How to make money with your long and luxurious hair


Take your time to cut your hair. First, read my article on how to make money with my long and luxurious hair. I tried to describe my observations and personal experience in detail.

I sold a braid for a good price

When I was in transition, I wanted to become an adult faster. I went to the hairdresser and cut my hair short.

The hairdresser turned out to be a decent person, she carefully wrapped the cut hair and gave it to me.

Once my mother called and said that she had sold my baby braid. And more than twenty years have passed!

I put the money on deposit in a bank, then there was a good percentage. Then I spent it.

I write and sell articles about hair care and hairstyles

After an unexpected profit, my daughter and I fired up the initiative to grow hair.

I studied effective folk recipes: washed my hair with milk serum and egg yolks, made honey masks. And the daughter bought herself modern sprays and foams.

I had to learn to care for long hair, do hairstyles and weave braids. We can say that over time I became the owner of not only long and beautiful hair, but also an expert in this field.

Somehow, a friend advised me to register on the copyright exchange, where they write articles and get paid for it. So where do I start here?

Fortunately, I came across a task about masks for scalp and hair. Then I wrote articles about hair for a long time and even translated from English on this subject.

I beat competitors for the position

Soon I found an advertisement for a job with a good salary in a serious company. First, I put myself in order in a beauty salon, where I was curled with full-length curls. With a beautiful hairstyle, I went for an interview.

Lucky, they accepted me.

But one employee joked at me: "If a girl has long hair, then her mind is short!"

After these words, I still did not do a short haircut to please someone else's opinion.

I thought this way: "Out of several applicants, the leader chose me, and an unfriendly employee called me a girl in my years, so I do everything right."

In this office, I was the only one with such a hairstyle and constantly received compliments.

Become a model

My daughter in the class had the opposite situation. All her girlfriends for graduation have grown braids. She wanted to stand out somehow. She persuaded me to go with her to a beauty salon and help discuss a fashionable haircut.

Not a single master raised a hand on such gorgeous hair.

We agreed only to trim a couple of centimeters. And the head invited the girl as a model. She made several free hairstyle options and photographed her.

My daughter had a great time and received a free cosmetic procedure, which she had been planning for a long time. But in the salons of large cities, models with good long hair also receive a salary.

You can become an actress

My young niece has hair below the waist. She worked part time in the center, where future masters learn to make complex hairstyles from long curls. And in the summer she managed to work on television in extras. I took a screenshot of the screen during the broadcast.

In the same row with her sat only girls with long flowing hair.

Later, I watched with her participation two episodes in the detective "Trace". A particularly ideally young actress looked like a panel in the plot based on Gogol.

I think that she was invited due to her beautiful appearance with natural luxurious hair.

I'd like to cut my hair

No matter how I tried to persuade my daughter to go to Moscow and enter the theater, she did not agree, although she has the skills to work on stage.

The stubborn woman made an independent decision: to make a very short haircut and study at a serious university.

You may ask, what is the relationship between science and hair length? Probably to spend less time washing, drying and styling.

I offered my daughter to shorten her hair slightly, since the length of 15 centimeters can be sold to the master directly in the salon. Jewelry and inserts for solemn hairstyles are made of this hair.

Sometimes a hairdresser gets a double benefit from a client: payment for a haircut and high-quality material for crafts.

But my daughter has already found on the Internet the address of a company that buys hair from 50 centimeters. The conditions were sent to her by e-mail:

  • Two weeks you can not use a hairdryer and a curling iron.
  • Hair should be clean.

We chose the day, found the address on the city map and drove off. It turned out to be a small boutique, and the cosmetics saleswoman combined the positions of a hairdresser and a company intermediary.

Advice for the future. Do not send the cut braid by mail, but find an agency. It can be a small room at a beauty salon or a store.

How hair was rated

The employee measured the length, photographed a general view and the ends of her loose hair. The photo was sent to the evaluator. She wrote in a comment that the hair is silky, unpainted, the tips are healthy, and the length is 60 centimeters. A few minutes later the answer came, where the price was indicated.

We should have a free haircut and give money for cut hair. But I saw that the hairdresser's workplace was dirty, the comb was especially terrible.

I had to quarrel with my daughter, but she did a haircut in a decent salon. The hair was previously pulled by two elastic bands and a neat cut was made between them.

Then we again went to the same intermediary. The employee re-photographed, measured the length and weighed the already cut hair. This time the appraiser lowered the price.

Five minutes later, my beauty received her earned money on a card. On them she bought herself a summer dress, inexpensive sneakers and jeans.

The cost of long hair

I still do not dare to cut my hair, let them still grow up. Let's roughly calculate my future benefit by multiplying the cost of a haircut by the likely number of visits to the master.

The formula for calculating the savings is simple:

500 rubles × 5 years × 10 haircuts per year = 25 000 rubles.

It turns out that I will save this amount, plus I’ll get a fee for the sale. I found out that the cost of hair depends on different quality criteria. So you can get more money than me.

Which hair is valued higher:

  • Unpainted.
  • Bright.
  • With healthy tips.
  • One length.
  • Without gray hair.
  • Direct.
  • Soft and silky.

I heard a story that one girl sold very long and thick hair for as much as a hundred thousand. I wish everyone such a deal!

Choose for yourself how you want to earn on your long hair: test care products and collect information, work as a model in a beauty salon, perform in the theater and act in films, or can simply grow and sell.


Watch the video: How to Make Money From Your Phone. Luxury Hair Care (July 2024).