What the words “wedding”, “bride”, “witch”, “witch” and others really mean. What have women been called in Russia from time immemorial?


In our fast-moving century, when information is simply drowning with its abundance, it is very difficult at times to collect and systematize them for your understanding. Information, often just flies by, passes through, but does not linger, flies away. The Russian proverb, which came from the depths of centuries, very succinctly describes the current situation. "It flew into one ear, flew into the other."

Knowledge of ancestors and modern Russian language

Very often, subconsciously, people turn to the knowledge of their ancestors. Lullabies are sung to children, proverbs and sayings are pronounced, ditties and fairy tales are very fond of. Even now, in the world of instant messengers and social networks, when a living word spoken aloud is gradually supplanted by short correspondence, people still use these living ancient turns of speech.

Modern Russian language is very different from the language spoken by the ancestors. The Russian language is studied at school and institute, exams are taken in this complex subject. And the study of this subject really is not given to everyone with ease. Learning Russian for foreigners is a real torture. But this language is very interesting, so more and more foreigners are taking up the development of the language that Pushkin spoke. Speeches that are used in everyday life often lead foreigners to a dead end. This is amusing. Many jokes are written on this subject. Do Russians themselves know this unique language? Do Russians reflect on the true meaning of ancient words? Most never.

What does the word "wedding" and "bride" mean

On weekends, in fine weather, most Russian people go for walks on the streets of cities. Around flashed cars, beautifully and brightly dressed people, a multitude of shop windows and signboards. Walking people may not even notice all this, it becomes mundane and does not attract close attention. But a motorcade of decorated wedding cars is passing by, congratulatory signals are heard, joyful energy spills over the street. And most people passing by must try to look into the first car and see the bride.

For everyone - this is a loving, happy, beautiful woman standing on the threshold of a new life. The happiness of the whole family will depend on her in the future. But why is the bride called the bride? And is it right to call the future guardian of the family hearth so. It is necessary to turn to the knowledge of Slavic ancestors.

The ancient Slavs took the wedding very seriously. After all, the wedding according to the ancient Slavic initial is displayed as the heavenly deed of the gods. “Swa” means heaven, “Bo” means Gods, and “De” means action. The girl was prepared for the wedding from birth. She was born in order to become the guardian of the clan, mother, wife. The Slavic girl was taught not only everyday life, but also female wisdom. A trained, chaste girl was called Vesta. But then it turns out that bride, this is not a girl trained by the ancient traditions of the family. These days it is. Everything in its place. Vesta got married and married.

The meaning of the words "witch", "witch" and "fret"

When Vesta got married, she was called a witch. The witch of the ancient Slavs is a leading wife. If the leading wife gave birth and raised sixteen children in the tradition, she became the leading mother. The leading mother of our ancestors was called a witch. The witch was not a witch for the ancient Slavs, as is commonly believed in our time. The witch was a woman especially revered in the family. The word itself speaks for itself.

At all, in Russia the word "woman" was not used, instead of it they said "fret". And in the initial letter this word is displayed as giving love. Of course, it is unfortunate that ancient traditions are lost. Time runs forward inexorably. Everything is changing. But memory must remain. And each of the living must preserve and pass on to their children grains of this great memory of their ancestors.


Watch the video: I'm Not A Witch I'm Your Wife (July 2024).