Why dream of the birth of a boy, really, to profit? Basic Interpretations - What is the Dream of the Birth of a Boy


The birth of a child is always joy and happiness. But what is the dream in which the baby is born? Why dreaming the birth of a boy, how to interpret such a dream is worth understanding.

What is the dream of the birth of a boy - the main interpretation

Boys in many cultures were considered much stronger than girls, so dreams, in which boys were born first, mean that all further events of your life will develop quite successfully and rapidly.

What is worth paying attention to in such a dream? The most important thing is whether you gave birth to a boy, or someone else. The interpretation of the dream also depends on this. If a child in a dream was born to a woman unfamiliar to you, but you got custody of him - someone will gladly transfer his responsibility to you and you will only have to reap the fruits of someone else’s illiterate labor. If you dream that you gave birth to a child, but suddenly he disappeared from your field of vision somewhere, such a dream says that you will miss important details in an equally important matter.

For a family in which there are no children, such a dream promises a favorable period and multiple profits. Their old and cherished dream - the birth of a child, can also be fulfilled. But you have to work hard, because all the decisions and events that await the couple ahead are to be predicted and lived with all responsibility.

If the girl is not married, then such a dream promises her a quick marriage. But she should not agree to the first proposal of a hand and heart, several gentlemen will seek her attention. Therefore, she should be very careful in choosing. Perhaps in a dream the baby will be very similar to one of the admirers, then there should be no doubt about the choice of a partner.

If a girl dreams that she gave birth to a son, but did not want this child and did not wait so early - such a dream suggests that she may have a behavior disorder and panic. The thing is that upcoming events of her life will contribute to this. It is worth remembering how difficult the birth was, or they passed easily and naturally. The result of all the difficulties of life also depends on this.

If the birth was quick and successful, there was simply no reason to panic, and the girl was shaking her nerves in vain and at the same time created discomfort for those around her. If a girl gave birth in a dream hard and for a long time - such a dream, an occasion to think, but does she complicate her life? Perhaps she should think about the fact that everything is really just being solved, she just needs to work a little, because water does not flow under a lying stone.

Why dream of the birth of a boy according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that the birth of a boy in a dream is a symbol of a lack of masculine energy, which means that a person who had such a dream needs man’s energy and strength.

If a lonely girl has such a dream, it means that she is trying to create for herself the ideal of a man who would satisfy all her needs and requests. Such a man, most likely will not appear in her life, because she too early gave up the idea of ​​his appearance in reality and began to create his image for herself. This image is as perfect as a baby in a dream.

If a lonely girl dreams that she gave birth to a sick child, most likely she will agree to an inferior relationship with an autocratic man in order to at least somehow brighten up her loneliness.

If a married woman dreams that she gave birth to a child, but he was born prematurely, she too hurries events in their couple. It is time for her to accept the partner as he is and not to rush things. She also should refrain from criticizing in the direction of her man, because he was already tired of constantly hearing how weak and helpless he was without her. In fact, the weakness is not that the man cannot make any decision without the consent of the woman, he just takes into account her opinion and supports her in everything.

If a woman dreams that doctors predicted the birth of a girl, and a boy appeared - in love she will be tested and a long period of losses. In order to survive it easily and not lose faith in herself, a woman needs to gather her courage and understand that so far only she is responsible for herself.

If a man dreams that his beloved has given birth to a healthy firstborn, their union will be strong and long. But if he dreams that the child is sick or even dead - such a dream suggests that it is high time for a man to stop putting pressure on his beloved and give her freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of action. She no longer needs the golden cage; she wants to know that she has a lot to do with it.

If a man dreams that another woman gave birth to a boy from him, he will soon encounter the problem of treason on the part of his beloved. It can only be flirting, and his beloved does not start anything shameful, but the man will be furious and will not be able to express his emotions otherwise than to cause a grand scandal. After this quarrel, the idea of ​​treason will take root in a woman.

If a man dreams that he personally gives birth to a boy, difficulties and obstacles await him on the way to his appointed goal, because he has become too self-confident and no longer listens to other people's advice, he is led only by his own charisma and his own ego. Thanks to them, everything in the man’s world will begin to crumble and this will lead to disastrous consequences. He will not only lose credibility in the eyes of colleagues, but also lose the support of loved ones and relatives.

Why dream of the birth of a boy in an esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said why the birth of a boy is dreamed of - to the period of renewal in human life. Which of the areas of his life will be renewed will be fully confirmed by the full interpretation of the dream. But it is worth paying special attention to who in the presence of whom the birth took place.

• If a child was born in a medical institution - such a dream speaks about the renewal of relations between business partners;

• If the child was born at home, long-lost contact will be restored within the family;

• If the child is born on the street, contacts with unfamiliar people and long-forgotten friends will be restored.

If a pregnant girl dreams that she has a sickly baby, such a dream promises her and in reality health problems that she will have for a long time, and it will be very futile to solve. She not only risks losing her health, but also the baby in her womb. But if in a dream a child is born dead and doctors save him, then the girl also has a chance to give birth to a healthy child.

If a child is born prematurely, one should be wary of making hasty conclusions and decisions. They will not bring to good and will not give those results that are needed by man. If a man dreams that he saves a woman by nature, or takes birth himself - such a dream says that he will be able to wake up an important and correct decision and thereby save many people from problems.

Why dream of the birth of a boy in other dream books

The Big Dream Book says that giving birth to a boy - such a dream promises a house with a full bowl, prosperity in it and wealth. Also, such a dream may indicate that soon all problems will be resolved, and all family members will be able to find a common language among themselves.

In the dream book, Grishina says that if a young girl has a dream in which she gives birth to a boy, she will meet a real man and will not know grief with him. If she dreams that the child is weak and sick, such a dream means that it is time for her to take care of harmony in the relationship between her and her partner. Also, such a dream may indicate that the girl has not been able to forget her old love for a long time and that she can not free herself from the burden of the past. She should go forward with greater joy.

If a man dreams that he really wanted and was waiting for the birth of a girl, and a boy appeared - such a dream means that he really does not feel sincere feelings for his second half. Rather, he feels a sense of ownership towards her. In order to maintain a relationship, now a man will have to work hard. He will need to seek the location of his beloved again. He will have to earn her trust.

Whatever the dream, every person has the right to change his fate as he sees fit, so it’s worth considering the direction in which to move the person further and whether he has chosen it correctly. Life will put everything in its place, and dreams will help to understand the ideas of life, because they are guides to it.


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