How to increase immunity to an adult: what to do and what to use. Effective immunity for adults


A decrease in immunity causes trouble in the form of frequent colds or loss of strength, and in the long run is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Knowing how to increase the immunity of an adult, you can improve the quality of his life, improve health and prolong youth.

How is reduced immunity manifested

To find out if immunity is lowered, you can take a short test.

For example, answer simple questions:

• Are you experiencing weakness and loss of strength?

• Do you have colds more than once a year?

• do you have any skin problems that did not exist before;

• Do you suffer from frequent headaches?

• Do you notice problems with sleep (insomnia or, conversely, excessive drowsiness);

• Do you notice that the hair has become dull, the nails are flaky, and the skin is gray or pimple.

If the answer is yes to most questions, the body’s immune defense is reduced to a critical level. An urgent need to change your life in order to restore natural immunity to an acceptable level. Constant colds and powerlessness can really complicate the life of an adult and in everyday life and at work.

It will be necessary to solve the problem comprehensively. It is clear that the reasons for the decrease in immunity are both external objective factors and subjective. The first include poor-quality food, disgusting ecology, constant stress, serious or chronic illnesses. It is impossible to influence them in any way. Subjective factors include bad habits, lack of physical activity, vitamin-mineral hunger. Here you can and should work with this category of factors.

How to increase immunity: general recommendations

In fact, it is not difficult to answer the question of how to increase immunity to an adult. The main difficulty is to prioritize correctly. Those who think that the solution to the problem are some kind of advertised immunomodulator or immunostimulant are mistaken. In general, doctors still have not come to a consensus on the effectiveness and safety of such drugs. It is unclear whether they work or not, and if I work, how will this affect human health in the future?

Meanwhile, for centuries there is a proven mechanism for the formation and maintenance of strong immunity:

• proper nutrition;

• hardening;

• physical activity;

• healthy lifestyle;

• the correct daily routine, a full sleep;

• eating foods that can heal the body.

First of all, you need to debug your nutrition, and then, in descending order, work out the entire sequence of measures to raise immunity. And note: some special means that increase the immunity of an adult are in last place on the list. This means that if a person drinks ginger tea daily, eating honey or a leaf of life-giving aloe, but does not stop eating coffee in the bite with cigarettes, does not start spending at least an hour a day in the fresh air, does not give the body physical activity, then there will be no sense.

Proper nutrition will provide vitamins and minerals needed by the immune system to produce white blood cells and defend against viral and bacterial attacks. Hardening plus any physical activity will train the immune defense, strengthening it, and contribute to the production of the necessary hormones. Refusing bad habits will gradually cleanse the internal organs: lungs, liver, heart, kidneys - and normalize their work. A full-fledged, at least seven-hour, sleep will allow you to maintain a normal hormonal background for a long time, and not wear out the body ahead of time.

How to increase immunity with proper nutrition

Hundreds of books have been written about good nutrition, dozens of TV shows have been shot, and thousands of posts have been written. There is really nothing complicated about this. However, it is with proper nutrition that you need to start strengthening immunity. What should be done:

• remove frankly harmful products from the diet (refined, sweet, carbonated, classified as semi-finished products and fast food). They destroy the endocrine system, cause intestinal and stomach diseases, and contain too many calories;

• Be sure to eat foods that supply proteins to the body. It is due to proteins that the immune system synthesizes protective cells - immunoglobulins;

• ensure the intake of valuable fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The most valuable proteins are those of fish, eggs, nuts, poultry, red meat, liver, and legumes. Particular attention should be paid to walnuts: they contain substances that are especially useful for immunity.

The human body does not produce unsaturated fatty acids, but it is urgently needed. He can get omega-3 and omega-6 from some varieties of oily sea fish and vegetable oil, such as olive. They must be included in the diet.

Plant-based carbohydrates are another important component of good nutrition. Fiber, which is given by vegetables, fruits, cereals, normalizes the intestines, which means that the body will not suffer from poisoning by toxins. A clean, functioning gastrointestinal tract is the basis of strong immunity.

Natural products that can instantly increase the resistance of SARS are berries and fruits, which contain a record amount of ascorbic acid. Doctors recommend at the first sign of a cold to take an increased dose of vitamin C - 2 grams, and after 12 hours the same amount. The virus attack will be repelled. So include as many immunostimulant foods in your diet as possible. There is a lot of vitamin C in sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, lemons and other citruses, rose hips, propolis.

How to increase immunity for adults using folk remedies

Traditional medicine is based on the use of natural, perfectly safe products. Surprisingly, ordinary food, honey, herbs can become a medicine for immunity. Traditional healers have many ways to increase immunity for adults.

The most valuable components of mixtures, decoctions, infusions are:

• honey and beekeeping products (propolis, zabrus, royal jelly, bee bread);

• dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes);

• fresh ginger;

• fresh aloe;

• whole oats;

• rose hips;

• garlic;

• lemon.

Helps restore health and boost immunity various mixtures of these components. A grated mixture of walnuts, dried apricots and honey, for example, is popular. Another equally effective option is a mixture of ginger root with honey and lemon. Both mixtures take 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Ginger root infusion, wild rose or oat decoction have excellent immunostimulating properties. Alcohol tincture of propolis or echinacea is also a very simple and effective tool that raises adult immunity to a high level of protection within a month. Buying them at the pharmacy is not difficult, although you can prepare a wonderful immunomodulating infusion on your own.

Plants for enhancing immunity are not only echinacea and the home-made miracle healer of aloe, whose juice can be mixed with honey. Other herbs are incredibly useful for the immune system: Rhodiola, ginseng, St. John's wort, licorice. They can be brewed and drunk as medicinal tea.

Many people know about the broth of wild rose and its wonderful effect on immunity. But about such a tool as honey with garlic, less is known. Meanwhile, it is a simple and very effective tool. You need to chop the head of garlic, large lemon and mix the mass with four tablespoons of honey.

Pharmacy products that increase immunity to adults

The pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of immunomodulatory drugs. Most of them are somehow based on the experience of traditional medicine. The effectiveness of pharmacy products has not been proven, but drugs that increase immunity to adults are sold in any pharmacy.

What you should pay attention to:

• well-balanced vitamin and mineral complexes;

• extracts and syrups of medicinal plants (for example, grapefruit, aloe, licorice, etc.);

• alcohol tinctures of immunostimulating plants (echinacea, ginseng);

• tableted bacterial enzymes;

• interferon in various forms and its derivatives (drops, suppositories, dragees).

To funds that can be used exclusively as directed by a doctor, thymus preparations and biostimulants that need to be taken according to a special scheme.

Having set the goal of raising immunity, you need to act in an integrated manner. The body is a very sophisticated, but easy to tune tool.


Watch the video: Ramdev Yoga: Boost your immune system in just 2 minutes (July 2024).