Migraine treatment at home with massage. Effective herbs and fees for treating migraines at home


Migraine is a pathological condition that is characterized by unilateral pain. Very often they are of high intensity. A headache attack can last from several hours to several days. The treatment of migraine at home should be taken with all seriousness, since with improper therapy, you can harm and aggravate the situation.

Causes of Migraine

Migraine appears due to short-term expansion of the capillaries of the head. This pathology is considered an ailment that is caused by periodic expansion and narrowing of the arteries of the brain. This causes tissue edema. Under certain circumstances, a change in the brain occurs. It is sometimes possible to identify factors that provoke this condition:

· Stressful situations;

· Taking certain medications;

· Food products.

A common root cause of headaches is a viral infection. In some female representatives, the pathology manifests itself in the first days of the menstrual cycle. Pain can occur due to increased pressure or an allergic reaction in the sinuses of the head. Sometimes a pathological condition may indicate a blockage of the vessel or a developing tumor.

Home Migraine Treatment and Head Massage

It is possible to alleviate the condition of a patient with migraine with a head massage. The patient should sit comfortably, put his elbows on the table, and bow his head in front of him. All actions must be performed in the following sequence:

1. The dermis of the head must be stroked and kneading with your fingertips for 3-4 minutes. Movements should be circular clockwise, and after counterclockwise.

2. Hair should be divided into several partings. Along the parting, place your fingertips as close to the roots as possible. Make a couple of strokes from the forehead to the back of the head. After making a couple of circular movements clockwise. The dermis needs a little pressure, stretch it and displace it. Such manipulations are carried out with each parting.

3. A small strand of hair needs to be pulled, but so that severe pain does not occur. Perform such actions with several strands all over the head.

4. Tap the pads with your finger across the scalp. The session should last about a minute.

5. Press the palms to your cheeks and pass through the hair to the back of the head. From the nape of the neck to the pat to the chin. After from the chin to the forehead. Do this action 10 times.

6. For several minutes, in a circular motion, massage the neck dermis at the border of hair growth.

7. Tilt your head back and lower your shoulders. The sides of the neck are massaged gently for 2 minutes without pressure.

8. Draw on both sides of the neck in the direction from the back of the head to the shoulders 3-4 times with gentle movements. After that, for a minute, greatly smooth this area.

9. Rub the temples with the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers. Perform such manipulations 3-4 times.

If you do all the exercises sequentially, then you can get rid of migraine quickly and easily.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of migraine at home

It is possible to treat an unpleasant pathological condition with the help of medicinal herbs. Effective recipes are:

1. Pour half a large spoon of peppermint with a cup of hot liquid. Cover the container and put on a small fire for a third of an hour. Stir the entire mass regularly. After cooling and filtering the composition. Use preheated half a cup three times a day. Store the drug in a cold room for no more than 2 days.

2. Pour a large spoonful of elderberry flowers with a cup of boiling water. Place the entire composition on a small fire for half an hour, and then filter. Drink the drug with honey 50 ml three times a day for a third of an hour before eating.

3. 2 large tablespoons of viburnum bark pour 2 cups of boiling water. Place the entire composition on a gentle fire for half an hour. After leaving for a third of an hour and drain. In the pathological condition, drink a large spoon three times a day. The broth is characterized by a calming effect. As a result of taking, blood pressure decreases.

4. Take peppermint, primrose, rosemary, lavender and valerian in the same ratio. Pour a large spoon of the prepared collection with a cup of boiling water and leave to cool. In case of illness, take a glass three times a day.

5. Pour a large spoonful of a three-leaf watch leaf with a cup of boiling water and wait 2 hours. After broth drain. Drink the composition in half a glass twice a day for half an hour before eating. Such a drug is characterized by anticonvulsant, analgesic and antispastic effects.

6. 2 g of fresh rhizomes of hoofed meat pour a cup of cool boiled liquid. Leave the composition for 3 hours and filter. With pathology, drink a large spoon twice a day.

7. In equal proportions take hawthorn, white mistletoe, shepherd’s bag, mountaineer bird and yarrow. Take everything in the form of an infusion with manifestations of migraine. Effectively in case of high blood pressure.

Baths for migraine treatment at home

Relief can bring and special healing baths. The most commonly used recipes are:

1. Dilute one handful of mustard flour with water. Its temperature should be approximately 50 degrees. Gotta get gruel. Stir the resulting composition with a liquid whose temperature is approximately 38 degrees. Such mustard baths act as a distraction for capillaries and blood vessels. The action of such a therapeutic bath is more effective than normal. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 10 minutes. If you take the bath just for the legs and hands, it may take longer. After taking a bath, wash yourself with plain water.

2. It is possible to make a bath with mustard oil or its seeds. In this case, efficiently throw a sheet of sage into the bath. 3 parts of the spice will need 2 parts of the plant. 3 large spoons of the collection must be poured with half a liter of cold liquid and left for half an hour. Filter the liquid and use it for baths and compresses.

3. A very effective method for the prevention of pathology is baths with the addition of sea salt. It is recommended to take such baths for 2 weeks daily. Sea salt is important to acquire the simplest, without the addition of dyes. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

4. It is possible to make baths with oregano, but this method is not suitable for allergic patients. This is a great additional treatment. It is necessary to make a very cool decoction of oregano. For 2 liters of liquid, you need 10 large tablespoons of dried grass. Put the entire mass on low heat for 20 minutes. After leaving for an hour and filter. The resulting product is added to the bath. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime. It should last about 10 minutes.

Unusual recipes for treating migraine at home

There are also amazing recipes that can help migraines. The most popular are:

1. Eat a pinch of salt or a piece of salted fish.

2. Moisten a piece of bandage with beet or onion juice and place it in the ear canal.

3. In half a glass of liquid, dilute half a spoonful of sugar. Take this remedy in a tablespoon three times a day.

4. Fresh chicken fat after slaughtering the chicken is applied to the sore spot for a couple of hours.

5. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey before bedtime for 10 days.

6. Wear a copper bracelet with magnets on your hand.

7. Attach the lemon zest to the temples with the white side.

8. Attach fresh linden leaves to the head.

9. In a glass of boiling milk, beat one chicken egg. Knead the whole mass very well and drink quickly. To drink such a remedy for several days.

10. Cut the onion in half and attach both parts to the temples. Fix everything with a bandage. The pain syndrome will recede extremely quickly. Instead of onions, you can resort to cabbage leaves. Lilac leaves can also help.

11. When the first symptoms appear, drink a quarter glass of potato juice.

Also, washing the abdomen will be effective. With a migraine attack, the stomach must be washed with water with the addition of salt or vinegar. Per liter of water, a tablespoon of the component. The procedure is repeated four times a day. Do not wipe the dermis. You should wait until it dries. On the second day the pain goes away.


Watch the video: Migrane क घरल उपय Home remedies for Migraine. Ms Pinky Madaan (July 2024).