Step-by-step recipes for refreshing homemade white kvass. A unique, healthy and refreshing drink on your table!


White kvass is a traditional Russian drink. Unlike ordinary rye kvass, it is more delicate in taste. It contains a huge amount of nutrients and microelements, and also perfectly refreshes in the summer heat.

1. The classic recipe for homemade white kvass


3.5 liters of cold boiled water;

265 g of unfermented malt;

135 g of buckwheat flour;

25 g of wheat flour;

30 g Saf-Moment yeast.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade white kvass

Step 1:

The first step is to prepare the leaven: in a small cup, dilute the wheat flour in 120 ml of boiled cold water, at the same time pour the yeast in it, mix thoroughly, cover with a clean cloth and set aside for 1.5 hours in heat.

Step 2:

The remaining water is heated to a temperature of 60 degrees and pour buckwheat flour and unfermented malt with it, stir well and allow to cool to a temperature of 40 degrees.

Step 3:

The mixture of buckwheat flour and malt is poured into the leaven, thoroughly mixed, transferred to a large container and allowed to stand warm under a towel for 1 day.

Step 4:

The next day, another 2 two-liter cans of boiled cold water are poured into the mixture and allowed to stand for another 48 hours.

Step 5:

At the end of this time, the kvass is filtered, cooled in the refrigerator, and the precipitate remaining after the merge is left to prepare the next batch of kvass.

Be sure to use filtered water for white kvass, since the taste of the finished drink depends on this. And to give more freshness while mixing the starter with a mixture of malt, add a handful of white raisins and a few leaves of mint.

2. A quick recipe for homemade white kvass

A quick recipe for white kvass does not require preliminary preparation of the starter culture. The composition includes rye crackers, high-speed yeast, sugar, raisins and water. It’s just that rusks are poured with hot water, cooled slightly, then yeast is added, raisins are added and insisted for one day. The taste comes sharp and rich.


rye crackers - 340 g;

3 liters of water;

45 g of white raisins;

25 g of Saf-Moment brand yeast.

How to cook homemade white kvass

Step 1:

Rusks are poured into a three-liter jar to half its volume.

Step 2:

Pour hot water, leaving a small distance from the shoulders to the neck of the can, cover with a towel and let it brew for several hours.

Step 3:

When the water cools down, add sugar, yeast, add raisins, previously selected from the garbage and washed, close the lid, slightly turn the jar to mix the yeast.

Step 4:

Open the lid and cover it with a clean cloth, leave to insist for 1 day.

Step 5:

After a day, the liquid is filtered, poured into bottles, closed with lids and allowed to cool in the refrigerator for several hours.

If kvass will be used to prepare okroshka, sugar should be excluded from the recipe.

3. Homemade white kvass without yeast

If yeast is contraindicated for some reason, use the following recipe for delicious white kvass. Instead of yeast, ordinary rye flour is used here. It is preparing a little longer than the previous ones, but the result exceeds all expectations.


220 g rye flour;

400 ml of purified water;

85 g of sugar;

1 handful of white raisins.

Step by step recipe

Step 1:

Pour the flour into a small cup, add some water to it, stir to the floor with a thick sour cream.

Step 2:

Pour sugar into the flour mixture, mix again.

Step 3:

Raisins are not washed, they are added, mixed, the cup is covered with a clean cloth and set aside for 2-3 days in the heat.

Step 4:

After a few days, raisins are removed from the resulting yeast, and the mass is transferred to a large glass container, filled with filtered water to the neck, about 2 pinches of rye flour, sugar are added, stirred and again removed to heat for another 3 days.

Step 5:

The finished kvass is filtered, poured into plastic bottles, cooled in the refrigerator. The gum remaining after straining is used for the next portion of kvass.

If there is too much thick left in the jar after the kvass is drained, be sure to remove the part to another container, as the taste and quality of the drink may deteriorate.

4. Homemade white kvass from barley and rye grains

No less popular option. Here, instead of unfermented malt, barley and rye grains are used, which, like ordinary malt, give the drink sharpness and a pleasant taste.


2.5 liters of purified water;

110 g rye flour;

110 g of wheat flour;

120 g of barley grains;

120 g of rye grains;

8 g Saf-Moment yeast;

35 g of sugar;

45 g of white raisins;

6 leaves of fresh mint.

How to cook

Step 1:

To begin with, malt is prepared: rye and barley grains are poured with hot water, set aside for 6 minutes. After this time, the mixture is stirred and the remaining debris is removed using a slotted spoon. Dirty water is drained, the grains are washed.

Step 2:

Grains are laid out in special trays, a small amount of water is poured until completely covered, covered with a towel, left in a cool room for several days.

Step 3:

After a few days, the grains are transferred to a clean, dry cloth, allowed to dry a little and grind in a blender.

Step 4:

The crushed grains are diluted with a small amount of water, rye and wheat flour are added, stirred until puree gruel.

Step 5:

Prepare the leaven: pour yeast into the cup, sugar, pour a little more than half a glass of water and let stand in a warm place for 12 minutes.

Step 6:

Ready sourdough is introduced into the floor thick dough, stirred and left under a towel for a couple of hours.

Step 7:

After the indicated time, the mixture is transferred to a jar, poured with water heated to a temperature of 35 degrees, raisins, mint leaves are added, mix well and let it brew for another 10 hours.

Step 8:

Kvass is filtered, poured into bottles and kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After mixing the mixture of grains with rye and wheat flour, be sure to mix well, since the remaining lumps can interfere with fermentation and the kvass will turn out not so tasty.

5. Homemade white kvass on wheat bran

White kvass on wheat bran is very tasty and healthy. Cereals give the drink even more tenderness. And thanks to the addition of lemon juice, kvass acquires a delicious aroma and pronounced sourness. Preparing quickly and easily.


water - 4 liters;

wheat bran - 865 g;

juice of one lemon;

sugar - 80 g;

high-speed yeast - 30 g.

Step by step recipe

Step 1:

Bran is poured with boiling water and held for 60 minutes.

Step 2:

The broth after bran is filtered, allowed to cool completely.

Step 3:

Pour yeast into the cooled liquid, sugar, stir well and stand in the heat for 12 hours.

Step 4:

Lemon juice is poured into the finished kvass, stirred, poured into bottles and cooled in the refrigerator.

You can diversify the taste of a drink if, while brewing kvass, add orange zest to it, which will additionally give a beautiful color.

6. Homemade white kvass on whey

Whey is a valuable, nutritious and at the same time dietetic product. Therefore, on its basis, you can prepare a delicious refreshing drink. In addition, it turns out to be very light, suitable for use even during fasting days.


serum - 2 liters;

sugar - 40 g;

high-speed yeast - 20 g;

orange peel - 50 g;

white raisins - 30 g.

How to cook

Step 1:

Yeast, sugar are mixed in a small container, poured with whey and covered with a clean cloth, kept warm for up to 12 hours.

Step 2:

Slices of orange peel, several raisins are thrown into plastic bottles at the bottom, poured with infused kvass, well closed with lids and kept warm for 48 hours.

Step 3:

After infusion, kvass is cooled in the refrigerator for another 1 hour and used in okroshka or simply used as a refreshing drink.

A slight turbidity of the finished drink is an indicator of naturalness and proper preparation.

Cooking time: 72 hours

Quantity: 12

Protein: 0.5

Fat: 0.05

Carbohydrates: 2.9

Calories: 14.7


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