Salad with squid: a step-by-step recipe for a festive or simple snack. Step-by-step recipes for salads with calamari: cook, enjoy


Diversify your diet by adding new interesting dishes to the menu, for example, squid salad. Squids - a tasty, healthy product, besides diet.

They are prepared quickly, and they are not cleaned with the right approach for long. And due to the fact that squids have a neutral taste of seafood, they are perfectly combined with many other products, so you can safely experiment without losing.

Squid salad: step by step recipe - general principles

To prepare a salad with squid, a fresh or canned product is mainly used. You can give the appetizer a spicy taste and aroma and purchase smoked squid.

With canned clam, everything is simple: I opened a jar, took out the meat, cut it into desired pieces. With a fresh product you have to tinker a bit. So, first squid cleanse. And for this, it is not necessary to defrost the mollusks, just put them in a bowl of a suitable size, pour over boiling water, turn over, pour over on the other side. Put the bowl in the sink, turn on cold water: the peel will come off by itself, it will only be enough to rub the squid surface with your fingers. After they remove the inner long transparent rod - the chord and remove, if necessary, the remains of the insides.

Prepared squid carcasses are spread in boiling slightly salted water, boiled for 2-3 minutes, no more. Some people like to put boiling water in addition to salt, peppercorns, laurel leaves, parsley root and celery. This is a matter of taste.

The finished product is removed with a slotted spoon or thrown into a colander, cooled. After cut in the manner specified in the recipe: rings, half rings, straws, cube, etc. Do not overexpose the cooked squid in the air for more than the time necessary for cooling, otherwise the meat will dry and become harsh, like rubber.

Squid can be mixed with boiled or raw chopped vegetables, eggs, herbs, cheese, seafood, cereals, mushrooms and other products. Salad is seasoned mainly with mayonnaise. Of spices put only salt and pepper.

Salad with squid: a step by step recipe


• three carcasses of squid;

• egg - two pieces;

• 30 grams of any mayonnaise;

• parsley - three branches;

• salt - ten grams.

In addition to all the ingredients, take about a liter and a half of purified squid boiling water. And make some fresh parsley leaves to decorate the salad.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare all the ingredients for making a squid salad: wash the eggs with warm water, put in a small metal saucepan, put on high heat, boil, reduce heat and boil for another five minutes. After cooking, put them in another bowl of cold water and cool. Peel the boiled eggs. Rinse fresh squids well with water, peel them, remove the entrails and rub them well with salt.

2. Pour a liter and a half of purified water through a filter into a deep saucepan, pour a pinch of salt, wait for it to boil. Put the squids in boiling water, boil again, remove the foam and cook for two to three minutes.

3. Remove the boiled squid from the water, cool, drain the water, it will no longer be useful, cut the squid into thin strips.

4. Hard-boiled and peeled eggs, cut into small cubes with a knife.

5. Combine the chopped squid with chopped eggs, salt, season with mayonnaise, mix well.

6. Rinse fresh parsley, chop with a knife, pour into a salad, mix well again.

7. Put the prepared salad with squid into a deep portioned salad bowl, decorate with parsley leaves.

Warm salad with canned squid and rice grits: a step by step recipe


• natural canned squids - one small can;

• onions - one head;

• one small carrot;

• two chicken eggs;

• rice cereal Mistral "Amber" or plain steamed - three large spoons;

• mayonnaise - 50 grams.

You will also need salt and a little ground black pepper, greens for decoration - ideally fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Open a can of canned squid, drain the existing liquid, take out the squid, chop them with a knife.

2. Prepare the vegetables: wash the carrots under running water, put it directly in the peel in a small saucepan with cold salted water, put on a strong fire, wait for the bubbling bubbles, turn off the gas, cook until cooked. Cool boiled carrots, peel and cut into a small cube. The peel will easily come off if you put still hot carrots in cold water.

3. Wash the eggs with warm water, put in a small saucepan with clean water (so that the eggs do not crack during cooking, pour a little salt into the water), first cook over high heat until it boils, then reduce and boil for another five minutes. After this time, transfer the eggs to a deep cup with cold water to cool. Peel the cooled eggs, finely chop.

4. Onions, free from husks, rinse with water, cut into small crumbs. If you do not want the onions in the salad to be bitter, then pour boiling water on it for several minutes, then drain the water, squeeze the onions.

5. Rice cereal rinse with running water, changing the water until it is clear, pour clean water, slightly salt and cook over low heat until tender. If you use steamed rice, then you can not wash it. Rinse the cooked rice in a colander with cold water so that it becomes crumbly and does not stick together.

6. In a deep cup, mix all the prepared ingredients, add a little salt and pepper if desired.

7. Add mayonnaise to the salad, stir well.

8. Before serving, put the salad in a deep salad bowl, garnish with parsley leaves.

Salad with squid: a step by step recipe with crab sticks and cheese


• two medium fresh squids;

• three chicken eggs;

• one small pack of crab sticks;

• a small piece of Dutch or Russian cheese;

• stalks of green onions - half a bunch;

• one clove of garlic;

• ten grams of black pepper and salt;

• dill and parsley - three stems each.

This recipe does not indicate the exact amount of mayonnaise, because each person has a different preference: some love to have a lot, others to have a little, so it is better to put mayonnaise in this salad according to your desire and taste. As a decoration for this salad, you can take boiled shrimp.

Cooking method:

1. As in the first recipe, first prepare the squid: gut them, remove all the insides, remove the skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Put the cleaned and washed squids in a small metal container with clean water, pour a little salt into the water, put the container on the stove, bring to a boil. After boiling water, remove the foam and cook on low heat until softened for two minutes. Remove the boiled squid from hot water and transfer to a cup of cold water, soak in it for several minutes.

2. Cut cooled squids into thin strips.

3. Wash chicken eggs with warm water, put in a saucepan with salted water, cook first on high heat, and after boiling on low. When the eggs are boiled, drain the hot water, fill them with cold water to cool.

4. Peel the chilled eggs and cut into small cubes with a knife.

5. Grind a piece of Dutch or Russian cheese with a knife or grate.

6. Remove the crab sticks from the packaging, cut with a knife into arbitrary small pieces.

7. Wash all greens, chop with a knife. Free the garlic from the husk and squeeze through the garlic. Pour all the greens into a small cup, add garlic, a small amount of mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. If you do not have fresh herbs and mayonnaise, you can buy ready-made garlic sauce.

8. Put all prepared ingredients in a deep cup, season with cooked garlic sauce, pour black pepper, salt, mix well.

9. Take a small, not too tall dish with a round shape, ram the salad tightly into it. Turn the dishes with the salad onto a large flat plate, carefully remove the deep salad bowl. When you remove the bowl, you should get an even round cone. In a salad with squid according to this mayonnaise recipe, it is advisable to put not very much, otherwise the salad will be liquid and this may not work out the desired round shape of the salad.

10. Put three or four shrimps in a small saucepan, add water, salt, put on the stove and cook over moderate heat. Readiness can be recognized by the color change of the shrimp. Cool boiled shrimp and put on a plate next to the salad lined with peas. Also put two or three stalks of fresh dill and parsley nearby.

Step-by-Step Squid Salad Recipe - Tips and Tricks

• Salad squid can not be cooked. Pour boiled water over peeled mollusks, let stand for a minute, drain the water and fill it with new boiling water. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

• If you add boiled vegetables to a salad with calamari, to preserve vitamins, it is better to cook or bake them unpeeled, so they will retain their taste and useful properties.

• Mayonnaise for salad can be prepared independently from eggs, vegetable oil, mustard.

• Do not put too much greens in the finished salad, it will interrupt the taste of the remaining ingredients and the seafood itself.


Watch the video: Octopus Salad Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 267 (July 2024).