Physical education better than pills lowers cholesterol


Daily walks in the fresh air and gardening can help people with high cholesterol levels no less than taking pills, according to a new study by the Washington Veteran Medical Center. From the conclusions made by scientists, it also follows that physically active people suffering from problems with cholesterol have a two-thirds lower risk of dying from this ailment compared to couch potatoes taking statins.

"Many experts argue that statins must be offered to every person over 50 years of age, because their help in any case will bring irreplaceable benefits to his health. But, having examined many people, we found that physical activity reduces the likelihood of death due to high cholesterol 60-70% more than the use of drugs, "- said in a report on scientific work done.

The basis for this study was the medical records of 10 thousand people stored in the archives of the Washington Veteran Medical Center and Palo Alto California Hospital. All subjects had problems with cholesterol and used statins. In the course of the work, experts found that among people who regularly walked for a long time, engaged in agriculture and horticulture, the mortality rate was lower by 60-70% compared with those who were limited only to the use of pills.

The professor of medicine Peter Kokkins, who led the study, said: “The advantage of performing even basic physical exercises, when compared with the use of statins, is amazingly great. In addition to the significant health benefits, they, unlike tablets, can not cause side effects, such as, for example , muscle problems or memory problems.Nevertheless, with elevated cholesterol levels it is recommended to use drugs, but you should not neglect physical activity, since, combining both , you can achieve even more meaningful results. "


Watch the video: Life's Simple 7: Control Cholesterol (July 2024).