Meat hedgehogs with rice - the second in a hurry. The best recipes for meat hedgehogs with rice in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker


A delicious dish that combines with almost any side dish that both adults and children like meatballs or meat hedgehogs with rice. These two dishes, although similar, are still slightly different in that they usually put raw rice on the hedgehogs, and when stewing or baking, the grains swell and the meatballs look like little hedgehogs. Using pre-cooked rice is also not a mistake. We present you a variety of recipes for meat hedgehogs, so that you yourself can choose the one that you prefer.

Hedgehogs with rice - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of meat hedgehogs, any meat is suitable: veal, pork, chicken. You can use several types. When scrolling, it is advisable to add at least a little fat to the stuffing, so the hedgehogs will turn out juicier.

Rice is suitable for any variety, the main thing is that it is not steamed. Rice can be put in minced meat in raw or semi-finished form, depending on your preferences and recipe.

In addition to rice and meat, onions are often put in minced meat. It should be either finely chopped with a knife, or rolled through a meat grinder along with meat. Spices are used to a minimum.

Balls of large or medium size are formed from the finished meat mass. Prepare the hedgehogs for a couple, in a pan, in the oven or slow cooker, pour the sauce. You can pre-fry the meat balls with rice.

The sauce is required, without them, hedgehogs will turn out not so soft, juicy and tasty. Prepare a sauce based on tomato paste, sour cream or vegetables.

1. Meat hedgehogs with rice


• minced pork and beef - half a kilogram;

• long-grain rice - 250 g;

• a little tomato paste;

• egg - 1 pc.;

• onion head;

• a glass of sour cream;

• crushed allspice black pepper - 30 g.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the washed rice groats with water, cook over low heat until half cooked. Rinse with cold water in a colander.

2. In the minced meat, add the onion, chopped into small cubes, chicken egg, salt and pepper.

3. Put washed rice in the minced meat and mix thoroughly.

4. Form balls of approximately 3 cm in diameter from the prepared meat.

5. Prepare the sauce: put a glass of sour cream, tomato paste in a thick-walled pan, pour a little filtered water, salt, pepper (you can add a pinch of dry basil), stir well until a homogeneous, liquid consistency.

6. Put the hedgehogs in a bowl with cooked sour cream and tomato sauce, put on moderate heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

7. Serve the finished hedgehogs with a side dish of buckwheat, pasta or vegetables, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

2. Oven-baked meat hedgehogs with rice


• a pound of any stuffing (chicken can be);

• rice groats - 250 g;

• 1 egg;

• middle onion head;

• sweet pepper pod;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• a little oil for frying;

• 30 g sour cream;

• chopped black pepper and seasoning for meat - 20 g each;

• salt - a pinch;

• parsley - half a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Break the egg into the chopped meat and pour the washed raw rice.

2. Onion cut into small crumbs, pepper - into a small cube, add to the minced meat, pour a little salt, pepper and seasoning, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put sour cream in a small cup, mix it with chopped parsley and garlic squeezed through the garlic.

4. Form medium-sized meat balls, place them on a greased sheet.

5. Pour the hedgehogs with the prepared sauce and bake in the oven at not very high temperature for about 40 minutes.

6. Serve the dish on portioned plates with mashed potatoes, garnishing with parsley leaves.

3. Meat hedgehogs with rice in a pan


• 200 grams of pork and beef;

• 250 g of rice;

• 1 egg;

• 1 carrot;

• ground crackers - half a glass;

• 1 onion;

• parsley - half a bunch.

On the sauce:

• ketchup and sour cream - 130 g each;

• salt - a pinch;

• ground hot and black pepper, seasoning for meat - 30 g.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the prepared meat through a meat grinder.

2. Break the egg into the minced meat, pour the washed rice.

3. Salt a little, pepper, season with spices.

4. Grind carrots, onions and parsley leaves with a knife, put in minced meat, mix everything thoroughly until tender.

5. Form the balls, sprinkle them with breadcrumbs, put on a hot skillet with oil and fry until golden brown.

6. While the hedgehogs are fried, make the sauce: in a cup, mix sour cream, ketchup and a little boiled water, add pepper, salt, stir well again.

7. Pour the hedgehog sauce. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

8. Put the hedgehogs on a plate, pour the sauce.

4. Meat hedgehogs with rice in a slow cooker


• 0.5 kg of minced meat (pork with beef);

• a little less than a glass of long-grain rice;

• salt - 30 g;

• 1 egg;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• 3 medium tomatoes;

• some frying oil;

• burning and black ground pepper, any spices for meat - 0.5 teaspoon each.

Cooking method:

1. In the forcemeat, squeeze the garlic through a press, break the egg, pour the washed rice, salt, pepper.

2. Thoroughly mix the minced meat with your hands (you can beat it a little with a culinary hammer so that the meat hedgehogs do not fall apart during braising in a slow cooker).

3. Form small balls.

4. Pour a little oil into the capacity of the multicooker, put the prepared hedgehogs, set the mode to "frying". Fry for several minutes on all sides.

5. After frying, switch the multicooker to the "extinction" mode, set the timer for 30 minutes.

6. Pour meat balls with pre-prepared sauce: for this, fry the chopped onions and carrots on a stove in a pan, put the chopped tomatoes without skin on them, add a small amount of water, mix well.

7. Serve with boiled buckwheat, pouring sauce and garnishing with parsley leaves.

5. Meat hedgehogs with rice stewed with cabbage


• minced pork with beef - 500-600 g;

• 2 small carrots;

• onion head;

• 4 tbsp. tablespoons of long-grain rice;

• a small slice of cabbage;

• sour cream - 150 g;

• semolina - 30 g;

• tomato - 20 g;

• cooking oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut two carrots and onions into small cubes. Pass in oil until softened.

2. Chop the cabbage in large strips.

3. Boiled rice in large quantities of water for 10 minutes. Drain the water, rinse the rice.

4. Add the tomato paste to the fried carrot with onions, stir.

5. Add the rice to the prepared meat, pour the semolina, break the egg, salt and mix.

6. From the prepared meat, form balls with a diameter of 6 cm.

7. On the bottom of a deep frying pan or roasting pan, put cabbage up to one third of the volume.

8. Put a little fried carrots with onions and tomato on the cabbage, grease the surface with sour cream.

9. Put the meat hedgehogs on sour cream.

10. Put the remaining cabbage on top.

11. The last layer is the fried vegetables with tomato.

12. Pour 400 ml of slightly salted water and bring to a boil over high heat.

13. Then reduce the heat and simmer until all the ingredients have softened for about 40 minutes. Pour boiling water into the dish as necessary during the stewing process.

14. Put the hedgehogs on a plate, put the stewed cabbage next to it, pour all the sauce.

6. Meat hedgehogs with rice, baked with potatoes and cheese


• 0.5 kg of any stuffing;

• onion head;

• potatoes;

• 1 egg;

• 9 tbsp. spoons of any rice;

• Dutch cheese - a small piece;

• salt, black pepper - a pinch;

• garlic - 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Add the egg to the minced meat, onion with small crumbs, salt, pepper, put the cooked rice, stir thoroughly.

2. Form balls, place them on a greased baking sheet, 1 cm apart.

3. Between the hedgehogs, lay the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, add salt and pepper.

4. Sprinkle everything well with cheese.

5. Put the leaf in a hot oven and bake for 40 minutes.

6. Serve the dish hot by putting 2-3 hedgehogs and baked potatoes on a plate.

7. Meat hedgehogs with rice under a cheese crust


• a pound of minced meat;

• 175 g of cheese;

• 100 g of rice;

• onion;

• egg;

• salt;

• to taste garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Add the minced egg or chopped onion and garlic in a blender.

2. Boil rice in a separate saucepan until half-cooked, rinse, and discard in a colander.

3. Mix rice with minced meat, salt.

4. Form the balls.

5. Put the hedgehogs on an oiled baking sheet, bake at a low temperature for 50 minutes.

6. Pour in a little boiling water 20-25 minutes before cooking.

7. 8-12 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the hedgehogs with cheese chips.

Meat hedgehogs with rice - secrets and tricks

• If you use hedgehog for cooking hedgehogs rather than homemade mincemeat, it is better to twist it again: in semi-finished products often come across large pieces of meat and fat, which will undoubtedly affect the taste of the prepared dish.

• Stuffing will not stick during the formation of hedgehogs to the hands if you periodically dip your hands in cool water.

• Making a dietary version of a dish is simple: instead of frying or baking, choose steaming. Then transfer them to the pan and pour the sauce made from fat-free sour cream and water, simmer for 5 minutes.

• A side dish is served with buckwheat, buckwheat, boiled vegetables, as well as all kinds of salads and greens. You can serve the dish without a side dish, abundantly watering the meat balls with gravy. Enjoy your meal.
