How to get rid of worms in cats at home. Worms in cats: causes, symptoms and treatment methods


Worms (helminths) are dangerous intestinal parasites. An infected animal is seriously ill and can die without proper treatment. The responsibility of the responsible owner is to recognize the symptoms on time and take action.

Causes of Worms in Cats

Any cat can get helminthiasis, even one that has never left the apartment. Eggs of parasites enter the body of the animal:

· Together with raw meat. Pets should not be given meat or fish without being cooked. For helminths, raw meat is a favorable environment, but at high temperature they die.

· Through the skin. If there are open wounds on the animal’s body, worms can enter the bloodstream and disperse through the blood vessels throughout all organ systems.

· With shoes and clothes of a person. Helminth eggs stick to the soles and trouser legs. The owner can inadvertently become the cause of the animal’s disease if he walks through the infected grass and leaves dirty shoes in the hallway.

· During pregnancy. A cat with helminthiasis infects kittens while they are in the womb. If parasites multiply actively, kittens may die.

In the summer, worms in cats can appear due to flies. Helminth eggs stick to the paws of insects, and flies are able to carry them several kilometers from the source of infection. Therefore, the presence of an open garbage container in the yard is an additional source of danger.

Signs of Worms in Cats

Symptoms depend on the type of worm. If eggs or young parasites enter the body, symptoms will not appear immediately. At first, the animal will be lethargic or restless, and digestive upset will begin when the worms reach puberty and begin to breed.

Signs of tape worms:

· loss of appetite;



Signs of round worms:

· Sharp weight loss;

Increased feeling of thirst;


Signs of flukes worms:

Diarrhea, accompanied by pain in the stomach;

Strong frequent cough;


In the presence of any kind of helminths, a cat shows increased attention to its anus. Constantly licks, "rides" on the floor. In the later stages of the disease, owners may notice bloody discharge and helminth eggs in the cat's excrement - small white blotches.

Most often, worms appear in cats in early spring. In March-April, at the slightest sign of disease, the animal should be shown to a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis, an animal feces may be required, as well as a blood test. If the infection occurred shortly before the examination, the test results will be negative, since the helminths have not yet had time to actively proliferate. In this case, a second examination will be required.

Why are worms dangerous for a cat?

Once in the body of an animal, worms live and reproduce due to its resources. They settle in the stomach, liver and other organs of the digestive system. Organic parasite secretions poison the cat's body. The digestion process is difficult. The cat is hungry, but refuses food. When the worms begin to multiply actively, the animal has bloating and chronic constipation.

A sharp increase in temperature leads to rapid dehydration. The animal becomes apathetic, dramatically losing weight. Gradually filling the digestive organs, worms cause intestinal obstruction in cats. In this case, an urgent operation is necessary, otherwise the animal may die.

Worms are dangerous not only for the cat itself, but also for its owner. To get infected from your pet, it’s enough to stroke a sick cat or not wash your hands after cleaning the tray. In the human body, helminths easily take root and cause serious harm to health.

Ways to treat worms in cats

Cats can be cured with tablets, suspensions, or drops. They are prescribed by the veterinarian, choosing drugs depending on the type of parasites with which the animal is infected. The dosage and duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. List of popular antihistamines:

1. Drontal;

2. Profiler;

3. Pyrantel;

4. Prazintel;

5. Fenasal;

6. Detrazil;

7. Dirofen.

Cats need medicine in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. Milk flavoring is added to the pills, but most cats refuse to accept them. To facilitate the treatment process, the tablet needs to be crushed and mixed with food. You can try pouring powder into the jaws of a cat. With one hand, take him by the withers and slightly tilt his head back. With the fingers of the other hand, press on the chin, and when the cat opens his jaw - pour the medicine on the root of the tongue. So the cat will not be able to spit it out. An aggressive animal before this must be immobilized by wrapping a towel, otherwise it can injure itself or the owner.

Giving the cat a suspension or drops is much more convenient. They need to be added to liquid food: a raw egg or paste. The cat sprinkled with medicine will not eat minced meat. Strengthen the effect of the drug will help a decoction of chamomile or tansy. Enema with a decoction should be done in the morning and in the evening, introducing no more than 5 ml of fluid into the body. It is strictly forbidden to give animals medications intended for humans. They have a different composition and for the cat they are very harmful.

Prevention of the appearance of worms in cats

To prevent the appearance of worms, the animals are given the same drugs that are prescribed for treatment. They are freely sold in all veterinary pharmacies. It is necessary to give medicine twice a year: in March and September. The tablet is designed for animals weighing up to 10 kg. For kittens and teens weighing 5 kg or less, you need to take half a tablet. The dosage of liquid drugs is determined according to the instructions.

Also for the prevention of worms in cats, it is necessary:

· Monitor the diet of the animal.

· Do not touch the cat with dirty hands.

· Regularly carry out wet cleaning.

· Disinfect the tray.

Worms weaken the body of the animal. During treatment, he needs a balanced diet and vitamin supplements. Kittens, pregnant and lactating cats require special attention. After a course of treatment, they need to be re-diagnosed to prevent the development of latent pathology.


Watch the video: Deworming Pills: How To Get Your Cat To Take It (June 2024).