Feng Shui Apartment Cleaning: Why Can't Leave Garbage in a Bucket? Qi energies - free movement!


The ancient Chinese teaching of feng shui told us, in particular, about the flows of subtle energy in space. When used correctly, we will get the strength to overcome adversity, to gain well-being and harmony with the world.

The first important place for each of us is the house where we return from the external environment to relax, rest, gain strength and get a boost of energy. Streams of life-giving energy of QI go around the apartment clockwise, filling the space with positive.

However, they can become negative if there are obstacles in their way in the form of dust, garbage or unnecessary things for the owner. Then you need to say goodbye to well-being, health and good luck in the house.

Where to start cleaning the apartment

The apartment constantly needs elementary cleanliness, but cleaning in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui provides all the conditions for the free circulation of Chi. According to Feng Shui, the apartment is a reflection of the energy of its owner. Therefore, cleaning means cleaning and replenishing the energy supply, providing the QI with the ability to freely circulate and give the inhabitants of the house mental and physical health.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the trash accumulated in the house: this ballast does not allow us to look to the future with optimism and often becomes a source of illness and failure. It’s necessary to start cleaning up with a good mood, a positive attitude, without being distracted by phone calls and the arrival of neighbors. Slowly go around the apartment clockwise and gradually free each part of it from unnecessary things.

But you can’t thoughtlessly throw extra items into the trash bag: you need to analyze the energy relationship with each of them. Think about whether it benefits, is it nice to look at it, or you just walk past this thing and not notice it. In the first case, do not rush to send the item to the trash.

All the trash - beyond the threshold of the house!

Unconditional trash are:

- broken dishes, broken things, damaged equipment;

- expired products, detergents and cosmetics;

- old newspapers and magazines, books dusting on shelves;

- clothes that are not worn, shoes that have already been torn down, bedding that has lost freshness, underwear worn down to holes;

- lighting devices and furniture inherited from grandmothers: the power industry of more than one generation stagnated here.

All this trash contains only negative. Without regret, everything is beyond the threshold of the house!

Continue cleaning

So, the main task is completed - unnecessary things are removed. Now it’s easy and enthusiastic, which must certainly appear, continue to clean the apartment according to the principle: “Each thing has its own place,” and, of course, do not forget about the tips that Chinese feng shui masters give:

1. Work is debatable if cleaning is done on a waning moon, when all the negativity goes away with dirt.

2. Wash the windows by letting in more light. A new wave of energy will charge households with optimism, determination, joy and happiness of mutual understanding.

3. Chi energy enters the door. It is necessary to clear her way, removing all unnecessary from the hallway.

4. You cannot sweep to the exit: you can sweep out all the money. It is better to sweep in the direction of the kitchen and collect litter on a scoop, rather than creating a pile in the middle of the room.

5. Dust is the main enemy of positive energy. It is recommended to do wet cleaning and use a vacuum cleaner. Do not forget to remove the web.

6. Everything should sparkle in the kitchen. Pay particular attention to the refrigerator, sink and stove. They are responsible for human health.

7. The bathroom and toilet, even thoroughly washed, represent a storehouse of negative energy in the apartment. Their doors should always be closed, including the toilet lid.

8. Pay attention to indoor plants. Wipe off the dust from the leaves, remove the yellowed parts. If cleaning is done in the spring, in April you need to do a transplant. It is advisable to plant a new instance. You cannot keep withered or artificial flowers in your apartment that quickly become a source of negative energy.

9. A bed is a special item in Feng Shui cleaning. Ventilate bedding, and it is best to change the linen. Wipe the floor thoroughly under the bed; nothing should be there. As for the bedroom, cleanliness is the key to health and good family relationships.

10. Replace the blown bulbs and wash all lights.

11. Go through the books, remove unnecessary ones from the shelves, wipe the rest and swap.

12. Carry out a first-aid kit check, throw away medication. Look in the boxes, get rid of unnecessary jewelry, discs. Delete unnecessary files from the computer. Tidy up your desktop.

13. Feng Shui cleaning must be completed by airing the premises. Then, going around the rooms clockwise, spray the corners with a flavored solution and “ring” the bells. You can turn on a calm melody that will help the house fill with Chi energy.

14. It is advisable to immediately discard the collected garbage, and not leave it in a bucket. It becomes the most dangerous hotbed of negative SHA energy.

Finally, the apartment is cleaned. It is breathing freely and easily, vital balance has been restored. Thoughts are aimed at a positive future. Feng Shui practice has helped.

Now you need to hold on and increase energy. Maintain order in the house constantly, following the recommendations of the Chinese sages. Then well-being, health and happiness will not leave your home, your "safe haven"!
