Tree peony: planting a seedling, reproduction and pruning. Tree peony care: top dressing, preparation for winter


Tree peony is a deciduous shrub that gradually grows to 1.5 meters. Its shoots do not die off every fall, so the plant needs proper care.

Peony blooms every year more and more abundantly. Shrub tolerates frost well, it is successfully grown throughout Russia.

How to plant a tree peony on a site

The best time to plant a tree peony is the first half of autumn. Somewhere from August 15 to the end of September, seedlings are planted in a place prepared in advance.

To grow a tree peony, select a sunny area, which is located in an open area. Abundant flowering can only be achieved under such conditions. In the shade, the bush becomes not so beautiful.

The soil for a tree peony is loamy, enriched with humus and compost. Clay soil should be diluted with sand. The life span of a shrub directly depends on the state of the earth. In one place, peony is grown for a long time. Perennials are transplanted extremely rarely.

Planting a tree peony is carried out in places with a low occurrence of groundwater. The root system does not tolerate moisture congestion, therefore, the planting pit is well drained with improvised material to a height of 30 cm. During planting, pay attention to the root neck of the plant, it should be level with the soil.

Tree-like peony is a spreading plant, between seedlings leave enough space for development, but not less than 1.5 m.

Most often, perennials are planted with cuttings, since seed reproduction is quite complicated. For seedlings, the seeds are stratified, but this does not guarantee success. Moreover, such a plant will bloom only after 6 years.

Tree Peony Care: Watering and Feeding

Caring for a plant is not particularly difficult. All grassy crops need regular watering, top dressing and weeding.

Peony is watered twice a month.but abundantly, pouring about 10 liters under each bush. If the summer turned out to be hot, then the bush is watered more often. In late August, watering is reduced to prepare the plant for winter.

After each watering, be sure to loosening the soilto saturate the roots with oxygen. No need to loosen the ground too deep, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the root system. It is best to mulch the soil after watering, which will not only help retain moisture, but also preserve its structure. Organic material is used as mulch; mulching with humus gives good results.

Tree peony is very demanding on top dressing. For full flowering, he needs a lot of potassium and nitrogen. Peony is fed according to the following scheme:

• nitrogen is added at the beginning of the growing season;

• during budding and during flowering use potassium and phosphorus;

• after flowering, nitrogen is added again.

Using such a scheme, remember that it is better to underfeed a perennial than to overfeed. Excess nitrogen not only provokes abundant growth of greenery, reduces winter hardiness, but also contributes to the development of various diseases.

How to prune and transplant a tree peony

Pruning of a tree peony according to all the rules is carried out in the spring. The flowering of a perennial depends on whether it is done correctly.

During pruning, all old branches are cut, and last year's trees are shortened by 10 cm. Old bushes are cut at the level with the soil so that the accessory buds awaken, so the plant is rejuvenated.

Proper pruning of peonies is the key to lush flowering in subsequent years.

Perennial transplant is very poorly tolerated, especially with age. Strong and healthy plants may die after transplantation. If transplantation is necessary, then try to conduct it carefully, without injuring the root system. Dig a bush with a lump of earth, then rinse well under water and inspect the roots. Remove all diseased and broken roots, slightly shorten the rest. Treat the slices with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with crushed charcoal.

Propagation of Tree Peonies

Tree peony is propagated in several ways:

• cuttings;

• dividing the bush;

• layering;

• vaccination.

By dividing the bush, adult peonies older than 5-6 years old are propagated. Moreover, it is better to do this at the end of August, planting dividends immediately to a permanent place.

Semi-lignified shoots are propagated by cuttings.

They are cut with a heel, the leaves are shortened and planting material is placed under a jar in a greenhouse.

It is most successful to carry out cuttings at the end of June.

The depth of planting of cuttings is 1.5 cm.

In autumn, cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, where they winter. With the advent of spring, seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in the garden.

Photo of a tree peony ready for planting

Propagation by layering takes two years. In spring, the shoot is cut and pinned to the ground, covered with a layer of soil of 8-10 cm.

The soil is well moistened throughout the season. By September, layering should give roots, after which it is dug up and planted in a permanent place.

The most reliable and common way to reproduce perennials is vaccination. At home, the vaccine is carried out on the roots of the plant.

In August, cuttings are harvested, the lower part of which is ground under a wedge and inserted into an incision in the root.

The vaccination site is tightly tied. Grow a tree peony for two years.

Problems When Growing A Tree Peony

The shrub is resistant to diseases and pests, but weakened plants are susceptible to gray rot. Rotted shoots are removed, and the plant is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

If a peony is infected with boron spotting, then the bush is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. Infected shoots, leaves are removed and burned.

How to prepare a tree peony for winter

After flowering, the shoots are shortened to the axillary bud. If this is not done, then the plant weakens. In late autumn, the bush is fertilized with ash, which is applied under each bush and dug.

A tree-shaped peony is a winter-hardy plant, but experienced gardeners advise covering it for the winter. Cold shrubs are terrible, but temperature drops and an early thaw can destroy undisguised growth buds.

In late autumn, peony shoots are tied with twine, the root zone is mulched with peat. Once the weather is established, the bush is covered with spruce branches, dry foliage or covering material. In such conditions, the wintering of the plant will go well.

As you can see, caring for a tree peony is simple, it does not require any complicated procedures. It is enough to water and feed the plant on time. When planting a tree peony, immediately choose a suitable place for it so as not to injure the plant with frequent transplants. Adhering to these simple recommendations, caring for the bush will bring only positive emotions. Be sure to plant a tree peony in your garden to enjoy its flowering every spring.


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