Why dream of a river


Running water in a dream is the personification of fate and a symbol of life. Calm currents predict a person joy and success in business, and turbulent streams foreshadow excitement and anxiety.

However, there are other meanings of this dream, which the dream book will help acquaint with.

Dreamed a river which means

  • If you dreamed of running water, pay attention to all the details of the dream and then find the appropriate interpretation:
  • to see the current with clean clear water - a serene and calm period awaits you in the future;
  • the river in the dream was muddy and dirty - get ready for bad events;
  • if it has a fast current that is difficult to handle, you are guaranteed new bright impressions and interesting events;
  • a stormy river dreams of an unexpected turn in your life;
  • you dreamed of a frozen river, if there is ice on it - you will not be able to share important information with a person who needs it;
  • deep water dreams, if a baby is dropped into it - your child will be healthy;
  • to see a dried up bed - to misfortunes and sorrows;
  • drown and get to the drowned on the bottom - pleasant events in your life will not happen soon;
  • see how the water overflowed - you have a violent sexual fantasy, but you are afraid to share it with your partner;
  • dreams of bathing in clothes - you will live in full prosperity.

Why dream of a river in a dream for a woman

If a woman dreams of a river, it can mean the following:

  • wash in a stream - to heavy losses;
  • to look at muddy and dirty water - to quarrels with close people;
  • for a woman to fall into a fast stream - soon you will receive important news;
  • to look in a dream at one’s reflection in the water — such a dream to a pregnant woman foreshadows a calm and easy birth
  • to jump into a raging stream - to a girl such a dream promises a quick marriage;
  • to swim across the river with clear water - this dream for a woman promises good health;
  • swim girl in fast water, then go to the bottom - you will find what you want and calm down.

Swim in a river in a dream what is it

If you dream of a river to swim in it, it can symbolize the state of your health - it all depends on what the water in your dream was, clean or dirty.

The dream interpretation offers more detailed interpretations:

  • dreaming of swimming in a river that is teeming with crocodiles - in your inner circle there are enemies or ill-wishers who are trying to harm you;
  • to look at the surface of the stream and wait on the bank of a bathing person - to disappointment and sorrow;
  • swim upstream in a dream - you will need to exert maximum efforts to achieve the desired goal;
  • go downstream - you gradually lose vitality and energy;
  • swim across the stream to get to the other side of it - you are interested in new knowledge;
  • bathe someone in the turbulent waters - you will have to direct the actions of another person;
  • wash or rinse laundry in a stream - you are the master of your own life and fully control the situation.

The bridge across the river to what dreams

If you dreamed of a bridge over the river, expect such events in reality:

  • go over it to the other side - you will soon finish a long-started business;
  • to cross the turbulent ford - there will be obstacles in your path that you will overcome;
  • stand on a raft that is carried away by the current - you are completely at a loss in reality and lose control of your own destiny;
  • stand and watch the movement of water under the bridge - the alarm will soon subside, and you will find complete peace of mind;
  • to fall from the bridge into the water - to a married woman, such a dream foreshadows imminent widowhood;
  • climb the wooden bridge that collapses under your feet - you will have to difficult, but you will cope with adversity;
  • stop on the bridge, which ends in the middle of the stream - the collapse of hope.

To sail on the river to what it is

If in a dream you swim across the water - This is a serious symbol, the meaning of which will explain the dream book:

  • slowly go with the flow of the fish - you are too relaxed and rely on a blind chance;
  • you dreamed of swimming against the current of a mountain river - you will overcome numerous obstacles on your way to a dream;
  • dreaming of going by boat or by ship alone - your personal life is not arranged, separation from a close person is possible;
  • swim across the stream in a big company - you will meet funny and pleasant people;
  • see the waves turn the boat around - you will be in danger;
  • out of the boat on the shore - the beginning of a new period in your life;
  • swim a fast stream in a boat and look at the house on the shore - you are trying to arrange your own destiny, but you are already close to despair;
  • to ford or go bottling in the narrowest place - you will find a way out of a difficult situation.

Clean and dirty water in the river why dream

  • If you dream of dirty water in the river, then you will be waiting for serious setbacks. You will be able to survive a difficult time only at the cost of incredible efforts. Be prepared for hardship and trials.
  • If you dreamed of a river with clean water - it foreshadows success in all endeavors, financial well-being, success and the achievement of goals.
  • If you had a dream of muddy water, falling into it in a dream is a warning about the danger lurking around you. Use caution and be vigilant.


Watch the video: What does river dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).