The best cleaning products for upholstered furniture: how to clean a sofa? How to avoid problems of cleaning upholstered furniture from dirt, grease and stains


Upholstered furniture is an obligatory addition to any interior. An interesting color scheme, a variety of patterns can make the room cozy and warm. But over time, upholstered furniture becomes dirty. Cleaning products is not a difficult task, if you choose the best tool for cleaning furniture and approach this process, taking into account the recommendations of specialists.


In terms of efficiency, this is one of the best tools for cleaning upholstered furniture. Recommended for removing various stains from upholstery. This product can even remove complex contaminants such as stains from tea, coffee, fat, wine, a ballpoint pen and blood, while maintaining the original color of the fabric. Vanish is safe for humans or animals since there is no chlorine among its components. It is impossible for them to damage the cover of upholstered furniture for the same reason. Mistresses note its economical consumption. The tool is available in the form of a spray.


This is one of the favorites among the best cleaning products for upholstered furniture of the Belgian manufacturer of household chemicals. It comes with the smell of lemon and is completely harmless when inhaled. It does not irritate the skin of the hands and does not cause allergic reactions. It cleans the fabric well and gently removes stains. It is recommended to hostesses who prefer high-quality and effective products.

Bami household

An Israeli manufacturer guarantees a good result when using this tool. Follow the instructions carefully. Stains on soft upholstery must first be moistened with water. Then apply the product to wet areas. Do not let dry, rub well with a dry cloth. Allow to stand for half an hour, spraying the product repeatedly on the treated area. Finish with a damp cloth at the end. Bami Household perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors and removes dirt from the fabric. They can also clean the upholstery inside the car.


This tool will cope with fresh spots, while the old ones will have to tinker with. But he has one big advantage - low price. The bottle is equipped with a spray, so the consumption will be small and it will last for a long period of time. Detergent with a pleasant smell of medium consistency. When used, it foams well. It can also be used to remove stains from carpets.

Drop of vox

This is one of the best domestic furniture cleaning products. Its consistency is liquid, but it foams very well. In order to clean the furniture upholstery, you need to beat it and cover the dusty places with the resulting foam. Allow to stand for about an hour and remove dried product residue with a vacuum cleaner. Rinse off the drug is not required, which saves time. A drop of Vox can handle any dirt. After cleaning, a pleasant smell remains.


Active Nordland foam is very popular among housewives, because it is designed not only for upholstered furniture, but also for carpets. Its convenience lies in the fact that it is simply removed with a vacuum cleaner after dry cleaning. The product is 90% biodegradable. Foam copes with unpleasant odors. Thanks to the atomizer, the covering surface during use is quite large and the product is conveniently sprayed. But it is worth noting that the foam is not cheap. Recommended for customers who value quality more than price.


For stubborn stains and dirt, the Sama remedy is perfect. Dilute 1 cap of liquid per half liter of water. Stir until foam appears, apply to the surface and brush upholstered furniture. After the upholstery has dried, vacuum the coating. If the spots are not very fresh and the fabric is very dusty, the dose can be doubled. The procedure must be carried out with gloves. Housewives will appreciate the price - it is very low. It is recommended for owners who want to quickly, easily and, most importantly, cheaply bring their furniture set in order.

Marseille soap

Such a soap is a natural product made from olive oil and soda. To remove impurities, it is necessary to moisten the soap well and treat dirty places. Let stand for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a damp cloth. Marseille soap is used to clean fabric sofas, chairs or ottomans. It is especially effective for velor furniture. Perfectly removes dust and slight fresh spots.

Folk remedy №1

Not always in order to give your sofa the perfect look, you need to contact specialized companies and buy expensive products. Sometimes what is at hand can be very useful. One of the popular folk remedies is the use of soda with vinegar. For a liter of water you will need 1 tablespoon of soda powder, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and any detergent. Mix gently and use a brush to clean the spots and stains. In order for there to be no divorces, movements must be carried out in one direction. If the mixture is very foaming, do not add detergent.

Folk remedy №2

You can clean the spots on the couch with ammonia, 150 ml of which must be added to one glass of hot water. Add half a glass of soda to this solution and mix well. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and treat the stains. Then blow dry.

Upholstered furniture is a wonderful way to create a feeling of comfort in a room. It is very pleasant to return home after a hard working day, and relax on a soft sofa. But from time to time, upholstered furniture requires cleaning and proper care. A list of these products will help every housewife to choose the best detergent suitable for her, so that the sofa shines with cleanliness.


Watch the video: How to Remove Stains from Upholstered Furniture (June 2024).