Why does my daughter dream of interpreting popular dream books. How to interpret a dream, what a daughter dreams of, according to the dream books of Miller, Freud, Loff


Dreams about children reflect our anxieties about them. But there are other interpretations of such dreams. What daughter dreams of, we learn from the most popular dream books.

Why is my daughter dreaming of a family dream book?

A mother’s dream of a daughter foreshadows the imminent receipt of news about her or from herself. The news will not be too joyful: most likely, they will be associated with trouble, trouble or chagrin.

If a mother accidentally meets her daughter in a dream, then her family is waiting for an unexpected development of events. Having a daughter in a dream - to material losses due to improper or careless handling of money.

Why is my daughter on her deathbed dreaming? Sleep foreshadows the sentencing of a court in some unpleasant case. The dreamer will have to answer for something in full, pay the bills presented.

To treat my daughter in a dream with neglect - to future troubles. After the dream, you need to try to philosophically treat troubles, squabbles, financial problems.

Why is my daughter dreaming of Freud’s dream book

A man who dreams of his own daughter, in reality has a lack of attention from his wife or lover. The dreamer needs a different level of relationship - a more trusting one. Another interpretation of such a dream is longing for unfulfilled sexual desires.

A dream about a daughter, a woman’s dream, means her desire to hide behind her partner from everyday troubles, to feel like a child under the protection of an adult.

Why is my daughter dreaming of Miller’s dream book

There is a double interpretation of the dream of a daughter in this dream book. On the one hand, some kind of trouble awaits the dreamer. On the other hand, it is she who will ultimately turn into pleasure, achieving harmony.

To dream that a daughter scornfully or carelessly treats you - to troubles. What is the dream of a daughter, long grown up, again small? To a possible quarrel with her, reproaches because of children's insults. To quarrel with a daughter in a dream is to be dissatisfied with her real behavior. If the daughter attacked the parent with a knife, then in reality she will find dishonor and shame. Everything will turn out especially badly if she managed to injure her mother or father before the blood.

To beat a daughter means to give part of her energy for her well-being, to sacrifice something very important in her life for her. If the father sees how he kills his daughter with his own hands, then in reality he will intercede for her in a very difficult and even dangerous situation. Most likely, to solve the problem it will be necessary to attract influential people. The dream has the same interpretation in which you hear your daughter calling you.

Seeing the death of a daughter is a harbinger of financial collapse or the onset of prolonged and sudden lack of money. Crying in a dream because of the death of her daughter, who is actually alive, is a difficult time in her life. It is possible that her life will soon be in trouble. Seeing your daughter drown is a bad sign. A dream means that in real life she can end up in bad company and do a lot of stupid things. Seeing a sick daughter is a difficult conversation with her, which awaits the dreamer in the near future.

Seeing a pregnant daughter means that she has many problems that you do not know about. Try talking to her. Perhaps this will facilitate her situation, and it will help you to maintain influence on your daughter’s life and really help her.

The dream of a daughter who is not really there is a dream of a pleasant romantic acquaintance. It will definitely have a sequel.

It’s bad to see in a dream how you are looking and cannot find your daughter. This is a terrible warning about the intrigues that your enemies started, or about the troubles that someone is preparing for your child. According to another interpretation, the daughter will sooner or later move to another city.

Why is my daughter dreaming of Wangi’s dream book

If the dreamer has a daughter, then after awakening, he will become a participant in amazing, breathtaking adventures. It will be both very pleasant and bad. Therefore, after awakening, you need to prepare in your soul for any development of events.

Why is my daughter happy, smiling, happy? Such a dream is definitely for luck, a happy event, success. All plans will come true, all dreams will come true.

If the daughter dreamed in the image of a newborn, although in fact she had already grown up long ago, then in reality the dreamer is expected to have joyful, amazing events that will have a fateful meaning.

Why is my daughter dreaming about Longo's dream book

This interpreter gives family dreams to his daughter. It doesn’t matter whether the mother or father has a daughter. In any case, a dream is a symbol of kinship, kinship, the prediction that this side of the relationship will have to be given special attention in the near future.

A dream does not have any special significance only if the daughter has long been separated from the mother's family, lives separately, independently or in general is very far away. A dream reflects the feelings of parents for their child, the desire to see, to learn the news. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an early meeting.

What is the dream of a daughter who lives in the same apartment with her parents? But this dream is unfavorable. Perhaps she is in serious danger.

Why is my daughter dreaming about Hasse

The daughter dreams of worries, troubles, an abundance of everyday affairs. Such an interpretation gives a dream book to the image of a daughter. If she has already grown up long ago, but in a dream you see her as a child or an infant, then in real life your daughter has many problems, the roots of which must be sought in her childhood. Perhaps the time has come to talk heart to heart to resolve at least part of the children's contradictions and questions.

Seeing your daughter crying is a very good dream. It means that in reality your child is doing fine, she will have great joy, real happiness.

What is the dream of the late daughter? Such a dream is not good. Most often, it predicts to the dreamer many problems that had to be solved a long time ago. Soon he will have to listen to many reproaches or be punished for some misconduct committed in the distant past.

Seeing the deceased daughter on the eve of parental Saturday is a direct indication that she needs to be remembered, read prayers, or order a magpie for the deceased.

Why is my daughter dreaming about Loff's dream book

The dream of daughters is interpreted by the dream book as a manifestation of a relationship of dependence. If a girl dreams of a little one, although she has long become an adult, then parents are tormented by the thought of gaps in her upbringing. Perhaps they did not give her something very important in her childhood, and now it’s difficult for her daughter to build relationships with people.

The dream about the daughter’s funeral is a reflection of the experiences associated with the alienation of matured children from the parental home. This dream does not carry any special significance, but predicts a weakening of the influence of parental authority.

Hearing in a dream about the death of your daughter, but then meeting her alive and healthy is a dream warning. Parents need to pay attention to the behavior of their daughter. Perhaps she considers herself an adult, but in fact she is still very vulnerable and dependent on her elders. This may push her to make mistakes.

Seeing in a dream the grave of your own daughter, who is alive and healthy in reality, is a symbol of a completely upset relationship with her. The dream says that you need to use every chance to restore family ties.

If a daughter is pregnant in a dream, then she is in danger of need or hardship. Of similar significance is the dream in which the daughter gave birth to a child.

Why is my daughter dreaming of a modern dream book

If a married man sees that he has a daughter, then in reality he will face many worries and even troubles. He will have to bravely endure a period of stress.

A dream about the birth of a daughter for a pregnant woman is a signal to treat your lifestyle, and especially nutrition, more carefully. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

If in a dream you kiss your daughter, then in reality you should definitely look at her behavior. She can bring unexpected surprises, and unpleasant ones. Possible problems.

It’s not good to see the groom marry to the daughter. Such a dream foreshadows her long loneliness. Finding her mate in real life will be very difficult for her. But to see your daughter crying is the opposite sign. After such a dream, you need to prepare for the wedding. In any case, your son-in-law may appear very soon.

Seeing a daughter in mourning is a harbinger of her near illness. Sleep can warn of an accident that may happen to her in the near future. However, if the black dress was not mourning, but rather evening, then this is a symbol of the rich, luxurious life of your daughter in reality.

If a mother sees her adult daughter as a baby, then very soon she will be nursing her grandchildren.


Watch the video: Sigmund Freud - Dream Psychology - FULL AudioBook - HQ- Subtitles (June 2024).