This is an exotic beaver meat: what is its benefit and harm? Interesting news about beaver meat, its benefits and harm to the body


Since ancient times, a person eats meat not only of domestic animals, but also obtained as a result of hunting. Although beaver meat is not entirely exotic, but due to the fact that hunting for this animal is prohibited, it can be classified as rare. However, in the neighboring country of Belarus, around September 1, hunting for beaver begins, which usually lasts until March 31.

Who benefits from beaver meat?

Beaver meat does not cause allergic reactions and contains a rich mineral complex of substances, which strengthens the body. For adults, such meat is extremely useful for its unsystematic use. In small amounts, beaver can be included in the diet of pregnant or lactating women (the exception is individual intolerance due to the specific taste). Selenium, which is part of the product, reduces the risk of congenital pathologies.

High-quality meat of young beavers, subject to good heat treatment, can sometimes be offered to children, their growing body will receive a mass of biologically active substances that will improve physical and mental performance. Older people are advised to use beaver to prevent the cardiovascular system, joint diseases and bone problems.

Beaver Meat - A Healthy Vitamin Composition

Beaver meat contains a rich vitamin complex. Consider the content of those vitamins that are in the maximum amount in the composition of the product.

Vitamin B2 0.31 mg 17%

Vitamin B4 129.9 mg 26%

Vitamin B5 0.93 mg 19%

Vitamin B6 0.47 mg 24%

Vitamin B12 8.3 mcg 277%

As you can see, the content of vitamin B12 just rolls over. In 100 gr. The product contains an almost triple daily dose of a useful substance.

Vitamin B12

It is the main antianemic vitamin. This substance significantly improves hematopoietic function. For example, during pregnancy and significant physical exertion, the daily need for this vitamin increases several times.

Vitamin B2

An increased body need for this vitamin occurs during pregnancy and stress.

Vitamin B4

Daily intake of food is necessary for both adults and children.

Vitamin B5

The need for this vitamin is increasing with insufficient intake of protein food.

Vitamin B6

Very useful in stressful conditions, reduces the harmful effects of pesticides and radioactive substances.

Beaver meat - a healthy and exceptionally rich mineral composition

Beaver meat contains a huge amount of micro and macro elements. Consider the content of those minerals that are in fried beaver in the maximum amount.

Potassium 403 mg 16%

Phosphorus 292 mg 37%

Iron 10 mg 56%

Copper 0.19 mg 19%

Selenium 43.1 mcg 78%

Zinc 2.27 19%


The element is necessary with excessive sweating and with the use of diuretics by the patient, which can lead to potassium loss.


Needed to strengthen the structure of bones and teeth.


It requires increased use with low hemoglobin in the blood or during menstruation in women.


Together with iron, copper is involved in the formation of red blood cells. It is necessary for the stable functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems.


Selenium has an antitumor effect. Stimulates normal cell growth, with myocardial infarction promotes accelerated healing of the heart muscle. Strengthens the immune system.


Zinc affects the normal growth and development of the human body, it is needed during puberty. Also involved in the formation of the bone corset, has a positive effect on the immune system.

Some Beaver Buying Tips

It is best to purchase wild animal meat in the summer. In summer, it has a high-quality fat layer, evenly distributed between the fibers of muscle tissue. Good meat has a rich wine color, even darker than that of beef. The most tender beaver in females and young individuals up to 3 years of age. It is necessary to carefully understand the proposed product, so that instead of healthy beaver meat not to run into the carcass of an old animal. As a result, such fried meat (or kebab) can significantly spoil the mood, as it will be dry and stiff.

Beaver meat: not only good, but also harm

Talking about the benefits of this product, one cannot help but mention the possible negative consequences of eating meat:

1. Do not eat beaver every day in large quantities, since the digestive system will be difficult to digest a huge amount of protein.

2. Fresh meat should not be consumed, because it contains a high content of active enzymes (it is necessary to withstand at least 9 hours after slaughter).

3. Food poisoning is possible when eating poorly fried meat of a self-caught beaver.

There are not many contraindications for this product:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Acute heart failure;

Chronic kidney disease.

Beaver Meat - Useful Tips

Beaver meat is not a daily meal. Two meals a week is enough (for men - 150-170 gr., For women - 100-110 gr., Children - no more than 100 gr.). For better absorption, it is advisable to combine this protein-rich food with herbs or vegetables. Beaver goes well with many ingredients, but the best spices are onions and garlic. But it is not recommended to combine beaver with legumes and other products containing large amounts of protein.

It should be borne in mind that at ordinary room temperature (~ 18-20 ° C) beaver meat can become unusable in just 3-4 hours. And in the refrigerator, this product can be stored without problems for two days. Excess meat should be stored in the freezer. For long-term storage, the beaver carcass is divided into small pieces and laid out in plastic bags. It should be stored separately from other products, as the meat has a specific smell.

Methods for preparing beaver

Beaver meat is useful in any form: stewed, boiled, fried, baked. Many gourmets prefer kebab. Before cooking meat, it is advisable to soak in advance in cold water for 24 hours. At the same time, every 5-6 hours, it is necessary to drain the water and pour a new one.

To improve the taste of beaver and effectively marinate the product, you need to use seasonings and spices, as well as vinegar and salt. You can add lemon juice to meat. Do not forget to remove the film from the meat.

Beaver meat is an extremely healthy product. It has a huge amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The harm from beaver meat is not significant, there are very few contraindications. However, due to the specific taste and aroma, not every gourmet may like such an exotic dish.


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