How to properly preserve flower bulbs and rhizomes until spring at home. Preparing planting material for storage, creating suitable conditions


In late autumn, gardeners are faced with the question of how to preserve until spring bulbs and rhizomes of their favorite flowers that can not tolerate frost. Often in winter, planting material dries up or disappears due to illnesses, but it is possible to cope with it.

How to select bulbs and rhizomes of flowers for storage until spring: general information

Bulbs and rhizomes of flowers are dug up on a fine day, after which they are allowed to dry and cleaned from the ground. Planting material is carefully inspected and discarded damaged or damaged bulbs. If there are children, then they are separated from the mother plant and stored separately.

Before laying for storage, all bulbs and rhizomes of flowers are disinfected, the roots and stem are cut so that moisture does not evaporate.

For disinfection use chemicals or potassium permanganate. The bulbs are soaked for 30 minutes in a disinfecting solution, after which they are thoroughly dried in a ventilated room. Ready-made bulbs are stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Advice! In winter, regularly check the condition of the bulbs, remove those that have begun to deteriorate.

How to save tulip and daffodil bulbs in winter

As a rule, tulip and daffodil bulbs are not stored in winter; in late autumn, plants are planted in the ground, where they successfully winter. But there are situations when the bulbs need to be kept at home until spring, for example, planting material was purchased late or did not have time to plant, or prepared for distillation.

The storage area should be dry, dark, well ventilated. The temperature in the room should not rise above + 5 ° C, otherwise the bulbs will begin to wake up. Tulips and daffodils winter well in the basement.

To prevent the bulbs from drying out, you need to maintain optimal humidity around them. For long-term storage, flower bulbs are placed in a cardboard box in one or two layers, well sprinkled with wet sawdust.

Important! You can store flower bulbs until spring on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Strong plants grow from such planting material.

What you need to know about winter storage of gladioli: how to create suitable conditions for bulbs

They dig up gladioli in late autumn, when the air temperature drops to + 10 ° C. By this time, the bulbs will replenish nutrient reserves.

Gladioli are very often affected by thrips, so they must be disinfected in hot water before being stored.

After which the planting material is dried at a temperature of + 25 ... 35 ° C for three weeks. For long-term storage, choose a room where the temperature does not rise above + 3 ... 7 ° C, and humidity is kept at 70%.

Bulbs are packed in paper bags and put away on a glazed balcony, in the refrigerator or basement.

Often in an apartment it is difficult to create suitable conditions for the storage of gladioli, bulbs sprout in January - February.

In this case, you need to pull the bulbs out of the bags so that moisture does not form, otherwise they will begin to grow even faster. Then store the planting material in a dry but dark place. Before planting, all sprouts that are above 10 cm are removed.

When to dig out lily bulbs and how to preserve flowers until spring

Lilies can winter in the earth, but they will not suffer severe frosts. If the plants are grown in harsh climates, it is best to dig them up and put them in storage until spring.

They dig out lilies during the first frosts, pickle the bulbs well and dry them in a cold, dark room for a week.

If the plants are dried in heat, mold appears. Suitable temperature for drying the bulbs is + 15 ° C.

Bulbs are stored in cardboard boxes with holes for breathing. An important condition during storage so that the planting material does not touch each other. Bulbs sprinkled with vermiculite or dry sawdust, sand.

For long-term storage, boxes with lilies are cleaned in a dark storage, where the temperature does not rise above + 2 ° С. Every 10 - 15 days, lilies are inspected, if necessary, moisten the substrate from the spray. If this is not done, then the bulbs may dry out.

How to dig dahlia rhizomes and keep them until spring so that they do not dry out

It is not worth rushing to dig a dahlia, the better the rhizome ripens, the longer it is stored. After cleansing from the ground, the rhizomes are kept in a cool and humid room for a week, so that the top layer of the skin is sampled. This is what allows dahlias not to lose moisture and is well stored until spring.

For further maintenance, the dahlia stalks are cut at a level of 3-4 cm, the tubers are placed in a wooden box with holes and sprinkled with sawdust or sand.

The optimum temperature for winter storage of tubers is + 5 ... 7 ° С. But even in such conditions, dahlias can dry out so that this does not happen, listen to the advice of experienced gardeners. They recommend dipping each tuber into melted paraffin or clay mash. Then continue storage in the coldest place.

Winter storage of crocus bulbs

Crocus bulbs, as a rule, are planted in the garden in the winter. But if time is lost, then it is possible to save plants until spring at home.

To do this, the bulbs are cleaned of roots and leaves, disinfected and placed in paper bags. Store planting material at a temperature of + 5 ° C.

Sometimes it is difficult to create the necessary conditions for storing bulbs at home, if they began to germinate, it is better to plant them in pots. Such bulbs bloom after 14 weeks. In the spring they are transferred to the garden.

Everything is clearly shown in the following video:

Proper storage of bulbs and rhizomes of flowers makes it possible to enjoy lush buds in the next season. Do not neglect the advice of gardeners, be sure to process the planting material before laying it for long-term storage in order to avoid diseases and pests.


Watch the video: How to Store Caladium TubersBulbs for Winter Care (July 2024).