What diet is needed for exacerbation of gastritis: limitations. Allowed diet products for exacerbation of gastritis, menu


Exacerbation of gastritis is a dangerous condition in which the symptoms of acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa return.

At the first signs of exacerbation, an urgent need to switch to a sparing diet: this is the only way to avoid hospitalization.

Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis and first aid to the stomach

Gastritis is a very common disease. According to WHO, one in six out of 10 thousand people suffers from gastritis, that is, more than half of the world's population is sick. And these are only those who went to the doctor.

Gastritis is a mysterious disease. Doctors do not know exactly what it is caused by: either malnutrition, or the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, or an alcohol-cigarette "diet", or stress. Therefore, exacerbation of gastritis can happen at any time. I had a snack with a burger, drank a glass of alcohol at a corporate party, smoked an extra cigarette, got nervous because of an unfair bossy reprimand - and now there are already symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane. Nausea, pain, vomiting, belching, bloating are the main signs of exacerbation.

As soon as they appear, measures must be taken immediately. Especially if the exacerbation starts with pulling severe pain. On the first day you should completely refuse food. All that is possible is a decoction of dried or fresh rosehips in a warm form, still mineral water and simple drinking water. Tea is allowed, but without milk and sugar, neither cold nor hot. The total volume of fluid on the first day is at least 2 liters.

Starting from the next day for at least a week you will have to adhere to a strict diet with exacerbation of gastritis. This means that you need to eat only permitted products and cook them in a certain way.

The basic principles of diet

The bottom line is to create the most sparing working conditions for the stomach. Mucous should be given time to recover. At the same time, the pancreas and liver will be in "greenhouse conditions", and bile secretion will decrease. Calorie diet on exacerbation of gastritis is slightly reduced and is about 2200 kcal. You don’t have to starve, although the diet will be limited in fat and easily digestible carbohydrates. The patient is allowed to eat complex carbohydrates - 300 g, fats - 60 g, proteins - 90 g. The amount of water is not regulated, you need to drink as you wish.

The basic principles of nutrition are as follows:

• Allowed products must be either cooked or steamed;

• You can’t eat anything fried, baked;

• cooked food should be wiped through a sieve or mashed in any way;

• salt is limited to 3 g per day, spices can not be added;

• the amount of fat should not exceed the specified rate.

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis due to low calorie intake leads to weight loss. It is quite suitable for people with obesity, it helps to establish a lipid (fat) metabolism in the body.

Important points:

• a complete ban on tobacco and alcohol is introduced, which will certainly worsen the condition of the patient;

• 6 meals a day allows you to not feel hunger and not overeat;

• small, not more than 300 g, the portion size does not injure and does not overload the stomach;

• additional gentle factor - neutral or slightly warm food temperature. Hot and cold dishes are prohibited;

• during the acute phase of exacerbation of sports should be discontinued.

In order for the stomach to recover, the mucous membrane should not irritate anything: neither the sharpness of the dishes, nor the solid large fragments of food, nor the temperature that differs from body temperature. As a rule, it takes 2 weeks to restore the normal state of the stomach.

List of prohibited and permitted products

Gastritis varies in degree of acidity of the gastric juice. Diet for exacerbation of gastritis allows eating the following foods and prepared meals:

• stale wheat bread or crackers from it;

• one egg in the form of a steam omelet or souffle;

• milk, sour cream, including in the form of sauces and dressings;

• well-wiped low-fat cottage cheese, fresh kefir (with low acidity);

• baked and mashed vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots;

• vegetable soups from these vegetables with cereals, necessarily mashed;

• mashed liquid cereals boiled in water or with a small amount of milk (not more than 1/3 of the total amount of liquid);

• mashed lean meat cooked in the form of soufflé or meatballs;

• cutlets from low-fat varieties of fish;

• pasta;

• sweet compotes, jelly, mousse, jelly, decoctions of fresh berries and fruits;

• nonfat, unsalted soft cheese;

• plain and herbal tea.

Everything fried, spicy, salty, fatty is completely prohibited. Cannot be included in the diet. nutrition on a diet with exacerbation of gastritis:

• burning vegetables - onions, garlic, radish, radish;

• raw vegetables;

• raw fruits;

• mushrooms and mushroom broths;

• fish and meat broths;

• fatty meats;

• oily fish;

• fresh bread, baking, puff products;

• spices;

• legumes, barley, millet;

• culinary and animal fat;

• rye bread (with high acidity).

Categorically not on a diet with exacerbation of gastritis, drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks, ice cream, lard. If onions are used to improve the taste, then they should be chopped and minced as small as possible on water with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Menu for 7 days with exacerbation of gastritis

Following a diet with exacerbation of gastritis, remember that you can not overeat. When the pain in the stomach subsides, the appetite will return. But it is better to drink an extra glass of warm water than to overload the stomach and stretch the mucous membrane.


• Breakfast: cereal cutlets from boiled rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, grated and breaded in breadcrumbs. You can add a little milk or sour cream sauce.

• Second breakfast: black tea with milk and a small wheat cracker.

• Lunch: mashed potato soup, shabby beef cutlet with a little boiled pasta. A glass of fruit jelly.

• Snack: fruit or berry jelly.

• Dinner: mashed boiled zucchini with steamed meat patty. A glass of jelly or kefir.

• Light late dinner: a glass of kefir or a serving of fruit jelly.


• Breakfast: a portion of mashed low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream.

• Second breakfast: green tea with milk and cracker.

• Lunch: vegetable soup, a little boiled buckwheat with meatballs, dried fruit compote.

• Snack: tea with a slice of soft cottage cheese.

• Dinner: mashed potatoes with steamed fishcake.

• Light late dinner: mashed pear.


• Breakfast: semolina pudding, green tea.

• Second breakfast: broth of wild rose with fruit jelly.

• Lunch: lean soup with vermicelli, chicken cutlet with grated rice, stewed fruit.

• Snack: tea with milk and wheat crackers.

• Dinner: casserole from boiled carrots with sour cream sauce, chicken cutlet.

• Light late dinner: fresh kefir.


• Breakfast: mashed oatmeal with a small piece of butter, broth of wild rose.

• Second breakfast: mashed cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream.

• Lunch: rice soup with carrots, a steam patty with a side dish of barley groats.

• Snack: pureed banana.

• Dinner: dumplings with curd filling and sour cream, compote.

• Light late dinner: a piece of cheese or cottage cheese with tea.


• Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with a spoon of jam, broth of wild rose.

• Second breakfast: tea with milk and wheat crackers.

• Lunch: mashed cauliflower and broccoli soup, steamed potato cutlet with meat filling, gravy on sour cream.

• Snack: biscuit cookies, tea with milk.

• Dinner: steam fish patty, mashed potatoes.

• Light late dinner: a cup of kefir.


• Breakfast: protein omelet with a slice of dried bread, compote.

• Second breakfast: green tea with crackers.

• Lunch: lean soup with fish meatballs, diet pilaf with chicken.

• Afternoon snack: baked apple.

• Dinner: mashed boiled buckwheat with a steam chicken cutlet. Kissel from fresh or frozen berries.

• Light late dinner: soft cheese, green tea.


• Breakfast: casserole from pureed cottage cheese with sour cream or a spoonful of liquid honey.

• Second breakfast: wheat crackers with tea.

• Lunch: shabby vegetable soup, boiled pasta with meatballs.

• Snack: jelly from berries or fruits.

• Dinner: dumplings with cottage cheese or potatoes (optional), sour cream, green tea.

• Light late dinner: a cup of kefir.

If you feel severe hunger in the evening, you can additionally drink half a cup of kefir or eat 150 g of natural, best home-made yogurt.

What can be prepared on a diet with exacerbation of gastritis

Despite the limitations, with exacerbation of gastritis, you can eat quite tasty. You can cook cereals, vegetables, meat, dairy dishes.

Rice and Corn Soup


• two liters of water;

• a can of corn;

• Chicken's leg;

• half a glass of rice;

• three potatoes.

Cut the meat from the legs and cook it until cooked in boiled water. Boil rice separately. Send cubes of potatoes into a weak broth. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, put the corn in the pan, after draining the liquid and the jars. Salt to taste, let it brew.

Carrot and cottage cheese casserole


• a pound of cottage cheese;

• egg;

• three carrots;

• a tablespoon of potato starch;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• half a glass of milk;

• three tablespoons of semolina;

• a pinch of salt;

• vanillin optional.

Grate carrots on a fine grater, put in a saucepan, add sugar and milk and boil until soft. Pour semolina, mix and hold on fire for 3 minutes. Wipe the curd mix with egg and starch. Put the carrots in the curd, mix, salt to taste, add the vanillin and put in the muffin tins. Hold in the oven for half an hour and serve with honey or sour cream.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

• a glass of rice;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• a tablespoon of butter;

• half a glass of sugar.

Cook rice in water. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and also boil in a small amount of water. Grate rice (you can use a blender), mashed pumpkin, combine them and season with oil.


Watch the video: Treating Early Gastric Cancer (June 2024).