Diop was of the opinion about the special role of Central African peoples and cultures in the formation of a single, global human civilization. He believed that the cultural exchange between the black and white races gave impetus to the development of ancient Greece and Rome. All his propaganda was saturated with the idea of ​​the superiority of the Negroid race over other races of the Earth. Some scholars suggest that Diop has a certain inferiority complex in relation to the African race. The works of a scientist cannot be assessed as impartial works on history and must be studied from the standpoint of objective criticism.

Karl Rossi (1775-1849), Russian architect

A native of Italy, was born on December 29. At the age of seventeen he moved to live in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Education and training received in the family of the architect V. Brenna. Since 1795 he has been serving in the College of Architecture. In 1806 he was called up to serve in the court of the Russian emperor, as a royal architect. Two years later he was sent to Moscow to build a theater on Arbat Square. In 1814 he was appointed a college adviser and returned to Petersburg. In 1816 he was appointed a member of the Committee for Architecture and Hydraulic Communications. In St. Petersburg, the famous architect erects grandiose structures: the Senate, the Synod, the Mikhailovsky Palace, the General Staff Building, etc. All of Rossi's works are built in the Russian Baroque style and combine imperial pomp and simplicity of architectural designs. Rossi repeatedly worked in the Winter Palace, created new halls, libraries, bas-reliefs and monumental panels, designed a military gallery. In Pavlovsk, the architect built a beautiful library at the palace. Near Novgorod erected the Yuriev bell tower. He made an invaluable contribution to the development of architectural science in Russia.

Birthday December 29

Arkady, Ilya, Makar, Pavel, Sofia, Marina, Semyon, Vladimir


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