The benefits and harms of pollock liver. Interesting information about the composition of pollock liver, contraindications to its use, benefits and harms


Pollock liver is a common delicacy that has been decorating holiday tables for a long time. The popularity of this product is due to the taste, variety in use and, of course, useful properties. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the effect of the product on the body. So what is the benefit of pollock liver in itself and to whom is the product categorically contraindicated?

Pollock liver: composition, nutritional value, description

Pollock is a fish of the cod family that lives in low temperature seas and oceans. The liver of this fish is mainly produced in canned form, subjecting it to processing. The result is two types of pollock liver in the form of canned food:

1. Pollock liver in whole pieces

2. Pollock liver, crushed to a homogeneous consistency (paste)

Canned food with pollock liver is as natural as possible. The paste consists of crushed liver with added salt, and vegetable oil, bay leaf or black pepper can be added to whole pieces. If you choose canned food with pollock liver from a good and recommended producer, then a jar with this treat will bring a huge amount of benefit.

Pollock liver cannot be called a dietary product. This delicacy contains approximately 500 kilocalories per 100 grams. Considering the composition of pollock liver, we can distinguish the following useful and necessary components for the human body:

Omega 3

· Proteins


Vitamins of group B

· Vitamin A

· Vitamin C

Vitamin D

· A nicotinic acid





· Copper



From the foregoing, we can conclude that pollock liver is a healthy and tasty product that contains a lot of healthy substances.

Useful properties of pollock liver

Pollock liver is a storehouse of useful vitamins of microelements, macroelements and other substances necessary for the human body. Adding this delicacy to your diet you can feel the positive impact of such an unusual treat. But what specific beneficial properties does the pollock liver have?

· Contains a large amount of phosphorus

Phosphorus is necessary for the body to strengthen nails, bones and teeth. Also, the element positively affects the intestinal-alkaline metabolism and heart function.

· Rich in potassium

Potassium in pollock liver eliminates the possibility of removing calcium from the body and can prevent diseases such as rickets and thinning of bones.

· Prevents vitamin deficiency

Pollock liver is rich in various vitamins, microelements and macrocells, which minimizes the risk of avitominosis.

Source of Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps strengthen the human immune system. Moreover, back in antiquity, foods high in vitamin A were used to treat vision-related diseases.

· Strengthens the respiratory system of the body

· Prevents viral and fungal diseases

· Positive effect on vision

· Contains nicotinic acid

Niacin or Vitamin B3 helps reduce the risk of eczema and psoriasis.

· Source of iodine

Iodine in the pollock liver helps stabilize the state of the nervous system, and is also necessary for the normal functioning of the liver.

· Stabilizes the endocrine system

· Has anti-inflammatory effect

· Lowers blood sugar

In conclusion, it can be noted that pollock liver has a lot of useful properties that positively affect many organs and systems of the human body, preventing serious diseases and pathological conditions.

What harm can pollock liver do to human health?

Despite all its useful properties and qualities, pollock liver has a harmful effect. It should be clarified that the delicacy has a minimal negative effect on the human body.

First of all, pollock liver can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Uncontrolled abuse of a delicacy can lead to indigestion and food intoxication.

Separately, attention should be paid to the issue of caloric content of the product. As mentioned above, its nutritional value is approximately 500 kilocalories per 100 grams, which, of course, is not a positive point. This is not to say that pollock liver consumption inevitably leads to obesity, but overweight people should control the dosage of the product.

Contraindications pollock liver

The delicacy is most harmful to people who already suffer from certain diseases. You should not include pollock liver in your diet while at risk. Consider who is absolutely contraindicated in using this product:

· An allergic reaction to any type of fish and seafood

· Individual intolerance to pollock liver

· A sharp decrease and increase in blood pressure

· Cardiovascular diseases

· Urolithiasis disease

Gastrointestinal tract diseases in acute form

· Elderly age

Esophagus inflammation

Pollock liver during pregnancy and lactation

As for pregnant women, the pollock liver is not contraindicated for them. You can and even need to use the delicacy in small portions. It is very important for a future mother to get enough iodine. But measure should be observed. All the same can be attributed to women during lactation. However, you need to choose a tin can without the content of chemical additives: flavors, preservatives, dyes.

Poll liver storage rules

Proper storage of the product is very important, since the useful properties of many products disappear precisely due to neglect of some storage recommendations. Also, improper storage of pollock liver at home will negatively affect the taste and external qualities.

First of all, it should be noted that pollock liver can be stored in a tin can, according to the expiration date indicated on the package. However, in the open form, the product loses almost all its useful properties in five days.

It should be noted that for the duration of storage in the refrigerator, it is better to transfer pollock liver to glass or porcelain dishes.

What is the best way to consume pollock liver?

Pollock liver is rarely consumed without a side dish. But which dishes will best emphasize all the flavor notes of this delicacy?

Many housewives add pollock liver to various salads. Especially good combination will turn out with salads in which there are potatoes, carrots, onions and eggs.

This unusual product is also used for stuffing. The most popular dishes are: stuffed boiled eggs and stuffed fresh tomatoes.

A great combination is liver and pickles. In this case, the liver can simply be applied to white or black bread (to taste). Such sandwiches will decorate the festive table and make a hearty and tasty snack.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pollock liver has a lot of useful properties. But the use of delicacy must be controlled, as well as carefully familiarized with all contraindications.


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