How long does the dog have puppies: what determines the duration of puppies. How many puppies can a dog give birth for the first time


Since the owner after mating will have to take the process of childbirth into his own hands, he needs to know the time of gestation, and what care is needed during this period. You need to be aware of the correct course of pregnancy, so that in case of pathology, consult a veterinarian.

At what age should a dog be brought

Often, inexperienced dog breeders drive dogs during the first heat. But it’s wrong to do this, it can harm her health. The recommended age is from 2 years to 8. Later, this should also not be done.

Favorable for mating are considered to be 14-16 days after the start of estrus.

How long does the dog have puppies

The duration of pregnancy is affected by:

• animal size;

• age of the female;

• breed;

• number of this pregnancy.

If the dog is large or primiparous, then the puppies bear longer. In small and multiparous, the gestation period takes less time.

Usually a bitch is knitted three times during the week. Childbirth occurs on day 56-66. Puppies appearing on 53-71 days can also be viable.

Daily Signs

There are several main factors by which you can determine that the dog will have puppies. They are clearly visible by month.

First month

During this period, external signs are not visible. But pregnancy can be determined by its behavior. The dog becomes passive, refuses food, walks less and tries to retire.

If desired, an ultrasound can be done in the third week. This will help to see if she is pregnant. If so, how many puppies will the dog give birth to?

Second month

Already at this period of pregnancy, the abdomen begins to increase, the body becomes rounded. Nipples swell, their pigmentation may be observed. Sometimes a dog can gnaw wool around them, freeing up access for puppies.

On day 50 you can already feel it. Only do this carefully. After a few days, you can hear their heartbeat, and when there are 10 days left before childbirth, you can see how they move.

It is worth noting that in the second half of pregnancy, the dog moves away from strangers, does not want to go for a walk. You can see how she makes food reserves, hiding them in secluded places.

As the birth approaches, the animal begins to rebuild the place where it sleeps. And a few days before them, a bitch may completely lose her appetite.

If you see that the dog makes a “nest” for itself, runs around the house as if it is looking for something, behaves aggressively towards strangers - it’s not worth scolding it. After giving birth, her behavior will return to normal, and she will be as she was before.

How to understand that a dog is giving birth soon?

Of course, the first sign that indicates an early birth is a correctly calculated gestational age. External factors include a change in body temperature. So in small breeds, if the temperature dropped to 37 degrees, then childbirth will begin in a day. In large breeds, the indicators are slightly different.

Before the fights begin, the dog begins to look for a place for childbirth, can whimper, drink plenty of fluids and show unusual anxiety. When such signs appear, the owner should prepare, that is, find a suitable place where the dog will be calm. It is desirable that there was an average temperature and drafts are completely absent.

Before the birth itself, the animal’s stomach drops and its sides fall, the nipples become bright red. The mucous plug also goes away. It manifests itself as a viscous discharge from the vagina. With their onset, the owner himself can help the pet, or consult a specialist if there is no necessary skill.

How many puppies does a large dog give birth?

Breeds such as the Caucasian and East European Shepherd, Neopolitan mastiff, Newfoundland, Great Dane, Doberman, Wolfhound, Leonberger, lead a small number of puppies. Their gestation period is 2 months.

To the features of large breeds, it is worth noting that the less the female carries, the more they gain weight. For this reason, during a prolonged pregnancy, complications are possible during childbirth.

If you pay attention to statistics, it is worth noting that the more the dog has puppies of small size, the less her pregnancy will last. And vice versa, the larger the puppies, the longer they wait for their appearance.

For example, German shepherds breed puppies 60-62 days, and up to 7 puppies can be born. But the older the female, the less puppies there will be.

How many puppies does a small dog give birth to?

The gestation period of small breeds lasts about 62 days. They may also have problems with a small number of puppies. Since the body of small breeds is small, the uterus can take up a lot of space and put pressure on the stomach. This leads to gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, the animal during pregnancy is better to feed detailed high-calorie foods. So the feeling of fullness will come to her much faster, which means that it will be eaten less. The dog should always have access to clean water. And do not forget about the complex of vitamins.

An interesting fact is that the smaller the breed, the more offspring it has.

Important points

Before giving birth, you need to trim the dog's belly and around the anus. Dwarf breeds need a special approach. Their delivery is difficult and painful, so the owner should always be there. If something goes wrong, the dog may completely lose its offspring.

After the dog's activity decreases, walks should become shorter, but more frequent. It is unnecessary to let her “lie down” so that she does not gain excess weight. For walks it is better to choose quiet, peaceful places.

Due to the large abdomen, the dog cannot always lick the crotch area well, so it should be wiped with a damp towel, and then wiped dry. It is not advised to bathe the animal after 4 weeks.

Caring for a pet is necessary not only before childbirth, but also after them. So you need to monitor her nutrition, do not take long walks, do a massage of the abdomen. These manipulations will help to quickly restore her necessary tone.


Watch the video: How to Deliver Puppies (June 2024).