Retribution for practicing magic: is witchcraft a sin, the real consequences of magic and ways to avoid them


Magic is one of the ways to get help in a difficult life situation, when a person tried all possible methods of solving a problem, but none of the traditional methods turned out to be effective.

In a hopeless situation, even inveterate skeptics think about how to turn to a professional magician for help. But deciding to do this is difficult for many. After all, the question arises whether magic is witchcraft?

Sin and its perception

It is noteworthy that such a person can sin in his daily life every day, and not even remember when he last visited church or confessed. When it comes to consciously turning to magic, painful doubts begin to torment him.

But little is surprising here. The fact is that the perception of the unlawful and sinful is formed through the attitude to one's own deeds, words, thoughts.

This attitude is assimilated through social influence.

For example, back in the 19th century, child labor was practiced with might and main in factories and mines in Europe. Now the exploitation of children is illegal. And at the dawn of the history of mankind, robberies and robbery were quite acceptable. If for individual groups of people such crimes were unhappiness, then at the level of society such acts were not condemned.

This does not mean that it is necessary to use child labor, to rob and kill. But many bad things, which are taken for granted, exist in the present world. For example, a person is not tormented by torment of conscience at night due to the fact that he did not take the old woman across the road or because of the long delivery of pizza called the courier an obscene word.

To be honest, many people do not so rarely resort to what is called a "deal with conscience."

But allowing themselves to commit "petty" sins in everyday life, people seriously think about whether an appeal to magicians will fall on their souls as a grave sin.

In addition, at all times the church was extremely negative towards sorcerers.

Despite this attitude, most magicians do not advocate against the Christian church to the same extent that it is against them.

They have nothing against God and the church.

It is useful to recall the words of Christ that "whoever is not against you is for you."

Magic is not a sin, but a tool

Mages and shamans often perform actions that are aimed at freeing a person from evil influence, purifying him at the energy level, and ridding himself of life's troubles.

As for the church, it is interested in having complete control over the spiritual life of people, therefore its position can be fully understood.

Magic is a tool that was given to man by the Lord.

As such, it is not a sin. Witchcraft, on the other hand, is a special tool for transforming reality, which should be handled with extreme caution.

Karma and magic

The problem is that many are trying to get some benefits from fate "on credit" with this tool.

For example, a girl with a low level of spiritual development lives with an alcoholic man who drinks the entire salary and makes her unhappy. Wanting to find a way out of this situation, she starts an affair with another person whom she “does not deserve” at this stage of her life and makes a love spell on him. She is trying to get a loan from fate, not having her own resources in order to pay for it in the future.

Without fulfilling the karmic mistakes of her past, she spiritually cannot claim to be a more developed partner than her current alcoholic husband.

Which leads to the fact that in the end she has to pay "interest" on a loan of fate. Woe-witch lost health, work. She has difficulties of a personal plan, health problems, and relations with a charmed man are not built as she would like.
In this regard, magic can be compared to a sharp knife. Use it to prepare a delicious meal for dinner. And you can kill a living creature. If in the first case the result is pleasant, then in the latter it will be necessary to bear responsibility for their actions.

Retribution for misuse of magic: rollback

But the discrepancy between the spiritual level of a person and the benefits requested by him is not the only reason why magic classes can end badly.

Retribution can also come due to the mage making a number of mistakes.

If an inexperienced person resorts to magical ordinances, he runs the risk of becoming a target of the return blow of the ritual, which is called "kickback".

The rollback is manifested in a deterioration in well-being, problems in a certain sphere of life. Usually occurs in the following cases:

• From the person on whom the ritual was carried out, the influence of the magician was removed. For example, someone causes damage to another person, but he turns to the healer. After removing the damage, the sorcerer experiences at least three times the impact of his own rite.

• Improper performance of the ritual. In this case, the consequences can be unpredictable. For example, a magician incorrectly conducts a ceremony to cool down a girl, and because of his mistakes it turns out that feelings fade away not from her, but from her partner.

• Strong protection at the target. Here the consequences are similar to the neutralization of the rite by the healer - the protection does not allow the magic to act properly, and the effect will return to its performer.

How to protect yourself from rollback

Consider a few mandatory points, the observance of which helps prevent the negative consequences of witchcraft.

1. PeA diagnostic procedure should be carried out before any ceremony. This can be done with the help of runes, tarot cards, village eggs, wax, coffee grounds.
2. Each witchcraft ritual must be completed. Having performed the ceremony once, one should not return to it. For example, a woman makes a call to a chosen one to receive a phone call or letter from him. If she will constantly check the mail, or for the sake of faithfulness to fake the ceremony again - this will only provoke a possible rollback.
3. Conspiracy words should be sealed with closing phrases. Usually, words like “are used for this:” until the sun falls into the sea, ““ until the ridge of a girl blooms ”,“ the key is under the threshold in the Kingdom of God, and the castle is in the sea-ocean, ”etc.
4. A practicing magician must have protection from witchcraft. Firstly, it must be internally clean from any negative, because otherwise negative energy will be attracted to it according to the law of similarity, like a magnet. Secondly, the magician must have protection from witchcraft exposure.

Considering the possible consequences of magic, it is more reasonable to pay attention not to the abstract commission of sin and the violation of church canons, but to those consequences that may come for a magician already during his earthly existence. Magic is an effective tool for transforming reality. To use it for good or evil, everyone decides for himself. But making this decision, you should avoid overestimating your abilities and underestimating the possible risks.


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