Osteospermum: growing from cuttings and care. Sowing osteosperm seeds at home, successfully growing Cape daisies


Osteospermum is a perennial flower that belongs to the genus Aster. Many varieties of this plant have been bred that are striking in their color scheme. The petals can be pink, white, orange and purple, and the center of the flower always remains blue. It is not difficult to grow osteospermum, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of this flower.

Characteristics of Cape daisies (osteosperm)

The plant forms a low bush, which branches well. With good care, the osteospermum is covered with many multicolored flowers that resemble chamomile. In the people it is often called "Cape daisy."

The height of the bush is about 30 cm, and the diameter of flower baskets is 5 cm. Although tall varieties of osteosperm have already been bred, in which the flower diameter reaches 9 cm. In our latitudes they have not yet been encountered.

The flower is very similar to a dimorphotheque, as these are related plants. However, one difference exists, ospeospermum is a perennial plant, in contrast to the orifoteka.

Osteosperm cultivation: popular varieties and species

The most common is the Eklon osteospermum. This is a shrub with massive stems, on its basis many varieties are bred: Congo, Silver, Volta, Zulu. Petals have a variety of colors and shapes.

Ampelic osteospermum is grown as a pot plant. He does not tolerate cold. Abundant flowering can be achieved by the correct arrangement of the flower. Cape Chamomile loves the sun. In winter, the flower is brought into a cold room.

Osteospermum mix is ​​grown as an annual plant, although it belongs to perennials. Landing mainly in sunny areas, although it can tolerate a slight shadow. It blooms profusely and for a long time in the sun. To preserve the flower, during the period of cold weather it is brought into a cool room.

How to grow osteospermum at home

They grow osteospermum through seedlings or root cuttings. A place for planting is selected taking into account all the features of the flower.

1. The plant prefers open sunny areas.

2. It grows well on fertile loose soils.

3. Demanding on soil moisture, but do not zealous with irrigation.

If osteospermum is grown as a pot plant, then at the bottom of the tank there must be a hole for drainage of excess water.

The plant tolerates pinching and shaping of the bush, which positively affects flowering. Regular use of fertilizers allows you to admire the flowers until the cold weather.

Important! To prolong flowering, remove faded baskets and dry shoots weekly.

Sowing Osteosperm Seeds

Osteospermum is well propagated by seeds, they germinate quickly and do not need special care. But if the varietal qualities of a flower are important, then this is not the best option for reproduction, since osteosperm seeds do not inherit parental qualities. Plants can be obtained with different colors and flower shapes.

Sowing of seeds begins in March. The seeds of the flower are quite large, so they can be easily distributed on the soil surface or sown immediately in a separate container.

For precipitation, the soil is prepared in advance:

• turf or peat - 1 part;

• sand - 1 part;

• humus - 1 part.

You can use peat cups or plant the seeds in a container. Seeding depth is not more than 0.5 cm, otherwise they will sprout for a long time. Pots are filled with a soil mixture, slightly moistened and laid out seeds on the surface of the soil, and then sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. After planting, the pots are covered with glass or placed in a greenhouse until germination. The room temperature should be maintained at 22 degrees, after mass shoots it must be reduced.

Seedlings grow quite quickly, so they are not delayed with a pick. As soon as the first pair of true leaves appears, the sprouts dive into separate containers. During the dive, the plants are buried to cotyledon leaves.

When the plants get stronger and grow, boldly proceed to pinch. Gradually, osteospermum should be accustomed to cool air and tempered. To do this, often air the room, expose the containers with seedlings to the balcony.

Outdoor cultivation and care of osteospermum

Plants are planted in a permanent place in May, when there is no threat of night frost.

The bed is prepared in advance, the soil is loosened and fertilized. Osteospermum prefers space, so the bushes are planted at a sufficient distance from each other. It should be borne in mind that the plant forms a lush bush, so the distance between the holes should be at least 20 cm.

Most often, osteospermum is grown as an annual. In autumn, the plant is dug up and placed in a pot with fertile soil. In this state, the flower hibernates indoors. Comfortable temperature for wintering 16 degrees. In spring, the plant can be used for cuttings.

Important! To collect seeds, you need to inspect the petals. They form on their outside, and not in the basket.

Watering and fertilizer

Osteospermum prefers moderately moist soil. Watering should be regular, but not too plentiful. The optimal watering regime is once every three days. If the summer was hot, then the frequency of watering can be increased.

The first time osteospermum is fertilized two weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground. You can use liquid mineral fertilizers or mullein infusion.

The second time you need to feed the flower during the formation of inflorescences, after which the plant is regularly fertilized every week. This contributes to the emergence of new inflorescences.

Propagation of osteosperm by cuttings

If osteospermum winter in the house, then in spring the plant is successfully cut. This method allows you to fully maintain the maternal qualities of the plant.

In spring, take out the pot with the plant and put it in a warm, bright room. As soon as the shoots grow, they need to be cut with a sharp knife. An incision is made at an angle (as in the photo below), which accelerates the appearance of roots.

Cuttings are treated in a root solution and planted in a prepared container. Root cuttings can be in the ground, hydrogel or use moss-sphagnum. For successful root formation, pots with cuttings are placed in a greenhouse. After a week, you can see that some of them started to grow.

Rooted cuttings are planted on a bed, in a hanging pot or balcony boxes. Further care for them comes down to watering, fertilizing and nipping.

It is very easy to grow osteospermum, the care of the plant is minimal. It is rarely affected by pests and practically does not get sick. The flower looks beautiful not only on a flower bed among perennials, but also decorates a balcony, terrace or room.


Watch the video: How to grow Osteospermum (July 2024).