Pollock: the benefits and harms of cod fish. What are the beneficial properties and potential harm of Pollock, which doctors do not recommend to use


Eating fish is a must and a must for health. The benefits of pollock in large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Pollock belongs to cod species of fish. This is a valuable commercial fish. Low-fat dietary meat is valued by foodies around the world.

Harm of Pollock

By catching schools of this fish, delicious canned food is prepared from it. Thick, grayish saithe meat is cut into thin long plates, salted, added spices, spices, dye and rolled into jars.

People who suffer from a stomach ulcer, gastritis, liver failure, have problems with the pancreas, canned food from this fish is contraindicated for consumption. Pollock is harmful in large quantities in canned form.

The life span of pollock reaches thirty years. This is a predator that feeds on crabs, small fish, and caviar of other fish. An adult reaches a weight of 15-17 kilograms.

Pollock is also harmful to people with a severe form of food allergy or intolerance to seafood. The fish contains a lot of iodine, so those who suffer from thyroid diseases should be careful about dishes made from this fish.

With caution, the use of pollock should be approached by people with impaired hematopoietic processes, vascular disease, nervous system, because this fish contains a large amount of cobalt. Pollock is harmful to people who are prone to blood clots.

Pollock benefit

Fish contains vitamins, minerals that are rarely found in other products, polyunsaturated fats. 100 grams of pollock contain 19.2 grams of pure proteins, just 1 gram of fat in the complete absence of carbohydrates. This diet fish is indicated for weight loss. Pollock is useful for athletes, because due to its unique composition it is an indispensable product, a source of proteins and proteins.

Pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly need a product such as pollock. This fish is indicated for use by young married couples who seek to become parents.

Pollock is very nutritious. 100 grams of this fish contains 88 kilocalories, which is approximately 6% of the daily intake. Dishes from this fish are suitable for those who monitor their health and maintain optimal body weight.

Pollock, like any other saltwater fish, contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Usually, omega-6 fatty acids predominate in the diet of an urban person, which enter the body from foods such as mayonnaise, sour cream, eggs, fatty fried meat, fast food, and deep-fried potatoes. All these products are saturated with cholesterol, a high content in the body of which is extremely harmful and undesirable.

According to the Ministry of Health, the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids should be 3 conventional units to 7, respectively, or at least maintain a 50/50 balance. As it turns out, most people still have an imbalance in favor of Omega-6 in ratios of 10 Omega-3 units to 50, or even 70 or more Omega-6 units.

This ratio is fraught with danger, since Omega-6 fatty acids are destroyers and provoke inflammatory processes throughout the body. Omega-3, on the contrary, strengthens the joints and cells of the whole body, promotes the rapid healing of wounds and the restoration of damaged tissues. The predominance of omega-6 leads to blood clots, blockage of blood vessels, rapid aging of the skin. Omega-3 is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the damaging effects of free radicals.

Pollock is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, so its benefits to the body are so substantial and significant. Sea fish is essential in the diet of every person. This is especially important for young children. Indeed, Omega-3 stimulates brain activity, allowing brain cells to grow and develop. Eating saithe at least two or three times a week per 100 grams will significantly reduce the risk of cancer for adults. And children will be able to learn successfully, coping with school loads.

The content of useful elements in fish

Pollock is a unique fish. It is much cheaper than other types of cod fish, but has no less benefit for human health. Her meat contains a complex of vitamins and minerals per 100 grams of product and the corresponding daily intake:

1. Potassium - 14%;

2. Calcium - 1.5%;

3. Magnesium - 6.3%;

4. Sodium - 5.4%;

5. Manganese - 2.5%;

6. Iron - 5%;

7. Iodine - 100%;

8. Cobalt - 200%;

9. Phosphorus - 17.4%;

10. Chrome - 110%;

11. Zinc - 7.1%;

12. Copper - 12%;

13. Molybdenum - 5.7%;

Health Benefits of Pollock

Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus - Three brothers, who must enter the body all together so that much-needed calcium is absorbed by the body and used to build bone tissue, and not go on the appearance of calcifications. On the side, these three components are together in very advantageous proportions.

Sodium takes part in the balance of electrolytes. It is important to maintain a balanced salt-water balance in the human body. To avoid swelling and dehydration. It is these processes that are controlled by sodium, which is found in pollock.

Iron must be consumed daily. The body is not able to reproduce this element on its own, therefore, it needs replenishment every day. This element supports the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is necessary for well-being and oxidative processes in the body. With its deficiency, anemia develops, a person is dizzy, fainting states appear until the loss of consciousness. Pollock also contains this important and useful element.

For residents of central Russia, iodine deficiency has become a real problem. Iodine is involved in the process of human growth, affects mental abilities, hormones and thyroid health. This element is important especially in adolescence, so the pollock must be consumed by the younger generation daily. 100 grams of this fish contains a daily dose of iodine.

Cobalt it is necessary for a person in a very small amount, but it is extremely important for the process of hematopoiesis. It is thanks to him that the production of red blood cells takes place in the bone marrow, iron is absorbed to the extent possible, and the blood composition remains constant. Cobalt is involved in protein synthesis, normalizes the activity of the endocrine system. Also takes part in the construction of DNA, under his control, metabolic processes occur. Cobalt deficiency causes a weakening of the immune system, increases the risk of allergic reactions, memory impairment. Such an important element, which is not found in all products, is generously contained in a daily dose of 50 grams of pollock.

Copper It is especially important for people with diabetes, because it is this metal that controls the production of insulin in the body. Together with iron, copper controls the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Copper is an antioxidant that affects the production of melanin, collagen, which is important for maintaining youthful skin and healthy hair.

Zinc - A particularly important element for men, especially for male adolescents. This trace element is actively involved in the production of testosterone. During puberty, it is very important for boys to maintain a sufficient amount of zinc in the body so that the process of turning the boy into a man proceeds gradually and without a lack of hormones. Therefore, adolescents must include pollock in the diet.

Molybdenum takes an active part in the oxidative processes of the human body. It is he who helps to convert the resulting proteins, fats and carbohydrates, oxygen and water into energy. It is also important for the excretory system.

Pollock contains a whole range of useful and necessary for the human body trace elements, metals, vitamins. Some substances are contained in it in such an amount that it makes fish a unique product.


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