Why feet swell: the reasons for this condition. How to treat swelling of the lower extremities and what procedures can be performed?


Swelling of the foot is a symptom that manifests itself in the form of swelling of the foot caused by the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the soft tissues. Most often, this condition is accompanied by discomfort, and not only in the lower extremities, but also in other parts of the body. Before proceeding with the treatment of a pathological condition, it is necessary to determine the true cause of the disease.

Reasons for swollen feet

In an adult, swelling of the feet is episodic. Excessive stress on the lower limbs is a common reason why swollen feet become swollen. An equally common cause is leg injury. A slight swelling occurs when a bone fracture or dislocation. As the fusion grows, the bones occupy the initial position and the swelling comes to naught. But a bruise can also provoke swelling of the foot. If this condition is also accompanied by pain during walking, then you need to contact a traumatologist.

It is worth noting the swelling of the foot due to non-compliance with the diet or hydrobalance. This problem is most often encountered by patients who eat a sufficient amount of salt or a large amount of liquid.

Swelling of the lower extremities occurs in every pregnant woman. Due to the increase in the uterus, the outflow of blood is disturbed. But this state passes quickly enough. The same problem is observed when eating a large number of salted foods. But edema of the lower extremities is especially often manifested in the second half of pregnancy, which is accompanied by pain in the head, increased pressure and seizures. In this case, hospital treatment is required.

Very often the legs swell due to the use of certain groups of drugs, especially if the patient is prone to allergic reactions. The cause of puffiness can be such means:

· Hormonal oral contraceptives that women use to prevent pregnancy;

· Funds shown at elevated pressure;


· Medicines used to treat adrenal glands.

Also, the cause of swelling of the lower extremities are diseases of the cardiovascular system. They appear in the evening, and the dermis of the legs can acquire a blue tint. By morning, the swelling goes away. Also, with heart problems, shortness of breath appears, pressure surges occur.

No less common cause of swelling of the lower extremities is varicose veins. Swelling is a warning signal. Violations in the functioning of the thyroid gland lead to swelling of the feet. Often this symptom manifests itself with liver problems. In addition, itching, a violation of the brain. Other causes of puffiness are:


· Consequences of kidney disease;

Infectious and inflammatory processes in joints, tissues and bones;

Acute respiratory illness;

· Insect bites;

Start of menstruation;


· Reactions of the body to alcohol consumption;

Violation of sleep patterns;

Disturbed process of outflow of lymphatic fluid.

Why are the feet swollen: what to do and what measures to take?

It is important to determine the cause of the edema. But at home, you can use some procedures. Great help:

1. Contrast baths. For the procedure, you will need two containers. One should have cold water 15 degrees, and the second hot liquid, about 38-39 degrees. You will need a water thermometer to measure the temperature of the liquid. Pour water into the basins ankle-deep. First, place the feet in a container of warm water for 3 minutes, then sharply place in a basin of cold water for 10 seconds. After this time, again place in a bath of warm water. The session ends with the placement of limbs in cold water. The patient can immediately feel lightness, as the vessels come to life.

2. Baths with herbs. This procedure is carried out similarly to the previous recipe, but warm water is prepared with the addition of a decoction of herbs. To do this, mix mint, birch leaves, chamomile in the same proportion and insist for an hour.

With this problem, you can perform some series of exercises:

1. You will need a step to complete this exercise. Lean on it so that the heel hangs. Lower it, and then return to its original position. Repeat this exercise 5 times. The patient should spring with heels. Exercise immediately for two feet at the same time.

2. Take a sheet of newspaper and put it on the floor. Sit down on a chair, and try to crumple this sheet with your toes. One newspaper will be enough for two feet.

3. Sit down on a chair and scatter small things in front of you on the floor. It can be balls, buttons, beads. Put a container next to it. With your fingers, try to grab the thing and place it in this container.

In addition to these exercises, massage and self-massage are also effective. To do this, you need to sit on the sofa and begin to massage the leg with the thumb on the lower leg, then from the knee to the hip. It is very useful to press on the nail plates and the base of the finger. Thus, the patient will stimulate blood circulation. After this exercise, fatigue will pass. To consolidate the result, you should spread the limbs with menthol or lavender extract. In order to completely get rid of swelling of the legs should be placed above the level of the head.

Why are the feet swollen, what to do and what is the action plan?

If a person develops edema, and over time acquires a chronic form, then the first thing is to get specialist advice. To establish the cause of the pathological process, the doctor will direct for examination before prescribing treatment. Typically, studies begin with a patient examination and history. After that, the person passes all the necessary tests and undergoes an examination. These include:

1. General and biochemical analysis of blood. Such analyzes show the level of red blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, ESR reaction. Cholesterol is also determined to eliminate the risk of progression of vascular and capillary damage.

2. A blood test for sugar to eliminate the risk of diabetes progressing.

3. Urinalysis, which will show the level of proteins and red blood cells.

4. Determination of hormone levels.

5. Ultrasound of the heart and electrocardiography, which determine the pathology of the cardiovascular system.

After receiving the results, the therapist will be able to send the patient to a highly specialized specialist to undergo an additional series of examinations.

Why feet swell, what to do with edema?

If the cause of swelling of the limb becomes a violation of hydrobalance, it is important to exclude salt from the diet or to reduce consumption to nothing. Drink no more than two liters of fluid per day. This is necessary so as not to overload the work of the kidneys and not to prevent excess fluid from leaving the body.

If a person leads an active lifestyle and is constantly on his feet, then experts recommend wearing special elastic stockings. It is also useful to regularly stretch limbs, do foot massage.

With heart failure, a cardiologist prescribes diuretics that will normalize the work of the heart. A strict diet and gymnastics are also shown. But it is important to remember that puffiness, which arose precisely for this reason, is subject to treatment only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Thrombophlebitis or varicose veins even in the initial stages should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.

It is possible to determine the stage, cause and dynamics of the progression of the disease only after an ultrasound scan or phlebography. The basic treatment is to use venotonics. Their action is aimed at correcting disturbances in the functioning of the venous circulation system and strengthening capillaries throughout the body.

In pharmacies, there are many drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating puffiness and pain. but we must remember that such remedies only eliminate the symptom, but do not fight the cause of the pathological condition. In any case, even the smallest swelling should not be taken lightly.


Watch the video: How to Soften a Swollen or Firm Area in the Lower Leg (July 2024).