Umbilical hernia: treatment at home. Conservative and folk methods for the treatment of umbilical hernia at home


An umbilical hernia is often treated surgically. But not everyone wants to lie down on the operating table, so you can use various conservative and alternative methods for therapy that are quite effective.

Causes of umbilical hernia

When the intestines protrude outward through the umbilical ring, this is one of the symptoms of an umbilical hernia. If the disease is timely detected, getting rid of it is quite easy. But often it is impossible to make a diagnosis at the initial stage, since the disease does not always manifest itself clinically. Basically, pathology can be detected when a defect is visible in the navel area. This unpleasant disease is more often encountered by women during pregnancy and overweight people.

The protrusion can be adjusted independently. It also disappears in a horizontal position. You can do umbilical hernia treatment at home, but if you can’t get rid of the disease, you need qualified medical help. Each case is individual. Surgical treatment is sometimes prescribed, and alternative methods are used before surgery and during rehabilitation. But if there are complications, you can not self-medicate.

Causes of hernia:

- Pregnancy and problem birth. During this period, the navel ring is stretched, and against the background of weak muscles, the insides protrude;

- sharp weight loss;

- overweight;

- injuries in the abdomen;

- weak abdominal muscles due to lack of physical activity;

- sports with weight lifting. For example, exercises with dumbbells, a kettlebell, a barbell, which can lead to divergence of muscles;

- heavy physical labor;

- chronic constipation;

- a sharp lifting of weights;

- transferred surgical interventions.

Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage, the symptoms of the disease may not be at all. Only if you conduct a thorough inspection, you can detect a barely noticeable protrusion. As the disease progresses, the hernia grows in size, so it is easy to see.

How are the symptoms manifested:

• bulge in the umbilical region, disappearing in a horizontal position and increasing when the abdominal muscles tighten (for example, when coughing, bowel movement);

• sometimes there is redness of the skin in this area;

• if pinching of the digestive organs occurs, nausea, vomiting, problems with stools may occur;

• problems with urination at a later stage of the disease;

• there is pain in the abdomen when the abdominal walls tighten (for example, during physical exertion).

To get rid of umbilical hernia, you should consult a doctor. In addition to drugs, umbilical hernia can be treated at home.

Conservative Therapies

Treatment is selected depending on the severity of the disease. You need to contact the clinic as soon as possible, then the problem will be easier to solve. In addition, surgery can be avoided this way. And some surgery is contraindicated.


It is an excellent assistant for the treatment of various diseases, because it helps to accelerate blood circulation. Massage has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body, helps to improve immunity and restore damaged tissues. If an umbilical hernia appears, it is useful to carry out self-massage at home. You can consult with a specialist about the technique.

The principles of massaging in this case include: stroking movements are carried out exclusively clockwise, pinching in the area around the navel, rubbing the muscle system of the abdominal cavity.


For the treatment of umbilical hernia at home, gymnastics is suitable. A set of special exercises helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle cramps. The complex should be selected individually. But contraindications are the same for everyone. Movements should not be sharp, twisting is prohibited, you can not engage in jumping and lifting weights.

Exercise can only be done if the protrusion is not strong. An elastic corset is required to fix the hernia. On average, one exercise can take up to ten minutes. You can simply lift the pelvis, bending your knees in a lying position. Helps and torso turns in different directions in a standing position. Respiratory gymnastics is another assistant to combat the disease, it helps to saturate the body with oxygen.

Umbilical bandage

Another conservative method for treating umbilical hernia at home is a bandage. This is a special support belt that helps reduce the load on the stomach and abs, which gives them the opportunity to be in a relaxed state during therapy. The bandage is also useful to wear after surgery to prevent relapse. If there are any complications, especially bowel obstruction, wearing a belt is contraindicated.

The bandage can be rigid, flexible and versatile. The corset should be used together with other methods of treatment. This will help to recover faster. The belt should be comfortable, and it must be worn from morning to evening.

Using patch

This option is suitable for the treatment of umbilical hernia at home in newborns. It is superimposed in a special way, so parents should learn how to use the pediatrician. The patch allows the navel to be in the correct position. It also helps to heal the hole in the umbilical ring faster. To date, they produce very convenient adhesives, consisting of two parts. Therefore, their fixation is easy to adjust.

Folk ways

Folk remedies come to the rescue for many diseases. You can make compresses that help relieve stress from the affected area.

Useful compresses:

- salt. It is necessary to make a bag of cloth, pour salt there, soak in water and attach to the navel for half an hour;

- oatmeal. For this compress, you will need to grind oatmeal flakes, pour boiling water and make a thick mixture. Apply a warm remedy to the problem area;

- nettle. It is necessary to collect fresh nettles, grind the plant to obtain juice. Crumpled leaves attach to the navel and cover with a cotton cloth. After a few hours, wash everything off and grease the skin with cream;

- from baked onion. A large onion is baked in the oven, cut in half, and one of the halves is applied to the protrusion for an hour. The procedure can be repeated daily for about two months;

- clay. Mix red clay with water to make a warm cake. Apply to the problem area and hold until the clay dries. The period of the compress is a month;

- burdock. The leaves of this medicinal plant help relieve irritation, help increase muscle tone. Often such a compress is done during pregnancy. If you apply fresh leaves to the navel and wear a belt, then the hernia will quickly disappear.

In addition to compresses, you can make baths and take herbal decoctions. Has a healing effect Oak bark. It is necessary to brew it and pour the broth into the bath. You can also boil cherry branches and use for bathing.

To cure an ailment helps decoction of cornflower flowers. It will take three tablespoons of dried flowers and a liter of water. The product must be boiled for ten minutes and taken orally in two glasses for a month. Plantain seeds also have a healing effect, which should be crushed and consumed by a pinch twelve times a day for four weeks.

Helps in healing and larch. To prepare the infusion, you need bark. You need to grind six tablespoons and pour four glasses of boiling water. Healing means to insist night. Use three times a day in a glass before meals. The duration of therapy is two weeks. Next, take a break for a week and repeat the course.

In addition to herbal infusions, it helps to get rid of the problem. decoction of burbot. Cook the fish broth for about three hours. It is useful to drink half a liter of broth per day. And every day you have to cook fresh.

Treatment of umbilical hernia at home with folk recipes should be canceled if dangerous conditions occur. With the appearance of intestinal obstruction, pinching of the hernia, internal bleeding, inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, surgical treatment will be required. Therefore, it is important not to start the disease, but in time to seek help from a qualified specialist. This is the only way to maintain health and avoid unpleasant consequences.


Watch the video: When does an umbilical hernia need surgery? (July 2024).