Acne inflammation on the face: causes and what to do? Methods for treating inflamed acne on the face: recipes for home masks


Inflammatory rashes on the face in one way or another relate to each person. Mostly acne appears during puberty. However, they can be taken by surprise at a later age. Why is this happening and how to solve this problem?

Acne inflammation on the face: causes

Facial inflammations include acne, acne, redness, irritation. All these "charms" always appear out of place and cause a lot of inconvenience. Before you begin to eliminate these shortcomings, you need to find out the cause of inflammation. There may be several:

• allergic reaction;

• infection (eg, herpes or furunculosis);

• injuries after cosmetic procedures or self-squeezing acne;

• hormonal changes or disorders;

• weak immunity;

• malnutrition;

• stresses;

• frostbite or burns;

• diseases of internal organs;

• long-term use of antibiotics or hormones.

Acne inflammation on the face: what to do and how to properly care for the skin

Inflamed skin requires proper care. In addition to the fact that you need to contact a qualified specialist to identify and begin to eliminate the cause of the problems that appear on the face, you need to remember several rules for caring for sore skin:

• exclude from your diet sweet, fatty, fried and smoked foods, more fresh vegetables and fruits;

• less touch the inflamed areas and especially not crush them;

• do not use hard scrubs (this injures the skin even more), but use only soft gels for sensitive skin;

• do not take hot baths, wash with cool water, or even better - a slightly warm broth of chamomile;

• steam the skin well before applying homemade masks;

• twice a week to make steam baths with essential oils and a decoction of chamomile;

• exclude washing with tap unfiltered water, it is better to buy special non-carbonated mineral water or wash yourself with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, string, oak bark, parsley.

These simple rules will help alleviate the condition of inflamed skin, relieve possible burning and itching, and eliminate redness. However, it should be remembered that the appearance of inflammation on the face in most cases indicates problems inside. Therefore, if you have more than one pimple, but several foci at once, it is better to consult a doctor.

Acne inflammation on the face: causes and treatment

In order to get rid of inflammation on the skin, the best option is to visit a doctor - therapist, dermatologist or cosmetologist. After identifying the cause of inflammation, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking them yourself is not only not recommended, but also very dangerous. Taking medications should be done only after consulting with a specialist and according to his appointment. As a rule, drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate not only the direct rashes on the skin, but also the cause of these inflammations.

As a medical treatment, a doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

• Brewer's yeast;

• antibiotics (in tablets or ointments for external use);

• antibacterial ointments;

• furatsilin (for washing or lotions);

• Activated carbon;

• vitamin complexes.

Also, a visit to the beautician will not be amiss. Salon procedures to eliminate foci of inflammation give a long-term effect. In addition, they favorably affect the general condition of the skin of the face and neck.

In the salon, the fight against inflammation on the face is fought with the following procedures:

• ultrasonic facial cleansing;

• peeling (if there are not so many inflammations, and they are insignificant);

• ozone therapy (in addition to eliminating inflammation, improves skin color, smoothes expression wrinkles;

• mesotherapy (injecting a therapeutic cocktail under the skin is one of the best procedures for getting rid of inflammation);

• laser cleaning (in action it is very similar to ultrasonic cleaning);

• cryotherapy (exposure to the skin at low temperatures - not for everyone);

• darsonvalization (elimination of inflammation by microcurrents).

Almost all - both doctors and cosmetologists - recommend, in addition to the main treatment, the use of alternative medicine methods. Often, natural remedies made at home help much more effectively than many medicines.

Acne Inflammation: Home Care Recipes

Almost every housewife will find products that can best remove inflammation on the skin, eliminate redness and soothe the skin. By adding natural antiseptics to home care products, you will return your perfect look to your skin much faster.

Ice cubes with parsley

Parsley perfectly removes redness and cares for the skin.

To make ice you will need:

• a bunch of parsley;

• a glass of boiling water;

• molds for ice.

A bunch of parsley must be chopped in a blender, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a warm place for 30 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered and the liquid is poured into molds to freeze the ice. Ready ice is used to rub face skin twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime.

Important! During wiping, do not hold the ice cube for a long time in one place. Exposure to low temperatures can injure the skin. It is enough to walk around the problem areas a couple of times, after which (without rinsing with water!) Pat the skin with a soft towel, and it is better to let it dry on its own.

White clay mask

White clay effectively fights inflammatory processes on the skin. Clay also eliminates oily skin, mattifies it and makes it smooth. There are many masks for sore skin based on white clay.

Recipe 1

To prepare the mask you will need:

• 1 tsp white cosmetic clay;

• 1 tsp talcum powder;

• 2 tbsp milk.

All components mix well to a uniform consistency. Milk can be slightly warmed to be a little warm. The mixture is applied evenly to the skin of the face. Rinse off the mask 20 minutes after application. Wash off with warm water, then pat the skin with a soft towel (no need to rub, but only gently pat!).

Recipe 2

For the mask you will need:

• 1 tsp white cosmetic clay;

• 1 tsp dry yeast;

• 0.5 tsp honey;

• 2 tbsp warm milk.

All ingredients are mixed until a thick sour cream is homogeneous. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Tea tree lotions

Essential oils are the best skin care products. Tea tree oil is especially effective in combating foci of inflammation on the face. It is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

Tea tree oil is applied directly to the site of inflammation. This is best done with a cotton swab. It is wetted in oil and applied pointwise to the problem.

Honey egg mask

Honey perfectly fights skin inflammations.

To prepare the mask you will need:

• egg white;

• 1 tbsp honey.

Honey and protein are mixed until homogeneous and are applied in a thick layer to the affected areas. The mixture is kept on the face for half an hour, then washed off with warm water.

Aloe lotion

The pulp from the leaves and aloe juice not only remove redness, but also soothe the skin. Aloe has long been known for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Aloe leaves are crushed to a mushy state. Pounded leaves are applied to the affected areas of the skin and left for 10 minutes. After this, the pulp is removed and washed with warm water.

Potato mask

This is a very powerful anti-inflammatory mask that should not be overexposed on the face. Do it every 2 days, and rinse with a specially prepared solution.

For the mask you will need:

• raw potatoes;

• egg yolk;

• 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• copper sulfate at the tip of a knife.

Raw, peeled and well-washed potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater (100 g of potato gruel should be obtained).

Egg yolk beats well.

Potato gruel, beaten yolk and freshly squeezed lemon juice are mixed until smooth. Copper sulfate is added immediately before applying the mask.

The mask is kept on the face for no longer than 15 minutes, then washed off with a special solution.

What is needed for the solution (it is prepared in advance):

• 1 liter of warm (closer to cool) water;

• 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice.

After such a mask, you do not need to apply any creams or other cosmetics to the skin. It is best to do a potato anti-inflammatory mask before bedtime.

Important! All home remedies are first tested on the wrist or on the internal fold of the elbow. This is necessary in order to avoid an allergic reaction to the skin already affected by inflammation. The prepared mixture is applied to these areas for 15-20 minutes (as long as it needs to be applied to the face), then washed off. If the slightest signs of irritation or burning appear, it is strictly forbidden to apply the product on the face.

If you have inflammatory foci on your face, it is important to completely change your lifestyle. In particular, this applies to nutrition. It must be balanced. You should also abandon bad habits, if any.

Home care procedures, along with medication prescribed by a doctor, help to quickly get rid of the problem and return the skin to its perfect look. And in order to prevent inflammation on the face, you need to monitor your health and undergo a medical examination once a year. Timely identification and treatment of problems within the body will help to avoid unpleasant manifestations of inflammatory processes on the skin.


Watch the video: Acne Treatment - Fractionated Laser & Light Therapy. UCLA Dermatology (July 2024).