Is it possible to give puppies milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or sour cream? How much milk can a puppy give at different ages


We are aware of the benefits of dairy products, and in particular milk. Both puppies and adult dogs need dairy products as sources of calcium and protein. But it is worth paying attention to some nuances, so as not to harm your pet.

Up to what age can milk be used for puppies?

In nature, puppies drink mother's milk for up to three to four months, after which they switch to adult feed. In most cases, people excommunicate puppies from their mother before this age and feed milk on their own. As a rule, puppies of medium-sized breeds are fed up to one and a half months. Large dogs can be given milk for up to three months.

Dogs older than this age should not be given milk. In a small puppy, the pancreas produces a special enzyme that helps break down the lactose in milk. The older the dog becomes, the fewer such enzymes the pancreatic organ produces.

Undigested lactose is able to provoke bloating in the animal, diarrhea, while the stool becomes yellowish with a specific sour smell. Also, the pet's appetite may worsen, vomiting and general weakening of the body may appear. Not only lactose, but also milk fat, which puts a heavy load on the liver, can harm the dog.

However, some dogs retain the ability to digest lactose over time, but this happens in rare cases. Owners can feed these pets with dairy products at an older age, without worrying about their health. Most dogs themselves refuse to consume milk.

What kind of milk can puppies be given?

Best for puppies is breast milk. If it is not, then you can give newborns puppies milk powder milk. However, the purchase of such a product is not always possible. You can replace it with the following milk mixture. For cooking you will need:

200 ml cream;

800 ml of milk;

A couple of drops of lemon juice;

· one egg;

1 ml Tetravita.

Mix the listed ingredients. Divide the resulting mixture (25% by weight of the puppy) into 6 to 8 feedings per day.

After fourteen days from birth, calcified cottage cheese can be added to the dog’s diet. 80% of milk-egg mixture, 20% of cottage cheese should be given per day. Curd can be prepared as follows: boil a liter of milk, add a couple of tablespoons of calcium chloride to it.

The dog can also be given cow or goat milk. It is strictly not recommended to give mare's milk, as it contains a large amount of lactose and water, but not enough protein and fat.

Half a liter of regular dairy product should add one chicken or quail yolk and a tablespoon of cream. The yolk contains protein, iron, minerals, cream, cream will increase the fat content of the drink. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then drink the puppy. It should be noted that the food should be warm (about 38 - 39 degrees).

Goat milk is the most useful of all these, since there are almost no allergic manifestations of it in dogs.

How much milk can a puppy give?

Serving size depends on the size of the puppy. If the weight of the mother of the pet is about 5 - 10 kg, then the puppy needs to be given 70 ml of milk in the first two days, in the next seven days - 90 ml per day. If the mother’s weight is between 30 kg and more, then the pet will need 170 ml of milk in the first two days, and 230 ml in the next seven days.

A puppy's fullness can be determined by his behavior. In the event that the dog is worried, crawls, whines, this means that he is hungry. A well-fed pet is in a sleeping state most of the time. To improve the intestines, experts recommend a puppy's stomach massage. To do this, take a cotton swab, moisten it in vegetable oil and move along the abdomen from the navel to the tail.

Healthy puppies of medium-sized breeds recover by 15 - 20 g per day, medium-sized breeds - 50 g each, large breeds - from 150 to 175 g. By the month of life, the weight of dogs of small breeds becomes five times more, and the weight of puppies of large breeds increases by ten times .

How to replace milk?

Milk contains calcium, which the animal needs for healthy development of the body. However, there are other products that also contain this beneficial compound. It is recommended to replace milk with dairy products, for example:

1. Cottage cheese.

This product should be consumed even by adult dogs at least twice a week. Cottage cheese is perfectly absorbed by the body of the animal and contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract.

2. Yogurt.

The product contains phosphorus, magnesium, protein and bacteria beneficial for the intestines. Yogurt also contributes to the normal digestion of food.

3. Kefir.

The product is rich in beneficial properties. The only drawback is the taste. Not every pet wants to drink it. It is better for the dog to give fat-free kefir, since a high percentage of fat content can cause him diarrhea. Kefir improves the digestive system, is well absorbed. With this product you can drink your puppy up to three times a week.

Dogs can also be given cheeses as a reward in daily training. The product should be low in fat and free of coloring, aromatic and other artificial substances. The daily norm of the product for a small puppy is 100 g, for an average - 150 g, for a large - 200 g. It is not recommended to give your pet smoked cheeses and exotic varieties with mold. It is worth remembering that the product is capable of provoking an allergic reaction or upset stool. When these symptoms appear, you should limit the consumption of this treat.

Foods should not have a high percentage of fat content, as some puppies may have an increased sensitivity to fatty foods, which may result in diarrhea. However, it is worth considering that the less fat content in the product, the worse calcium is absorbed.


Watch the video: 12 Dangerous Foods For Dogs (July 2024).