December 2012 lunar haircut calendar


Have you noticed that sometimes a perfect hairstyle can cause a lot of trouble after the next haircut? Sometimes hair is simply impossible to handle. And hair growth seems unstable: either they grow back quickly, then just imperceptibly slowly. The fact is that hair growth in a large way takes place at certain phases of the moon. It may seem that it is quite easy for an astrologer to make a horoscope, for example, cutting hair. However, it is not. We have to consider a huge number of rules, which sometimes contradict each other. In ancient times, among nobles, horoscopes were very popular. They even tried not to wash their hair without careful calculations by astrologers.

If you want your hair to grow quickly, you need to cut it during the growing moon (from the new moon to the full moon). Remember that the lunar calendar and the calendar of dates by which the modern world lives are completely different things. It is necessary to check every day with the calendar of days of the moon from the new moon to the full moon. It is advisable to always be guided by whether the growing moon or waning at the moment, when the full moon is expected, what are the lunar days today. It must be understood that every lunar day has a certain potential in itself, allowing you to adjust the behavior and schedule a trip to the hairdresser without deliberate setbacks and complications.

December 2012 lunar haircut calendar - hair wave

Hair curling is a controversial procedure. Many opinions, as a rule, contradict each other - some cannot do without it, and after the first time, someone regrets about damaged hair and forever refuses the procedure. Therefore, when planning a perm, it is best to consult the lunar calendar and take the advice of astrologers. The lunar calendar also has favorable days for curling hair. It is very good to carry out these procedures under the sign of Virgo. This can happen with any moon. Virgo has a beneficial effect on the hair of women, so they do not split, the curl will last long enough. You can also curl your hair under the sign of Scorpio. It’s worth the wait until the moon comes out of the sign of Leo, as the curl may turn out too strong. The sign of Leo will help only those whose curls do not last long on the natural properties of hair. Astrologers say a categorical "no" if the moon is under the signs of Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces. Remember that after curling hair needs special care.

December 2012 lunar haircut calendar - hair coloring

For changes in appearance to bring you joy, and not disappointment, check your actions with the moon horoscope on hair coloring. Not all days are considered favorable, but only 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 12,13, 14,15 lunar days. A few days are neutral and can not bring tangible harm or enhance the benefits. These are 16.17, 23 lunar days. Pay attention to the state of the moon at the moment. From what sign it is at the time of coloring, it depends on how healthy the hair will be after coloring. The most favorable time for passing through the signs of Leo and Virgo. But the signs of Pisces and Cancers, as with haircuts and curls, are the most unfavorable for coloring. It is known that a waning moon helps to eliminate substances from the body. The paint applied with the waning moon does not absorb too well. Color will fade soon. Therefore, it is better to use this time for experiments, so that you can quickly change color in case of failure. Long-term staining holds better with a growing moon. To avoid risk and unnecessary manipulation of hair, see the lunar calendar.

December 2012 lunar haircut calendar - favorable haircut days

You will be satisfied with the haircut performed on the days when the moon passes the signs of Leo or Virgo. The moon at this time can be both growing and waning, but it is preferable, of course, growing. Virgo days are favorable for hair growth, therefore, cutting hair these days, very soon they will grow back. Hair will look like a thick hair. In addition, the hairstyle keeps its shape perfectly. Therefore, cutting hair is quite safe even when the moon passes by such signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. On the waning moon in these signs, hair grows more slowly, but also maintain good condition.

December 2012 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

But, for example, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can be unfavorable or simply neutral. Slower hair grows with a waning moon. Also exclude the "satanic", that is, adverse days - 9, 15, 19, 23 and days of lunar and solar eclipses. There is another rather serious limitation - it is necessary to avoid the state of the moon when it is out of course. The time of the waning moon under the signs of Gemini and Capricorn is also considered unfavorable. Haircuts made on an unfavorable day can be difficult to maintain. Hair split, thinning, dandruff appears. The worst thing is that they can start to fall out, so you need to try to plan trips to the hairdresser in advance, finding out in advance what phase the moon is in and what sign is affecting it at the moment.

December 2012 lunar haircut calendar - conclusion

We all understand that various factors influence the beauty and health of hair - nutrition, the use of drugs, stress, pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body. Proper care helps improve hair condition. And the right time will further strengthen this effect, make it long-term and sustainable. It is no accident that our ancestors chose the time of the growing moon for the first haircut of the kids, and in no case the other way around. A haircut changes not only the appearance of a person, but also our aura. It is connected with this sign that you can not cut the hair on yourself. Man cannot correct his biofield himself, but completely violate it. The process of cutting itself is actively affecting our biofield. From ancient times it was believed that cutting hair means changing your life. A lunar calendar helps make these changes positive.


Watch the video: 2012 Recap! (July 2024).