The best homemade nourishing hair masks. Secrets of use and recipes for making homemade nourishing hair masks


For restoration and active growth, hair needs additional care. Replenish the supply of trace elements, make curls shine with a new force will help homemade nourishing hair masks.

Benefits of Home Masks

• Availability. The necessary components are always at hand.

• Efficiency. The result can be felt after the first application.

• Security. You decide which ingredients to use.

• Cost saving. A store counterpart can cost tens of times more than a home mask.

The subtleties of making homemade nourishing hair masks

• Some mask components have a high oxidation capacity. Therefore, for the manufacture of the mixture should not use metal objects. Glassware, glass, ceramic or plastic are suitable.

• The components must be mixed thoroughly until uniform.

• A portion of the mask is prepared for one use. Products must be fresh. Immediately after cooking, the mask is applied to the head.

• The recipe should fit your hair type.

• Essential oils and spices are added last.

• It is better to heat fatty oils using a water bath. The beneficial effect of their use will increase.

Masking Technique

• Massage of the scalp: manual, hardware or using a special comb, will be very useful before using the mask. Enhance the positive effect and the procedure of scrubbing.

• The prepared mass is applied to previously washed, dried and combed hair.

• Nourishing masks distribute along the entire length of the hair with rubbing movements. The root zone is especially carefully worked out.

• The mask is more effective in warmth. Use cling film, you can slightly warm your hair with a hairdryer, then put on a warm hat or tie a terry towel. In warmth, the scales of the hair and scalp reveal more. Nutrients penetrate deeper into the body.

• Do not hold the mask on your head for longer than the specified time.

• Optimum temperature for washing off the mask: 38 - 40ºС.

• Masks for nourishing hair are carried out in a course: 1 mask in 7 days for 2 months in a row. The course is repeated after 1 month.

• To restore damage, the procedure is performed 2 times in 7 days, a total of 15 sessions.

Secrets of effective treatments

• Do not forget about the possible manifestations of an allergy to certain components of homemade nourishing hair masks. Before using a new recipe, apply a little mixture on your wrist or elbow. If after 5 minutes there is no redness or burning, you can apply the composition to the scalp.

• To soften hair and make it shiny, enhance the effect of the mask with herbal infusions. They can be used both as part of a mixture and as a natural rinse aid. The most effective are lavender, chamomile, string, burdock, coltsfoot, nettle, calendula.

Tip: to save time when preparing herbal infusions, pharmacy packaging with filter bags will help you. There will be no need for filtering, grass particles will not get entangled in the hair.

• Add a burning substance to the mask once a month: for example, mustard or onions. Blood circulation in the area of ​​the hair follicles will increase. Hair will fall out less and grow faster.

• Make clay masks liquid. In this case, you will avoid drying out the hair, and the mixture will be easier to rinse.

• Strengthen the nourishing mask with vitamins (A, E, B vitamins).

• It will be easier to wash off the mask if acidified water is used. Prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%) per 1 liter of water. Vinegar can be replaced with natural citrus fruit juice.

Tip: when choosing vinegar, be careful and note that vinegar essence (70%) can burn hair. Apple, wine and grape vinegar varieties are suitable for rinsing.

The best recipes for homemade nourishing hair masks

Nourishing Hair Mask

You will need: 1 - 3 onions, 7 drops of rosemary essential oil (you can use oils: bay, basil, sage, laurel), 1 tablespoon. sea ​​buckthorn oil.

How to use: chop onion, mix with warm sea buckthorn oil and essential oil. Hold for 45 minutes.

Masks for all hair types

Burdock mask

Required: 10 ml of burdock oil, 5 ml of olive oil.

How to use: heat the oils in a water bath, mix. Hold for 40 minutes.

Fruit mask

Required: fat sour cream - 0.5 cups, bananas - 2 pieces.

How to use: mix the flesh of bananas with sour cream. Bring the mass to a state of uniformity. Hold for 30 minutes.

Aloe mask

Required: aloe - 2 leaves, garlic: 1 - 2 cloves, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon. natural lemon juice.

How to use: grate aloe with cloves of garlic, mix with yolks and lemon juice. Stir vigorously. Apply for 40 minutes.

Honey brandy mask

Required: an egg - 1 piece, cognac and burdock oil - 1 tablespoon each, liquid honey - 1 teaspoon.

How to use: mix all ingredients, bring the mixture to a uniform consistency. Hold for 40 minutes.

Vitamin mask

Required: castor oil and sulfuric ointment - 2 tablespoons each, orange juice, a solution of vitamin A in oil and a solution of vitamin E in oil - 2 teaspoons.

How to use: heat castor oil, add the remaining ingredients to it. Hold an hour and a half.

Dry hair masks

Sour milk mask with rye bread

Required: bread from rye flour - 100 g, kefir 2.5% - 0.5 cups, 1 teaspoon. olive, flaxseed or burdock oil.

How to use: grind bread in kefir with the addition of warm butter. Apply for 30 minutes. Rinse without shampoo.

Cream mask

Required: 3 tablespoons lanolin, 4 tablespoons castor oil, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, fish or pork fat - 1 tablespoon, water - 0.5 cups, 1 teaspoon. glycerin and shampoo, apple cider vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon.

How to use: melt oils, fats and lanolin, add warm water, then vinegar and shampoo, bring the mixture to a uniform state. Apply for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

• Masks for oily hair

Protein mask

Required: egg whites - 4 pieces.

How to use: beat the proteins in a stable foam, apply to hair and scalp. Wash off the mass with a shampoo after drying completely, preferably with sulfur.

Yeast mask

Required: yeast - 100 g, 1 large egg, warm water.

How to use: beat the egg, knead the yeast, pour in the water until the consistency of a homogeneous mass. Distribute through hair and keep to dry. Wash off with shampoo.

Dry mustard mask

Required: mustard powder - 3 tablespoons, 4 tablespoons black or green clay, 1 teaspoon each liquid honey and lemon juice, water.

How to use: mix until smooth. Keep 30 - 40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

• Masks for emergency hair restoration

Burdock-castor mask

Required: Castor oil - 40 ml, burdock oil - 40 ml, grapefruit juice - 20 ml.

How to use: heat oil, add grapefruit juice. Apply for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

Herbal mask

Required: nettle, chamomile, plantain - 1 tablespoon each, boiling water, rye bread - 1 piece.

How to use: brew herbs with boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Add crumb of bread to the infusion. Apply for 1.5 hours, rinse without using shampoo.

Active mask with ascorbic acid

Required: glycerin - 2 tablespoons, 1 egg, ascorbic acid: 1 - 3 tablets, warm water - 4 tablespoons.

How to use: mix the egg with glycerin, crush the tablets, add them to the mixture, dilute the mixture with water. Hold for half an hour.

• Masks for colored hair: preservation of color and nutrition

Mask of chamomile and squirrel

It will be required: flowers of a pharmaceutical camomile, protein - 1 piece.

How to use: brew dry chamomile flowers with boiling water, leave for infusion for 4 - 5 hours (see instructions on the package), strain. Mix infusion with protein. Keep until completely dry.

Banana and Avocado Mask

Required: 1 banana, half an avocado, castor oil - 1 tablespoon, a little liquid honey.

How to use: mix banana pulp with chopped avocado. Add warmed oil and honey, apply the mask for 30 minutes.

Oat mask

Required: 5 tablespoons of oatmeal, 3 tablespoons avocado oil, 1 - 3 drops of essential oil by type of hair.

How to use: grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and brew boiling water until completely swollen. Mix with warmed oil and ether. Apply for an hour. Rinse with shampoo.

Do not forget to take care of yourself. With homemade nourishing masks, hair will certainly become a subject of your pride.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try (June 2024).