Enchanted Ornament - Powerful Amulet from Evil Magic


Family troubles, health problems, minor household difficulties ... Sometimes it seems that we are simply unlucky. Today, many of us are exposed to magic: a love spell, spoiling, evil eye - all this negatively affects our lives. You can protect yourself and your family with the help of an amulet. To do this, choose any silver jewelry and speak it.

The priceless help of silver

Jewelry made of this metal is widely used to protect against magical effects. Silver can easily make an effective amulet that can withstand strong energy shocks. That is, the decoration takes on all the negativity and dirt sent to the owner.

Professional magicians advise: when you are preparing for an unpleasant meeting, then bring along any silver gizmo.

The product can be worn or put in the left pocket. This will allow the amulet to supplement the energy of the heart. This creates a powerful defense against negative messages.

Another advantage of silver is that it is easy to charge with positive energy.

This can be done in the morning: when you put on jewelry, just think about something pleasant. So you will feel the protection from evil magic throughout the day.

Silver jewelry also transfers its energy to the wearer. For example, products in the form of animals or birds can awaken in a person the qualities of a depicted living creature.

Such amulets protect not only from the evil eye, they create powerful protection for the whole body, since they have the ability to compensate for the energy that a person lacks.

It is well known that diseases develop on the basis of stress and energy deficiency. Silver removes negative messages, purifies them and redistributes this energy throughout the body in the right amount.

Therefore, it is recommended that you always carry a charmed white metal amulet with you.

Which amulet to choose?

Any silver jewelry is suitable for the plot, be it a brooch, ring, bracelet or chain with a pendant. The main thing is to constantly wear the amulet, do not remove it throughout the day.

They make such a talisman for themselves or someone close.

The amulet can also be worn on children, if you are afraid for their safety in a certain social circle.

The decoration will protect against bad wishes for the child, the evil eye and even damage.

How is the plot made?

You need to prepare for the ritual in advance.

3 days before the plot, give up alcohol and fasting.

Every morning, start with a prayer.
The ritual is held in the evening, on the rising moon.

Solitude in the room, no one should distract you. There should also be no pets in the room.

Think about the purpose of the ritual, about the properties that the amulet should give higher powers after the conspiracy.

Light two candles, and in the middle put a silver jewelry and say the following words:

"Higher powers of heaven, always be near your son or daughter (name). Illuminate his / her path, protect from knife and gun, protect from fire. Incinerate with lightning all envious, ill-wishers and enemies. So be it!".

After extinguish the candles. At the end of the ceremony, the amulet can be put on immediately.


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