The front of the group Uma2rmaH told about the reasons for divorce


Last year, the front of the Uma2rmaH group, Vladimir Kristovsky, after 17 years of marriage, divorced his wife Valeria. The couple over the years were born four daughters. Vladimir told reporters that he and his wife did not have everything smoothly for quite a long time, several times during their family life, they were close to parting.

According to Kristovsky, he and Valeria wanted to divorce a long time ago, almost a year after the wedding. However, once in the religious sect "Church of Christ", Vladimir revised his intentions, deciding to live with the one that was given to him by God. However, he soon realized that he was a religious association, which only used its parishioners for its own purposes.

Realizing that the family no longer has a future, Vladimir decided to divorce. Love left, there was love on the side. Divorce is painful for everyone, but it turned out to be necessary.

Today, the musician meets with Olga Pilevskaya, the heroine of many clips of the group.


Watch the video: Syria: Russian artists perform V-Day concert at Hmeymim Airbase (July 2024).