What does a watermelon dream of: ripe or growing on a melon? The main interpretations of different dream books - what a watermelon dreams of


In a dream, you can dream of a wide variety of events and life pictures. The main thing is to find the meaning hidden in them.

What does a watermelon dream of? What is the interpretation of such a dream?

What watermelon dreams of - the main interpretation

Watermelons - berries that delight their taste only in the summer. It would seem such a pleasant fruit, but what is the meaning hidden in the dream associated with it?

It is important to interpret the dream completely so that details are not missed:

• Where did the watermelon appear in your dream;

• How many watermelons are in your dream;

• Was the watermelon ripe;

• Do you eat watermelon;

• What emotions do you experience.

If in your dream a watermelon suddenly appeared in your room - soon you will have to expect uninvited guests. It will not be a pleasant meeting, after which you will gladly continue to do your own business, it will be a period filled with troubles and problems, you should come to terms with the fact that your life is filled with small everyday situations, but you should not be upset if suddenly appear in your life unexpected guests.

If you see a huge, beautiful watermelon in your kitchen - the chores associated with your households await you. Do not rely on their support in an important matter for you. At first, you will be happy to listen to their wishes, but you cannot help them. And you cannot solve your questions with their help.

If you dream that you cut a watermelon in the kitchen and lay it on plates for guests - such a dream means that soon you will try to learn secrets, unravel other people's ideas that can harm your life.

You will suspect one of your loved ones in betrayal and treason. But do not focus on the upcoming troubles now, most likely, you will have to devote more time to yourself and your interests.

If you dream that you eat watermelon at work - such a dream means that in the professional sphere you are expected not only difficulties and troubles, but even a failure of plans. Try to devote more time to your plan, try to devote more time to improving your work. This is very important now, as you will soon come across a misunderstanding on the part of colleagues.

If you remain at your best in your work and don’t lose ground, do not lose your qualifications, you will soon receive a decent payment for your work. You will be glad that everything in your life works out in the best way.

A dream in which at work one of the colleagues cuts a watermelon and treats you - it promises you opportunities in solving many issues, but it will be difficult for you to solve them yourself. It is your colleagues who will provoke you to make the wrong decision. Try to resist their onslaught and do not force events. Now it’s better to step aside and wait out the storm of emotions and negative expressions that will fall in your address.

How to interpret a dream in which you crush a watermelon with your hands? Such a dream should be interpreted as your attempt to declare yourself in reality. You will try to prove to others that you are right in many ways and that you deserve more, you can do much more than others think of you. On the one hand - this is the right approach to business, on the other - you have to prioritize whether you really want to build your life this way.

A dream in which you break a watermelon with your hands and stuff it into your mouth - says that you will be in a hurry to make a decision. You will try to do without negative consequences and forever decide for yourself how you will live in the future. A dream in which you break a watermelon into several equal parts indicates that you will want to share your fate with someone else, but you will not succeed.

The dream in which you grow watermelons promises you troubles that you create for yourself. Try not to provoke other people into negative communication with you, negative attitude towards you. You yourself will become a catalyst for someone else's negative attitude towards you. If you feel at ease when you come to work, it’s time for you to understand that you personally provoked such feelings, you personally provoked distrust towards you from other people.

The dream in which you grow watermelons and after - sell them, promises you household chores, they will give you the result you need. Do not immediately be skeptical of everything that happens in your life. Try to more actively engage in the development of their own interests, rather than the instructions of others around what and how they need to do. This will allow you to more actively and timely go about your business without harming other people.

Why dream of watermelon according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that watermelon is a dream as a symbol of dissatisfaction with personal life, dissatisfaction in sexual terms. If you had such a dream, it’s time for you to think about the correctness of those events in your life that have provoked such changes in it today.

If you recently searched for your soul mate and had a dream in which you enjoy the sweet taste of a watermelon - in reality you will enjoy the upcoming events and enjoy everything that will happen in your life. You can finally enjoy the attention and affection of the opposite sex, without making significant efforts.

A dream in which your soulmate eats a watermelon indicates that she lacks your attention and care. Perhaps everything in your personal life is boring and incomprehensible, maybe you can’t compromise and you can’t figure out what you really want. This leads to the fact that you do not find a common language with your soul mate. Try to make sure that your and her needs and desires are fully satisfied in the near future.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is eating a watermelon, such a dream means that she should take care of her health and longevity. She had to stop worrying and getting nervous over nothing. She thus spoils her mood herself and provokes stress in herself.

Why dream of a watermelon in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that watermelon is a dream, as a symbol of temptations coming to you. You may not even suspect how life will test you, but soon you will realize how insidious life situations are. Try not to panic or be discouraged. You still have ahead, the main thing is not to waste your time and your life on empty quarrels and gossip.

A dream in which a watermelon breaks into several parts does not bode well, most likely, your plans will also be crushed in the same way, you can spend much more time on the plan than you planned.

If in a dream you bite off a watermelon, and it seems bitter to you, such a dream portends the negative situations that will soon happen in your life. The scale of the trouble will be much larger than you planned. Try to make every effort to eliminate the consequences of the negative that has appeared in your life.

The dream in which you bargain at the bazaar when choosing a watermelon - portends to you lengthy negotiations as to whether you need to realize all your plans. You will conduct these negotiations with your colleagues and very unsuccessfully. Dream interpretation advises for now to postpone the solution of important issues to a later period.

Why dream of a watermelon in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that if a unmarried girl dreams of a watermelon, she needs to monitor her health, she should not spend much time alone, otherwise stress and anxiety will aggravate the health situation.

If you dream that you bought a huge watermelon and cannot raise it in any way - you will artificially inflate your problems and will not be able to restore the previous course of affairs. Try not to panic, but only more actively engage in your life.

In Aesop's dream book it says what a watermelon dreams of. He dreams of negative events and great difficulties. You can, without realizing it, create troubles and difficulties for yourself. The more you delve into the problem, the more difficult its resolution will be.

There is a sweet and juicy watermelon in a dream - to enjoy life and forget that you once had problems. But this will not solve them, you just temporarily free yourself from their influence on your life. Try not to lose heart if life sends you another test. These are temporary troubles and inconveniences. You can handle them.


Watch the video: Watermelon Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).