Balanoposthitis in men: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Treatment methods for balanoposthitis in men, prevention of relapse


Balanoposthitis is a serious disease in which the head of the penis and foreskin in men are very inflamed. Among many urological pathologies, this disease is quite common. This article will tell about what symptoms of balanoposthitis in men can be and how to treat this ailment.

Balanoposthitis in men: causes

Balanoposthitis can be transmitted sexually through regular (unprotected) intimate communication with a woman who suffers from vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, the infection is transmitted to the glans penis and begins to cause inflammation.

In addition, such factors can provoke the development of balanoposthitis in men:

1. The defeat of staphylococci, yeast or streptococci.

2. The development of the disease against the background of severe pathologies in the body. Thus, progressive diabetes mellitus, anemia and various allergic manifestations can provoke balanoposthitis in men.

3. Incorrect or untimely intimate hygiene leads to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms gather in the genitals of a man, which leads to severe inflammation.

4. Recently suffered injuries of the penis, including during intimate communication, can lead to infection in it.

5. Obesity acts as one of the triggering factors (with excess weight in a person there is increased sweating, including in the intimate area, because of which it becomes more susceptible to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms).

6. Various genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia) can cause balanoposthitis in men, especially if they are not treated.

7. Various diseases of the skin can spread to the foreskin.

8. The narrowing of the foreskin of the penis contributes to the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of the inflammatory process.

Additional provoking factors to the development of balanoposthitis are:

1. Acute or chronic infectious lesions of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis).

2. Skin irritation with urine, frequent masturbation without lubrication, or too coarse underwear, which causes microcracks to form on the flesh of the penis, and it becomes vulnerable to infection.

3. Diseases of the thyroid gland, which reduce the body's defenses.

4. Hormonal disruptions in the body of a man.

5. Genetic factor for diseases of the balanitis group.

Balanoposthitis in men: symptoms and signs

Symptoms and manifestations of balanoposthitis in men largely depend on the form of the course of the disease - acute or chronic.

These traditional signs of this disease are distinguished:

1. Redness of the skin on the foreskin and glans penis.

2. Increased sensitivity of the skin of the penis.

3. The appearance of unpleasant itching, liquefaction and discomfort in the genitals of a man.

4. Swelling of the skin of the glans penis.

5. Often with such a disease, there is a significant shortening of sexual intercourse and premature ejaculation.

6. Small cracks and sores form on the skin of the penis.

7. Due to increased skin irritation, a man may have increased sexual arousal.

8. Dry skin of the penis.

9. In an advanced state, sores may begin to bleed.

10. The appearance of unpleasant discharge, including purulent.

11. Often there is painful urination.

In addition, the general condition of a person with balanoposthitis can also worsen. Due to the strong inflammatory process, the patient may increase body temperature, develop fever and chills. There is also severe weakness and nausea.

With the appearance of the above symptoms, it is no longer possible to delay a trip to the doctor, because the disease can go into a chronic form or cause a number of complications.

Balanoposthitis in men: treatment features

The first doctor to be consulted for suspected balanoposthitis is a urologist. After the initial examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of studies - culture, smears and blood tests. When the diagnosis is confirmed, therapeutic therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of balanoposthitis is selected individually for each patient, depending on the form, neglect of the disease, symptoms, as well as the cause of the pathology.

Traditional therapy involves the following:

1. If the cause of the disease was diabetes mellitus or other serious pathologies, then, together with the treatment of balanoposthitis, it is important to simultaneously treat the underlying cause of the disease. At the same time, it is worth knowing that if balanoposthitis caused staphylococcus aureus, then the duration of treatment will not exceed 10 days. If he was provoked by syphilis, gonorrhea and other severe sexually transmitted infections, then the therapy will last more than one month in a row.

2. To suppress the activity of infection, antibiotics and ointments with a pronounced antiseptic effect (Levomekol, Candide, Tridem, etc.) can be prescribed. In this case, treatment with ointments will be effective only in the first stages of balanoposthitis. In more advanced cases, only antibiotics and procedures will help.

3. To suppress the fungus, antifungal creams (Clotrimazole, Lamisil) are prescribed. Both sexual partners should use them, otherwise the effect of treatment will be minimal.

4. For external treatment of the affected head of the penis, antiseptics - Chlorhexin or Miramistin can be used.

5. For internal administration, such drugs may be prescribed: Fluconazole and Diflucan.

6. It is useful during treatment to rinse the affected area with hydrogen peroxide and Furacilin.

In addition, to speed up the treatment process, the patient should adhere to the following doctor's advice:

1. For the period of therapy, you need to refrain from intimate communication. It is also desirable that the sexual partner undergo a full examination by a gynecologist and, if necessary, also begin to be treated.

2. Until full recovery, a man is forbidden to drink any alcohol or smoke.

3. It is important to enhance personal hygiene and rinse the genitals several times a day with soap.

4. You should replace the synthetic underwear with cotton, which will not irritate the skin of the head of the penis so much.

5. To strengthen immunity, dietary nutrition should be followed. The basis of the diet should be cereals, soups, meat and fish dishes. Sour-milk products and honey will also help fight infection.

In turn, fatty, fried and spicy foods should be completely excluded from the menu. Sweets are also prohibited.

Balanoposthitis in men: treatment, complications and prevention

In the absence of timely behavior diagnosis and drug therapy, balanoposthitis in men will begin to progress and cause the following complications:

1. Cystitis.

2. Urethritis.

3. Prostatitis.

4. Purulent form of balanoposthitis.

5. Blood poisoning.

6. The spread of inflammation further to the genitals of men.

In most cases, the development of balanoposthitis can be prevented. For this, a man should adhere to such advice of a urologist:

1. Observe thorough personal hygiene of the intimate area (wash twice a day, use high-quality liquid soap).

2. Do not use other people's personal care products - washcloths, soap, towels, etc.

3. Be sure to wash your hands before visiting the toilet room and after it. This is especially true for men who touch their genitals with their hands before urinating.

4. When the first signs of balanoposthitis appear, a man needs to contact a urologist as soon as possible and conduct an examination. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of the untimely visit to the doctor that in most cases balanoposthitis begins to be treated when the disease is already quite neglected and caused a lot of complications.

5. As a prophylaxis, men are shown an annual visit to the urologist, even if there are no visible complaints.

6. It is important to promptly identify and treat any diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. It is also worthwhile to eliminate diseases of the endocrine system on time.

7. You should monitor not only your condition, but also regularly check your sexual partner for infections of the reproductive system.

8. In case of accidental intimate relationship, a man must use barrier contraception - a condom.


Watch the video: Infection of the Penis & Foreskin Balanitis (July 2024).