Is facial massage beneficial or harmful? Interesting facts about the types of facial massage, its benefits and harms, useful recommendations for beginners


Massage is the most affordable method of relaxation and disease prevention. Studies have shown that massage has a positive effect on the human body, which is why it is prescribed to people of all ages for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. What about facial massage? After all, the skin of the face is extremely delicate and sensitive. So is face massage harmful and what benefits does it have in itself?

The benefits of facial massage: what effect does it have

Facial massage has a lot of useful properties. First of all, it is used to give the skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles. The fact is that face massage means active smoothing movements with the fingers, just these actions give the face skin a lifting effect.

Do not forget about the relaxing effect of this procedure, it relieves stress and fatigue, has a calming effect.

Also, massage has a positive effect on blood circulation. Blood begins to flow better to the skin, which improves its condition, provides elasticity and a healthy complexion.

Harm to face massage

The main disadvantage of massage is pain. This is especially true for people with a high pain threshold or hypersensitive skin. But if the pain during the procedure may not pose a threat, then the painful sensations after the massage should be paid attention to, because they may indicate a massage therapist’s lack of professionalism or a mistake made as a result of the massage at home. Pain can cause damage to the structure of muscle fibers or impaired blood circulation. Such errors in facial massage can lead to the following consequences:

· Eye circles

· Various rashes on the skin of the face

Cracks and wrinkles

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that you should take facial massage seriously: adhere to the recommendations on self-massage at home or carefully choose a professional.

The benefits of various types of facial massage

The most common types of facial massage are:

1. Classic

2. Plastic

3. Therapeutic

Classical massage, or as it is also called hygienic, is aimed at maintaining skin tone and improving its appearance. This type of massage can be done by everyone, regardless of the individual characteristics of the skin in order to prevent wrinkles and age-related changes. Classical massage combines the basic and most effective techniques.

Plastic massage is indicated for women with swollen and sagging facial skin, wrinkles, skin tendency to age-related changes. This procedure is characterized by a deep effect on the skin of the face, intense and active movements of the fingers are characteristic of this procedure. Such massage improves blood circulation and models facial features. This procedure is carried out using talc.

Therapeutic facial massage is used for the following skin diseases and skin disorders:

Acne and Acne

· Scars


Fatty seborrhea

This procedure is characterized by pinching movements on the face and intense exposure to the skin. Therapeutic massage consists in the capture of subcutaneous tissue, kneading, vibration and stroking. This type of massage is performed with an auxiliary substance - talc.

How to get all the benefits of facial massage yourself and not harm yourself?

Facial massage at home can begin to be done from about 26 years old. At this age, the woman’s skin begins to undergo age-related changes and facial wrinkles. The main recommendation is to do the massage on a schedule: daily or every other day before bedtime. As for the duration of the procedure, everything is simple here: the first procedure is 5 minutes, the subsequent ones are a little longer.

The main recommendations for facial massage at home:

1. First of all, you should choose a cream or face lotion that matches a specific skin type.

2. It should be noted that facial massage is performed solely with fingers, not hands.

3. The direction of the fingers on the face should be strictly from the bottom up.

4. The first massage, as described above, lasts approximately 5 minutes, but the average duration is about 30 minutes.

5. Also, you can use various oils to make massage more effective.

Before massage, wash your hands and cleanse your face. On a dry skin of the face you need to put any hot compress (for about 2 minutes). After preparing the skin, moisturize the skin with face cream. For oily skin, it is recommended to mix olive oil with lemon juice.

So, how to do massage so that it brings pleasure and does not cause harm to health?

1. Facial massage always begin to do from the highest point of the face - forehead. The middle and ring finger should be involved, with which it is necessary to massage the forehead area with circular movements.

2. The next area of ​​impact should be the eyes. It must be remembered that in the area around the eyes, movements should be light, intensive exposure is not required.

3. Next, you should move the middle finger on the nose and massage it in the cartilage.

4. The next step is to go to the facial wrinkles around the mouth. Their presence can be corrected with light strokes from the chin from the bottom up.

5. The cheeks and chin need patting; this must be done with active, light movements.

6. The last area of ​​massage is the neck. It needs to be stroked, moving from the collarbone to the chin.

These rules will help make massage useful and effective.

Massage errors at home that may be harmful

It is important that the massage procedure does no harm, as there are many blood vessels on the face, damage to which can lead to such sad consequences as redness, an unnatural shade of the skin and wrinkles. The following massage errors are distinguished at home:

Coarse grinding

Intensive rubbing of delicate facial skin can affect the appearance of wrinkles, the skin will become flabby and reddened. Rubbing should be carried out with gentle movements, without injuring the skin and without causing various reactions, including pain.

· Massage without a trajectory

Compliance with special massage lines is one of the main rules of facial massage. Ignoring massage lines is fraught with a change in the boundaries of facial features. Before starting the procedure at home, you should carefully study the information on this topic.

· Irregularity of the procedure

Facial massage will give a result and will be effective only if it is carried out daily or every other day, that is, regularly.

· Ignoring contraindications

Despite the fact that every girl wants to have a tightened oval face, the absence of wrinkles and other benefits of facial massage, do not forget that contraindications to it should not be neglected. It is better to postpone the procedure and decide the reason that prevents the massage.

Incorrect selection of aids

The best means for facial massage: lotions, creams, oils. All of them should tone the skin and have a restorative effect. Also, it must be noted that facial aids must be appropriate for the type of skin.

Contraindications to face massage

Contraindications are an important part of any procedure, since ignoring the individual intolerance to facial massage can not only overshadow the impression of him, but also not negatively affect his health. The procedure should not be carried out in the presence of the following deviations:

Rashes on the background of allergies or infectious diseases

Open wounds or skin lesions


Viral disease

· Individual intolerance

Increased or decreased intracranial pressure


· Increased number of moles on the face

· Rehabilitation period after facial procedures

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose

Oncological diseases and blood diseases

· Acute chronic diseases

If you monitor your condition and warn the beautician about the individual characteristics of the body, then facial massage will become a pleasant and effective procedure.

Facial massage is one of the best skin care methods. Its regular use in accordance with the above recommendations will positively affect the skin and help to avoid noticeable age-related changes.


Watch the video: Why facial massage is NOT good for your skin. Avoid friction which damages skin cells (July 2024).