The meaning of the name Sonya, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Sonya mean, what are its origin and history


The name of a person is his distinguishing feature, it characterizes the uniqueness of each of us. No wonder many parents, before giving the child a name, study his interpretation.

What does the name Sonya mean? What are the origin and history of the name Sonya?

The meaning of the name Sonya

Sonya is the abbreviated name of Sophia. It means "wise," "wise," "wise."

It also has several abbreviated forms:

• Sofa;

• Sonya;

• Sofyushka.

The zodiac sign that protects Sonya is Libra. This is a very purposeful and balanced nature. A planet that knows all the important decisions in Sony's life is Saturn.

The color that suits her best is dark blue. Tree-amulet Sony - linden. The plant that can protect her from many ailments is lovage. And the stone that gives her health and happiness is Lapis lazuli. The meaning of the name Sonia determines the temperament of the girl. She celebrates her birthday twice a year on the Christian calendar - on the fourth of June and the thirtieth of September.

The origin and history of the name Sonya

The name Sonya has Slavic roots. Although the name Sofia is also found in ancient Greek manuscripts, and it is in them that it is interpreted as "wise." What does the name Sonya mean for the Orthodox world? It means a wise girl beyond her years and the keeper of the hearth.

It is worth noting that in ancient times, with this name, there were many signs and customs. On Sonina, birthday parties also celebrated their birthday Vera and Hope with Love. On this day, young ladies staged lush festivities and appointed a matchmaker. It was believed that on this day, girlish beauty has the greatest power.

Today the name Sonya in its various forms is very common in Europe. It also found recognition in America. Sleepy-haired girls are called there. This name is always associated with a pampered and affectionate child.

The character and fate of Sonya

Since childhood, Sonya has been growing up as a very inquisitive and active child. She does not know how to concentrate on one issue for a long time, therefore, she tries to immediately resolve all misunderstandings. From childhood, all the attention of the family is concentrated on her. She knows how and amuse and console.

She does not go into meditations for a long time, and if failure catches up with her, she will solve all issues with a smile. It is such a correct and positive approach to any business that provides Sonya with a huge number of friends and friends. But only a few know her real.

Since childhood, exceptional family values ​​have been laid in it, she values ​​her loved ones. Family is important for her, as is the attention of a man, his support and his warmth. Little Sonia is pampered. Therefore, she almost always feels happy. But at the same time, she does not always understand in childhood that life is not only good, but also evil. Therefore, Sonya, at an older age, is perplexed when people try to hurt her.

As a child, forcing Sonya to do something that she does not want is impossible. But you can always agree with her. She just loves outdoor games and loves when there are a lot of guests in the house. She has a particularly close relationship with her father. He pampers Sonya and for this she lights up his life with a smile. Sonya quickly finds an approach not only to dad, but also to any man. She finds what to tell him, how to interest him, how to show him that she is interested in her. Her inner light and optimism attract men.

She is very active at school. Always involved in competitions, olympiads and other events. At the same time, many treat her kindly. But even those who are truly jealous of Sonya - eventually change their minds about it. Despite her constant activity, Sonya is responsible for the lessons and tries to learn them at the highest score.

In adulthood, Sonia is also active and purposeful. She is also responsible in work, as in school. At the same time, she tries to do everything herself so that no one is dependent on her. She loves huge companies. She is very creative, so she can read poetry for hours on end. She loves theater and music. She has a good ear, a taste in clothes. Many envy her elegance and sense of style.

Separately, it is worth noting its positive character traits:

• Compassion for one's neighbor;

• Respect for elders;

• Delicacy;

• Exposure;

• The desire to protect the weak.

Sony's negative character traits include:

• Shyness;

• Sensitivity;

• Injury;

• Excessive seriousness.

When choosing a profession, Sonya is guided rather by common sense. Therefore, he will choose a profession more pragmatic, and profitable. She has many hobbies and favorite activities - thanks to them she has a rest.

Business for her is a favorite field for development. Moreover, any business will be given to her easily. She will prove herself as a publisher and journalist. She will not need much to get recognition in the professional field, she will simply be completely devoted to her favorite business.

A wonderful leader and subordinate will come out of it. She appreciates everyone with whom she has worked, and at the same time, she will find an individual approach to everyone. This allows you to maintain friendships with everyone.

Sonya's love

Sonya’s character and fate determine her attitude to her soulmate. She is very faithful and demands the same from her chosen one. He will never argue with him and try to find out who is right and who is not.

Sonya is very passionate and if her husband does not support her hobbies, she can quickly switch to another man. At the same time, she will not have a double relationship. She loves her children very much and just doesn’t mind the soul in them. Raises children in severity, but in understanding. She tries to provide them with all the necessities, and if her husband does not support Sonya's impulses, she finds a more suitable man who will become the head of the family. She always wants to feel a strong male shoulder next to her.

Despite Sonya's enormous intellectual potential, she often makes impulsive decisions in a relationship. Therefore, many consider it unrestrained. Although she just knows exactly what she wants.


Watch the video: How to Pronounce Sonia (July 2024).