Exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen (video) - create bends in the waist. How to get rid of your abdomen in a short time using the "vacuum" exercise


The problem of getting rid of a bulging tummy has been successfully solved by many men and women with the help of regular exercise "vacuum".

Learn and you how to do the exercise "vacuum" and get answers to questions about the benefits and harms of it for the body.

Exercise "vacuum" in comparison with press exercises: what is their difference?

To form an ideal figure, many girls spend months on exhausting diets and torture their body in the gym, pumping the press and performing other strength exercises. However, despite all their efforts, the waist does not acquire the desired bends, and the tummy continues to bulge. What is the matter?

Let's look in more detail at the picture which muscles make up the structure of the abdomen.

So, what is the effect of a regular abdominal exercise? They work well on the rectus and oblique muscles. Due to this effect, press cubes begin to form. The stomach itself is only tightened slightly. Thus, to make the waist thin, and the tummy flat only with the help of exercises for the press will not work.

In the formation of an ideal figure, the exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen becomes an indispensable assistant. Compared to pressing exercises, it has a significant advantage - a good study of the internal transverse muscles of the abdomen. These muscles are responsible for the bends of the waist. Also, the exercise "vacuum" trains the internal divided muscles well, due to which the tummy becomes flat, and the royal posture.

Before describing all the subtleties of the implementation of the "vacuum", I will share with you the most important information - contraindications.

Exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen: are there any contraindications?

This exercise is not suitable for all people, since it carries a number of certain limitations.

1. Pregnancy. If a woman is in the period of pregnancy, she is strictly forbidden to perform this exercise. Performing this exercise will entail certain violations and complications of the situation.

2. Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Performing the "vacuum" exercise for the abdomen is based on breathing: deep breaths, sudden exhalations, breath holding. And all this must be done to the maximum. Such actions will adversely affect the state of the internal organs of people suffering from the above diseases.

3. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially ulcers. In case of mild diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, before performing the exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen, you should definitely consult your doctor. In the event of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, this exercise is strictly prohibited.

4. The period of critical days. At such moments in women's life, it is not recommended to diligently make a “vacuum”. This is especially true for women in whom menstruation occurs with abdominal pain.

Note! If you are not the owner of the above diseases, but for some reason you have a stomach ache, in no case do not take up the implementation of this exercise. If pain in this area appeared immediately at the time when you are doing a “vacuum”, immediately stop training.

Having carefully studied all contraindications, pay attention to the following features of the correct implementation of the exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen.

Exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen: what are the secrets of proper execution for the most effective result?

At first glance, the exercise "vacuum" may seem simple. However, it requires compliance with certain nuances in the execution. Which ones are discussed in detail below.

Right breathing. This parameter is very important when performing a "vacuum", since it is from it that the positive final result depends. So, what should be the correct breathing when doing the exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen? The breath is deep, exclusively through the nose. Exhale - to the complete emptiness of the respiratory tract, through the mouth. The exhalation force should be large, the exhale sharp.

The question of relaxation. When we exhale while performing a "vacuum", the body automatically relaxes. Please note that this should not be. When exhaling, try not to completely relax your stomach. This is especially true for the abdomen, since the effectiveness of the "vacuum" exercise largely depends on its tension.

Question about time and schedule. Exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen should begin to be performed small. Therefore, in time, focus on your endurance, but still try to do a little more than your capabilities. Always strive to improve performance, because the quality of the final result depends on this. As for the training schedule, you need to perform the exercise twice a day. The best time is morning and evening. Try to work out before breakfast and just before bedtime.

Having studied all the information described above, you can start the correct implementation of the exercise "vacuum" for the abdomen and achieve a qualitative result in the shortest possible time.

"Vacuum": a description of the exercise for the abdomen

Exercise "vacuum" is performed in three positions:

- Lying down;

- sitting;

- We stand.

Note! The second and third provisions are considered complicated versions of the first, but not a complex. Perform the exercise "vacuum" is necessary only in one of the above positions. Beginners should start from a prone position. Over time, complicate your actions by choosing other positions - sitting, and then standing on all fours.

First position: how to perform a "vacuum" lying

1. Sit lying on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees. Photo exercises "vacuum" clearly shows how to do this.

2. Start breathing. Take a very deep breath as directed. Take a sharp, expiratory breath. As you exhale, stretch your stomach inward as far as possible.

3. Hold on in this position for 10 seconds, taking as necessary short breaths.

4. Now rest a bit, breathing at your usual pace. Repeat exercise 10 times.

Sedentary and standing “vacuum” for the abdomen: the nuances of proper execution

The technique of performing a "vacuum" for the abdomen in a sitting position is similar to performing lying down. Here you need to sit on a hard chair, straighten your back and place your hands on your knees. The photo of the “vacuum” exercise shows a complicated version of this position.

As for the "standing" execution of the "vacuum", the initial position should be as follows:

1. Sit on all fours. Palms serve as your support.

2. Track the position of your wrists, shoulders, and elbows. They should be on one straight line.

3. The back must be straight. Do not let it sag. Breast needs to be straightened.

4. Further actions are similar to the two previous provisions.

You can also watch a video of the “vacuum” exercise, which will clearly help you understand the correct technique for its implementation.

A true sporting find: what is the use of a "vacuum" for the abdomen?

It was already mentioned above that this exercise is incredibly useful for the whole human body as a whole. What carries for the body its regular implementation?

1. Effective Anti-Aging. This is one of the best ways to prevent age-related sagging of internal organs;

2. Effective Visceral Fat Management. Visceral fat accumulates on the internal organs of a person and is very dangerous. "Vacuum" will save him.

3. Ideal figure. Six months of regular and proper exercises with a "vacuum" for the abdomen will provide you with a flat stomach, graceful curves of the waist and royal posture.


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