How women of different zodiac signs take revenge


It's no secret that women are much more sensitive, vulnerable and more touchy than men. They perceive much more sharply everything that happens to them, and literally everything passes through themselves. For this reason, women are much more difficult to experience breaks, conflicts with relatives and loved ones, family dramas, betrayals, etc. Many women are extraordinarily vindictive and vengeful. If some of them are able to understand and forgive the offender, then others are ready to declare a large-scale war on him.

So, representatives of which zodiac signs should not be brought to a nervous breakdown or emotional shock?


Cute Aries have a rather soft character and are very patient, able to take the place of another person and look at the situation on his part. They are friendly, gentle and generous. If someone close, dear or loved ones pains Aries, betrays his trust and hope, then Aries will not take revenge on him.

Aries woman is likely to lock herself in her room, give vent to emotions, cry and, having calmed down, will continue to live.

She is ready to give the offender one more chance, to justify his action and forget about the word "revenge".


Taurus, in comparison with Aries, has a more explosive, heavy character and iron will. In addition, they have a very developed sense of justice from early childhood. Therefore, if a female Taurus is faced with injustice in relation to herself, she will not be silent, but will act.

Taurus is of the opinion that the answer should be the same as he was.

This means that if the Taurus, for example, is faced with male infidelity, then it will avenge accordingly - it will find a mind-blowing lover, and with a calm soul will change.


Twins are extremely vulnerable and touchy creatures. They are given to relationships with their whole being, so any resentment inflicted by a loved one can lead to collapse, the collapse of relations.

Gemini - women will not forgive insult, they will not let anyone in to them anymore.

They will try to hurt the living, find the most vulnerable places of the offender and unexpectedly deliver a decisive blow. They know how to think through their revenge to the smallest detail, do not calm down until they realize that their plan has been successfully implemented.


No one should offend Cancer, because Cancer will remind resentment, even after several decades. A cancer woman will not hire a killer to get even with the offender. But she will definitely ruin his life, turn it into hell, try to deprive the offender of peace and balance.

Cancer does not disappear from the life of the offender immediately after it strikes.

Cancer for some time will pretend that everything is in order and quietly prepare a “pit” for the traitor.


One of the most dangerous and borderless cruel avengers are proud, narcissistic lionesses.

These women will stop at nothing to destroy the offender, turn him to ashes, bring him to hysteria, and rob him of the most valuable and expensive.

Lionesses are cold-blooded avengers. They will not act behind the offender, but will destroy his life in his own eyes and do it with a smile. If someone dares, for example, to set up a female lion at work, she will do everything so that the offender loses his job and at the same time try to make this happen with shame and public humiliation.


According to astrologers, virgins do not know how to take revenge. They are too good-natured, gullible to answer evil to evil.

The virgins firmly believe that fate itself will sooner or later avenge them, that the boomerang law will put everything in its place.

All that a virgin can do is to express in the face of the offender everything that she thinks about him and experiences, and then disappear from his life forever.


Women - scales belong to those people for whom revenge brings only good. This means that they will not cause evil, pain to the offender, ruin his life, but in spite of him he can do a lot of useful things for themselves.

Revenge is the inspiration for Libra.

For example, if some fearless lady dared to attract the attention of someone whom the scales want to see next to them, then soon they will find a boyfriend even better, more beautiful, richer than the former object of love. The best revenge is the envy of the offender.

Libra will do everything to make the offender envy them and feel like a flawed loser.


Women - Scorpions - the most bitchy creatures. Offending or offending them is not so easy. But, if this nevertheless happened, then no mercy should be expected.

Scorpio will bite hard, poison and poison it.

It is important to inflict maximum painful blows on the psyche. The psyche and the abnormal state of the offender are the main targets.

A woman - a scorpion wants to see how the enemy suffers and suffers. Only then will she be calm.


Sagittarius-ladies are not preoccupied with revenge, but if they are taking revenge, then, according to their statements, it must be done spectacularly and beautifully, so that the audience rejoiced, applauded and admired the character of the archers, their ability to stand up for themselves, and the offender was humiliated and insulted.

Sagittarius is very vindictive.

They may not be limited to one revenge, but again and again bring the enemy, do him dirty tricks, even after many years.


The most thoughtful, ingenious and malicious can be called the revenge of women - Capricorn. They can plan everything for months, taking into account the smallest details, considering the consequences.

From a woman - Capricorn, one should expect a large-scale blow in the back, a loud explosion at the most important, crucial moment.

They will monitor the life of the offender, diligently write down their observations in a notebook and prepare a list of atrocities. Therefore, astrologers do not advise anyone to anger and offend astrologers.


Aquarians are not at all vengeful creatures. They are not capable of treacherous, cunning plans of revenge. It is extremely difficult to bring women Aquarius to their desire to take revenge.

Aquarius, as a rule, takes revenge on himself without suspecting it.

The offender cannot remain indifferent to the moral stamina of a woman - Aquarius, her equanimity, strong spirit. After all, Aquarius is psychologically very stable.


Only those whom she sincerely loves can hurt fish.

Pisces will not spend time or energy on other people.

The ladies - representatives of this sign - are real schemers. Gossip, rumors, damage to reputation - their favorite ways of revenge. Pisces are also masters in finding sore spots and destroying the enemy through pressure on them. Therefore, hostility with fish is not recommended.

Psychologists agree on the opinion that revenge is a real poison for the human psyche. She, first of all, destroys and poisons the offended. Therefore, it will be much easier and better to try to let go of resentment and live on.


Watch the video: Revenge of the signs How each zodiac sign takes revenge ? (June 2024).