Snowman - who and when invented it, why our ancestors were afraid of him. Why does a snowman have a carrot instead of a nose?


Sculpting a snow man is a favorite winter fun not only for children but also for adults.
But not everyone knows where this tradition came from - to put three snowballs on top of each other, stick branches instead of hands, and carrots instead of noses.

So what is the story of a snowman?

There is a version that the snowman was “born” back in the 15th century, and, strangely enough, sunny Italy became the place of his “birth”!

Michelangelo Buonarroti is most often considered the "father" of a snowman.

According to another theory, the first snowman came up with St. Francis of Assisi. But it is also possible that this snow sculpture appeared even earlier - in the XIV century, and its "homeland" is Russia. Evidence of this is the illustration from the Book of Hours, which depicts people rolling snow into large clods.
According to Russian mythology, the Snowman is the son of Santa Claus and the Snow Blizzard-Metelitsa.

What is a snowman for a modern person?

Good snow fat man, the hero of children's cartoons and fairy tales. But this character was not always on the good side. Once upon a time, winter was the harshest time of the year that had to be endured steadily. And by the way, not everyone succeeded.

The snowman was considered the evil personification of a harsh winter, so they sculpted him in the image of a terrible monster.

There were signs associated with the snowman: it was impossible to look at him through the windows, sculpt a snowman on the full moon, and meeting a snowman on the street was not good.

In fear of snowmen, people lived right up to the 19th century. Only then, gradually, from a terrible personification of a hostile winter, the snowman turned into a cute symbol of the New Year and Christmas.


The well-known image of a snowman is also not accidental.

So, for example, the bucket that serves him as a hat symbolizes financial well-being; carrots replacing the nose - a symbol of prosperity and fertility in the coming year; a broom in hand branches is designed to bring spring closer.

A funny face with a smile drives away sorrows and grievances.

The snow woman, a snowman’s girlfriend, was still decorated with beads, which serve as a charm from evil spirits.

As you can see, a snowman is not just a snow sculpture, it is a character with a rich history. And by the way, he has his own holiday: January 18 is World Snowman Day!


Watch the video: Osmosis Jones (July 2024).